The head of Zhao family shook his head, several storage bags were directly placed in front of Lin Feng, and said, "boy, you count, these are the spiritual stones you need, and I have written down the rest. Don't worry, I'll parry and return the money to you according to the rules."

The Zhao family leader looked back at the Zhao old monster and saw the Zhao old monster nodding. The Zhao family leader handed the jade plate to Lin Feng and said, "we, the whole Zhao family disciples, swear now."

"Well, Zhao's master is wise. What about the other masters?" Lin Feng nodded with a smile and turned to look at the eight families behind him.

The rapid development of the Zhao family made the eight families behind some unclear. However, as the most powerful Zhao family, they compromised, and the other families were basically in a state that I was willing to.

Lin Feng greeted the families one by one. The choice method of these families was the same as that of the Zhao family. They paid part of the Lingshi, and the rest made an IOU.

"Tut Tut, what a heart." Lin Feng put away the jade plate, shook his head and said with a smile.

"You've gone too far!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi chuckled and said.

"No, no, this is also one of the means. If I didn't help them like this, how would they know that the road ahead is still long?" Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the nine family members who were going to leave stopped one by one and turned to look at Lin Feng with anger on their faces.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Lin Feng just smiled faintly and sat there with a calm face.

"Let's go." Zhao laoguai took a deep look at Lin Feng and seemed to want to print Lin Feng into his heart.

Lin Feng nodded to Zhao laoguai. Seeing Lin Feng's calm appearance, Zhao laoguai paused, turned and left directly.

"What shall we do next?" Yao Ziyi turned to look at Lin Feng. The nine families left like this. She can't guarantee that the nine families won't surround them outside. Therefore, seeing Lin Feng still sitting there with a smiling face, Yao Ziyi couldn't help frowning and asked.

"Don't worry, don't worry, you see, we haven't solved these guys well!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi raised her head and looked at the scattered practitioners. As soon as the nine families and four sects left, almost most of them left. These scattered practitioners are now basically standing behind Shi Ningxue.

"Isn't Miss Shi Ningxue familiar with the array here?" Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningxue and said, "Miss Shi Ningxue, are you ready to break the battle?"

"You are cruel!" Shi Ningxue gnashed his teeth, looked at Lin Feng and said, "you used that half natural array."

"Otherwise?" Lin Feng sent for inspection. Looking at Shi Ningxue, he said with a smile, "I Lin Feng still have some skills."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue looked a little complicated. He stood there and looked at Lin Feng. After hearing Lin Feng's words, he was speechless for a moment. This guy is really

Suddenly, Shi Ningxue's mouth picked up a bright smile, his steps quietly moved away, his skirt swayed slowly with the wind, his posture loomed, looked down at Lin Feng, smiled and said, "but I don't know how to hear you say that, I suddenly really like you!"

"Shameless!" Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Yao Ziyi snorted coldly, raised her head and took a look. After seeing Shi Ningxue's big order, she looked stunned, turned her head down, stood up and said:

"Shi Ningxue, you've gone too far!"

"Hee hee, what a shy little girl! No wonder I've been bullied by Xingyun Holy Land! "

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Yao Ziyi suddenly raised her head, pointed to Shi Ningxue and said, "you!"

"Nothing!" Lin Feng gently took Yao Ziyi's hand. Yao Ziyi looked down at Lin Feng. After seeing the smile in Lin Feng's eyes, Yao Ziyi pursed her mouth and nodded, and then stepped back.

"Shi Ningxue, either, according to the nine families, I know your cloud building makes a lot of money. Therefore, if you want to support people, I believe you can take out 500 million top-grade spirit stones in one breath. Just one oath and one spirit stone. Now that the nine families are gone, I think they will not give up, so I'm ready to go, You are a beautiful girl, trapped with these people... "

Lin Feng turned around and looked at these scattered repairs. The accomplishments of these scattered repairs were not low. However, the costumes looked very strange, especially some of them had special characteristics.

Lin Feng sighed twice.

"Lin Feng, dare you!" Shi Ningxue raised her eyebrows and pointed to Lin Feng. Her eyes were gloomy and said, "don't you believe I killed you?"

"You can't kill me!" Lin Feng raised his head, looked at Shi Ningxue and said with a smile, "Miss Shi, I said earlier, don't provoke me. Although I like beautiful women very much, I'm not sensitive to those beautiful women who take the initiative to come to the door, especially Miss Shi. So put away your careful thinking. There are still little beautiful women around me!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue's face changed from blue to purple and from purple to white. He stood there, gnashing his teeth and looking at Lin Feng, hoping to devour Lin Feng alive.

Seeing Shi Ningxue's appearance, Lin Feng slowly played with Feng Tong sword in his hand, shook his head and said, "Miss Shi, if you want to think clearly, I'm not such a person with time!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue stood there, his face smelling more and more. Finally, Shi Ningxue raised his head, looked at Lin Feng and said, "OK, I listen to you!"

"Miss Shi!"

"No, Miss Shi, this boy is clearly a wolf's ambition. Miss Shi, don't be like this!"

"Yes, yes, Miss Shi, your array attainments are only under mother-in-law Ying. As long as we devote ourselves to it, we will be able to crack this array. Miss Shi, don't leave us!"

As soon as they heard Shi Ningxue's words, all the scattered repairs looked at Shi Ningxue, looked pitiful and said loudly.

"Yes, Miss Shi, we are willing to pay the price. If you ask, Miss Shi, everything is easy to say and everything is easy to say."

All these scattered repairs were surrounded by Shi Ningxue. Looking at Shi Ningxue, he said loudly.

"You saw it, too. What do you think?" Shi Ningxue looked down at Lin Feng with a bit of pride on her face.

"What do I see? Whether you want to surrender or confront me with this group of casual practitioners depends on your own." Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningxue with a smile and said, "so, do it yourself."

"Boy, I'll go!"

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