"Moreover, even if I know where she is, I won't tell you, so you accept your mind." Shi Ningxue sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said, with some contempt in her eyes, saying:

"A man who can't even protect his own woman, what right does he have to ask others where his own woman is?"

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Lin Feng just smiled and said, "the umbrella is here. If you can't find Shi Ningxue, I won't give you the umbrella. Look at it yourself. I won't see Yao Ziyi within three months, and you will never see your umbrella."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue sneered and said, "can't I cancel the contract with the umbrella directly? Do you think I'm really so stupid? "

"Miss Shi Ningxue thinks I'm stupid. It's the first time I've heard that the companion can be cancelled." With Lin Feng's hands, the small umbrella entered Lin Feng's fixed sea god pearl. Lin Feng spread his hands, and the smile on his face became more and more rogue.

Seeing Lin Feng's action, she felt that she had lost contact with the small umbrella. Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng with gnashing teeth again, with anger in her eyes.

"Old man Huang is coming!" Qin Yan whispered to Lin Feng, frowning slightly, "let's go first."

"Well, Miss Shi Ningxue, think about it. I want to see Yao Ziyi as soon as possible. If I can't see Yao Ziyi, your things will change hands." With that, Lin Feng jumped out of the window directly. It was clear that there were prohibitions outside, but Lin Feng flew out directly as if these prohibitions did not exist.

Unable to see Lin Feng's action, Shi Ningxue stood there gnashing her teeth and watching Lin Feng break through the many prohibitions. The whole Muyun building was disabled in an instant.

This Lin Feng is clearly provoking!

Shi Ningxue stood there gnashing her teeth and looked at Lin Feng's back. Her fists were tightly clenched together. The killing intention in her eyes almost became the essence, but Lin Feng had disappeared at the door.

"Asshole!" Shi Ningxue stamped her feet, looked at Lin Feng's back, snorted coldly and said, "I tell you, Yao Ziyi has arrived at the place where the bones are buried, and I don't have any way. If you have seed, it's best to take Yao Ziyi out of the place where the bones are buried!"

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Lin Feng's footsteps paused, and his face became gloomy after hearing Shi Ningxue's words.

This woman is so cruel!

During this time in the yanxuan continent, Lin Feng was clear about some special places in the yanxuan continent. This bone burial place is the largest chaotic place in the yanxuan continent. There is an unwritten rule that the bone burial place is a gathering place of male society, and the women in the bone burial place have no status to speak of.

Because of this, the place where bones are buried has another name, paradise lost, which can be said to be a paradise for men.

"Shi Ningxue is a vicious woman!" Qianqian said fiercely, spat fiercely, and didn't look back.

"Well, let's go and get Ziyi back as soon as possible. Most people can't go there." Qin Yanran also frowned, took Lin Feng's hand and said softly, "Ziyi has done so much for me, and I can see that Ziyi has feelings for you. We can't ignore Ziyi's danger."

"Don't worry, I know, and I also believe she can break out of her own world. Now our thing is to get old Huang and Deng Jiajia done quickly, and then rush to the place where the bones are buried."

Lin Feng nodded, his eyes were serious, and his words were a little solemn.

"Shi Ningxue, what about the woman?" Qian Qian frowned and asked.

"This woman's cultivation is very high, and there are many experts around her. Let's go and fight resolutely. It's not a good thing for Baiyu gate. Our top priority now is to save Ziyi."

Lin Feng frowned, lost his hands behind him, and gently tapped his back with his fingers. The real Qi of his whole body condensed when talking. A real murderous spirit lingered around Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng's words were simple, the murderous spirit was very obvious.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the second daughter nodded and looked at the front. She was also a little more serious.

"Boy, stop!" At this time, old man Huang stopped Lin Feng's way, blew his beard and stared at Lin Feng, with a slight burden on his back. Behind old man Huang, Deng Jiajia was followed by Deng Jiajia on his face and legs. Deng Jiajia's luck was a little too bad. In the blink of an eye, a lot of spirit stones were sent out.

When Deng Jiajia saw Lin Feng, she had a flash of regret in her eyes and lowered her head.

Although the boss gave a discount, Deng Jiajia knew that he had lost a lot of Lingshi this time. Seeing the master's appearance, Deng Jiajia knew that he must be scolded again.

However, old man Huang didn't scold him first, but directly found Lin Feng. Deng Jiajia looked up at Lin Feng. After seeing the smile in the corner of his eyes, Deng Jiajia bowed his head and thought in his heart. How did he feel that Lin Feng's smile was very familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere.

"Boy, be honest. Did you cheat our little apprentice? Did you take him to the gambling shop? Did you go too far?" Old man Huang stared at Lin Feng with round eyes and said, "can you afford me like this?"

"Why should I be worthy of you?" Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at old man Huang and said with a smile, "or do you think I bullied you? It's always your wish to enter the gambling house. If your apprentice doesn't want to go in by himself, do you think I can take him in? "

Lin Feng smiled, patted old man Huang on the shoulder and said, "I said you are an old man, so don't blow your beard and stare every day. It's bad for your health!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang gave a groan, looked at Lin Feng, turned and walked towards the wine shop on one side. Lin Feng followed old man Huang slowly. Qian Qian and Qin Yanran looked at each other, and the second daughter followed.

"Is that ok?" Qin Yanran's words were a little anxious. She looked at Lin Feng and asked softly.

"Don't worry, your husband makes a move, one top two!" Lin Feng smiled and said to Qin Yanran.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yang Tiezheng turned his eyes, but a gentle smile came up at the corners of his mouth and snuggled up in Lin Feng's arms, looking a little happy.

Old man Huang looked back at Lin Feng and snorted.

"Ah, I finally know. His eyes are the same as the little fox at the foot of our mountain!"

Deng Jiajia suddenly raised her head, said with a serious look on her face, then looked around and saw Lin Feng and old man Huang, who were about to enter the door, scratching the back of her head and quickly followed.

Why did they go ahead in the blink of an eye? Deng Jiajia looked puzzled.

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