"How about me?" At this time, Shi Ningxue, who had never spoken, stood up with a gentle smile on his mouth, looked at the nine families and said, "I think I can also help you."

"If Miss Shi is willing, it would be best!" Seeing Shi Ningxue standing up, the owner of the Zhao family flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes and said with a smile.

Hearing what Zhao's family leader said, Shi Ningxue smiled and nodded, stood beside Zhao's family leader, looked at Lin Feng below and said:

"This array was arranged by the nine families. I think the nine families should all know some characteristics of this array. Are we directly attacking Lin Feng now?" Shi Ningxue turned her head and looked at the owner of the Zhao family. Her beautiful eyes moved and asked.


Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, all the nine families were silent.

"I said Shi Ningxue, you'd better not join in the fun. Do you know why they can't answer you? Because half of this array is purely natural, and I use that half, so they can't crack it at all. "

Lin Feng raised his head, joking in his words, looked at Shi Ningxue and said.

This woman is a troublemaker at first sight. If you can solve this woman first, it's best.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin is afraid that I can break your array, so let me back down now." Shi Ningxue's eye waves were flowing, and the banter in her eyes became more and more deep. She looked at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Lin Feng just smiled and shook his head, sighed and said, "all I said is the truth. If Miss Shi Ningxue doesn't believe it, she can't blame me."

With that, Lin Feng's body flew directly. Shi Ningxue was stunned when she saw that Lin Feng really came towards her. Instead, the corners of his mouth slightly lifted up, revealing a faint smile. He held a pink umbrella in his hand, and the umbrella tip directly attacked Lin Feng.

Feeling Shi Ningxue's attack, Lin Feng snorted coldly and stood there. Shi Ningxue's attack passed by Lin Feng, as if it overlapped with Lin Feng, but it didn't hurt Lin Feng at all.

Seeing this scene, Shi Ningxue's eyes immediately changed. She quickly stepped back and stared at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's eyes were a bit joking. Looking at Shi Ningxue, he smiled embarrassed and said, "it seems that Miss Shi is still a little different from what I imagined."

Then Lin Feng sighed. Shi Ningxue was still hesitating about why Lin Feng sighed. The next moment, she felt something stabbing directly from her back.

Shi Ningxue was so frightened that his whole body quickly shifted to one side. Fengtong sword directly cut off a wisp of green silk of Shi Ningxue. The sword body rotated and stabbed Shi Ningxue again.

Shi Ningxue's umbrella is aligned with Lin Feng's Fengtong sword. Shi Ningxue suddenly feels that something seems to hold her wrist. Shi Ningxue turns her head. Lin Feng stands beside her and reveals his white teeth to her.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue's whole body trembled. He trembled for a while. His face was incredible. When did this guy appear behind him?

Lin Feng clasped Shi Ningxue's body with his fingers, and then gently dragged Shi Ningxue into the array. Before Shi Ningxue reacted, Lin Feng's body had disappeared.

"Lin Feng, you bastard!" Shi Ningxue's face was gloomy for a moment. She looked at Lin Feng and gnashed her teeth.

Hearing Shi Ningxue's angry voice, Lin Feng just shook his head with a smile and said, "Miss Shi, enjoy it."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ning was gnashing her teeth and stared at Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng just stood there with a smile, completely indifferent.

The power of thunder and lightning directly attacked Shi Ningxue. Shi Ningxue didn't have time to express her anger. The attack has been launched in front of Shi Ningxue!

"Lin Feng, you bastard!" Shi Ningxue's angry voice came from the array. The next moment, a purple and black lightning bolt directly cleaved towards Shi Ningxue. Shi Ningxue was frightened by the lightning bolt. She quickly retreated, raised her head and stared at Lin Feng, but saw Lin Feng standing there with a smile on her face.

Unable to see Lin Feng, Shi Ning Xuedun looked gloomy in her eyes.

The pink umbrella in his hand opened directly. The umbrella protected Shi Ningxue's whole body. Inadvertently, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Lin Feng.

"The little girl of the Shi family is not a good boss. She is young and has high accomplishments. Even among the talented disciples in the yanxuan continent, she has a place." Shu Gexin shook his head and said with a smile.

"So what?" Lin Feng smiled indifferently and looked at Shi Ningxue's figure, with a bit of indifference.

"Shall we leave now?" Yao Ziyi suddenly raised her head, looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"The good play hasn't come on yet. Let's wait." Lin Feng smiled and said, "don't worry, since everyone is here, let's sit down and talk."

Lin Feng's voice was very quiet, but because of the array blessing, all the people above could hear it. After hearing Lin Feng's words, the nine families and some scattered practitioners looked at each other one by one. They saw anger from each other's eyes and looked at Lin Feng one by one.

"First!" The Zhao family leader took the lead, and a group of people chose a point to attack the past directly.

"Pull me up first. I've studied the array of Kyushu city. I know how to crack it!"

Shi Ningxue raised her head and looked at the Zhao family owner and said loudly.

A group of people were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and then directed the attack towards the space where Shi Ningxue was. Seeing the appearance of these people, Lin Feng shook his head. Stupid, stupid, if Shi Ningxue could really crack this array, would he still stay here with the woman's ruthlessness?

"Hey, son of a bitch, neither master nor I have dealt with you. You let us down!" Wei Yunshu's voice sounded in the sky and said loudly, "also, don't forget the agreement before we came to Kyushu city!"

Wei Yunshu stood on it with her hands on her hips, stared at Lin Feng and said loudly.

"Ah, what a troublesome girl!" Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Lin Feng shook his head, waved his hand, directly appeared beside Wei Yunshu, clasped Wei Yunshu and Ying's mother-in-law's hand and gently pulled it.

"Catch this boy!" The master of the Zhao family shouted and attacked Lin Feng directly.

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