Old man Huang, who was still indifferent, immediately brightened his eyes when he heard what Lin Feng said. He straightened up, rubbed his hands and said, "this feeling is good, the feeling is good, I am willing, I am willing, boy, I am willing, let's go now."

With that, old man Huang stood up directly with a smile on his face and said, "I have a way to enter the bone burial place."

As soon as he heard the spirit stone, old man Huang's whole person changed in an instant. Hehe smiled, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Master, be reserved." Deng Jiajia whispered that there was no choice in the words. It's not hard to hear a little contempt inside.

Hearing old man Huang's words, Lin Feng and Qin Yanran looked at each other, nodded and said, "in this case, it's not too late. Let's go there."

With that, Lin Feng offered Qianlong shuttle directly and flew at high altitude. Qianlong shuttle still went up a lot faster than Zibo shuttle. After all, Boqi is the main water and Qianlong is the main wind. For Qianlong, as long as there is wind, the means to play is very powerful.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng held the two women's waist and flew directly to Qianlong shuttle. Old man Huang and Deng Jiajia also took off.

"Master, where are Wen Ping and I?" Ouyangbai immediately came over, licked his face, looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"There are deserts over there, and there are few water sources. If you are a monster in the water, don't go over it. Wen Ping is at a critical moment now. It's reasonable to shut up well. Then we can go over."

Seeing ouyangbai's face ready to move, Lin Feng shook his head and said to ouyangbai.

"If you leave the elder martial sister, won't you go?" Ouyang Bai blinked, looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, looked at ouyangbai's eyes, and shook his head. The boy seemed to be interested in Ruolin, but Ruolin was not a girl who could take it down so easily.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng shook his head, but he still silently wished ouyangbai that he could win the girl he liked.

Lin Feng waved to ouyangbai and Wenping. Qianlong shuttle flew out of the window and left a top-grade spirit stone on the table. Lin Feng controlled Qianlong shuttle to go directly to the place where the bones were buried. Now the top priority is to bring Yao Ziyi back.

"Brother Lin, do you think Shi Ningxue will cheat us? Ziyi didn't go to the place where she buried her bones?" Qianqian stood beside Lin Feng, frowned and asked.

"If we didn't go to the bone burial place, we wouldn't have to worry about her at all, would we? And, you see, Ziyi's frost sword also points in that direction, so Ziyi should go in that direction. Let's just follow the frost sword. "

Lin Feng's voice was very low. He held the frost sword in his hand. The tip of the frost sword pointed directly at the place where the bones were buried. Lin Feng placed the frost place in the control center of Qianlong shuttle and asked the frost sword to take Qianlong shuttle to the designated place.

"Well, let's follow the frost sword. Since Shi Ningxue said so, I believe this woman will really do such a thing." Qin Yan nodded and whispered, "it's a pity that this woman is so cruel and cruel that she didn't kill her this time."

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Lin Feng just hugged Qin Yanran and said, "don't worry. Sooner or later, I will never allow people who threaten you to be dangerous, so you can rest assured."

Lin Feng's voice was serious. He hugged his second daughter and said softly, "only one Shi Ning snow. Even if it's ten Shi Ning snow, I won't let them hurt you at all."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two women smiled and nodded, snuggled up in Lin Feng's arms and said, "well, we all know."

Qin Yanran turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "how do you know that the small umbrella in Shi Ningxue's arms is her half life spirit device. The companion spirit device is very dangerous and needs to be worn at birth. Shi Ningxue must have the right means to pass that level."

"What I read in a book is a travel note a hundred years ago. It records a means of the Shi family, a big family hidden outside the world. According to the Shi family, there are very few disciples, but they all have spirit tools. It is said that when Shi Ningxue was born, there were twenty-one Shi Family disciples, and finally only Shi Ningxue survived."

Lin Feng paused and said softly.

"It's terrible!" Hearing what Lin Feng said, the two women shook their heads and couldn't bear it in their eyes.

Old man Huang came all the way, stood in front of Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng, smiled and said, "boy, this magic weapon is good. How about giving it to me? Anyway, you have a lot of good things, and a lot of this one. "

Old man Huang looked around curiously and said with a smile.

"This baby, is it very suitable to escape?" Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng looked at old man Huang and said with a smile.

"Yes!" Old man Huang nodded and turned to look at Lin Feng. Seeing the eyebrows raised by Lin Feng, old man Huang immediately stood up straight, looked at Lin Feng with a serious face and said, "boy, you don't say much. How can I be such a person? Boy, I just think this magic tool is good. If you give it to me, I'll decorate my thick earth gate. In this way, more disciples will be willing to join me! "

Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng shook his head, smiled and said, "how did you turn your apprentice? This boy is talented, but he is disabled in your hands. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang was silent. Looking at Deng Jiajia standing at the end of the shuttle, he looked curiously at Deng Jiajia below. After a while, he sighed and said, "why didn't I want to send her away, but look at this boy's stupid appearance. How can I send him away? What if he has good talent? He went to those fighting sects. With his simplicity and honesty, there is no residue left by those guys. "

Old man Huang, with a bit lonely in his eyes, stood aside and looked at Deng Jiajia, with the corners of his mouth and kindness on his face.

This is the first time Lin Feng has seen old man Huang show such an expression since he met old man Huang. Although the old man can't be adjusted, he is really interested in his only apprentice.

"Go to my Baiyu sect. My Baiyu sect is not like that. As long as we enter the Baiyu sect, we are all a big family. No one will pit him." Lin Feng smiled, looked at old man Huang and said, "he is still young. If he enters the Baiyu gate, he will be able to develop his ability. Maybe he can recover your thick earth gate when he goes back in the future."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with some doubt. Seeing the joke in Lin Feng's eyes, old man Huang turned his head and didn't speak again.

Qin Yanran and Qian Qian stood behind. Seeing Lin Feng's speechless face, they both chuckled and pointed to Deng Jiajia not far away, saying:

"It's better to persuade the old man than the boy. I see that the boy is very good."

"I want to be with my master." Deng Jiajia turned his head, looked at Lin Feng and said seriously, "if I leave, no one can take care of the master. The master needs to be taken care of."

Deng Jiajia was serious. After hearing Deng Jiajia's words, everyone was stunned. For a moment, they didn't know how to answer. Although the two teachers and disciples looked very disharmonious, their feelings were too sincere.

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