At the beginning of the next morning, Lin Feng had led people to stand outside the bone burial place.

Outside the bone burial place, countless caravans gathered here. These caravans stood outside the bone burial place with large and small materials, looking for monks who entered together.

"Zhao's caravan, 100000 top-grade Lingshi, find a cooperative Friar and ask for more than the fit period. Come on, come on!"

"Qin family caravan, looking for cooperation friars, requires more than the fit period, the price is easy to talk about, the price is easy to talk about!"

When Lin Feng and his party passed by, the voices of these friars were everywhere. Countless friars walked towards these teams and soon negotiated a sense of cooperation. These friars stood next to the caravan and waited for the caravan to set off.

When Lin Feng and his party passed by, countless caravans came together.

"How many of you are willing to go with our Jinling firm? We are willing to pay several hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones as a reward. How about some? " A thin man with a mole on his mouth walked up to Lin Feng, smiled and said, "I didn't talk about it. Our Jinling firm is definitely the best firm. We have a map to ensure that you won't get lost in the place of burying bones."

"No." Lin Feng waved his hand and said directly.

Old man Huang trembled and thought carefully. After Lin Feng didn't go, he all converged. He stood there and looked at Lin Feng with some sadness. How could this boy refuse? It's not easy to earn 100000 top-grade spirit stones, you know.

Thinking of this, old man Huang looked at Lin Feng with some sadness.

"Friar, think about it again. Our Jinling firm is definitely the largest firm in the bone burial place. On average, we have to send materials in every three months. Moreover, some people in power in our Jinling firm and the bone burial place are familiar with it. As long as you are willing, we can definitely give you a satisfactory price."

The thin man refused to let go, followed Lin Feng and said again.

Lin Feng stood still, looked at the man, smiled awkwardly and said, "sorry, we're in a hurry."

With that, Lin Feng walked directly to the front.

"Then follow us. All the disciples of Jinling firm have kung fu. Although their Kung Fu is not high, it is more than enough to deal with these people. Follow us. We are familiar with the path. Let's cooperate together, and you will reach the bone burial place in a faster time."

"Hey, boy, good persuasion, but don't think about it. You want me to be familiar with the place of burying bones, so I don't need you." Old man Huang raised his head and saw that Lin Feng seemed impatient. He waved his hand and quickly followed Lin Feng.

"Uncle, our Jinling firm is not short of money. Don't bargain with such guys. Let's make a price later. Some people are willing to take us in." Just then, a pretty girl's voice sounded behind, pulled the thin man and said:

"These people like to pretend that they can pretend. Can't we find anyone with so much money? Besides, look at this group of people, one by one crooked melons and split dates. It's not a good thing at first sight, especially the two women, who are so ugly, Kui, they're still interested in going out. "

Jin Susu looked at Qin Yanran and Qian Qian and said with a look of disgust.

Qian Qian and Qin Yanran turned back almost at the same time. They looked directly at the two people. They felt the cold eyes of Qian Qian and Qin Yanran. Jin Susu's neck shrank. However, they soon turned back and stared at Qian Qian and Qin Yanran, saying:

"Why, you're so ugly?"

"Go back and learn to nurture!" With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, a spiritual training directly wrapped Jin Susu's body. In turn, Lin Feng hugged her two daughters and directly entered the bone burial place.

"Su Su?" The thin man was startled by Lin Feng's attack and hurried to Jin Susu's side. The spirit training spread out in an instant. Jin Susu's whole body fell to the ground and his whole body was shaking.

"Uncle, uncle!" Kim Su Su's eyes glistened with tears, holding the thin man's hand and tearful, "uncle, you have to decide for me, this bastard, it's too much!"

"Come on, Su Su, you go home first!" The thin man frowned at the girl in front of him and said, "that's it."

"I'm going!" Kim Su Su looked at the people who went in, clenched her teeth and said, "uncle, I'm going."

"The girl's caravan followed." Deng Jiajia looked back, looked down at Lin Feng and said softly.

"Follow her. Let's just go straight ahead." Lin Feng said faintly. With old man Huang, he entered the place where he buried his bones.

The bone burial place is surrounded by the vast desert. The whole bone burial place is wrapped by wind and sand. As soon as Lin Feng approaches, the wind and sand in the bone burial place rushed towards the two people in an instant. As soon as he stepped in, all the people were stained with yellow sand.

"Poof!" Qianqian took the lead in wiping the yellow sand off his face, then spat and took a step towards the front. There was a sound of something breaking under his feet.

"Ah!" Qianqian looked down and jumped back directly. He stared round and pointed to the ground and said, "there are white bones on the ground."

Hearing Qianqian's words, Qin Yanran also looked down at the ground, held Lin Feng's hand tightly, and her face waved.

"The place where bones are buried, as the name suggests, is the place where bones are buried. Let's go now." Old man Huang looked at the two people and stepped directly on the white bone and said, "it's day. There is still some light in the bone burial place. We won't have too much trouble now, but once it gets cold at night, the whole bone burial place will become a paradise for those ghosts. Ghosts like human flesh best. We'll be in trouble if we go out at that time."

Old Huang's eyes are solemn. Looking at Qianqian and Qin Yanran, he said.

"Well, let's go." Calmed down for a moment, Qianqian and Qin Yanran both settled down in an instant and walked forward with old man Huang.

"I'll break the back." Lin Feng took the initiative to stand behind, frowned at the front and said.

Deng Jiajia was in front of Lin Feng, and the party followed old man Huang towards the inside.

A gust of wind blew here, and countless white bones flew over with yellow sand. There was a black curtain in old man Huang's hand, which was directly opened and shrouded the whole party.

"Bang! Dong! Click! " There was a lot of sound in front of the black curtain. For a long time, the sound stopped.

Old man Huang put his things away, turned his head and looked at several people. He smiled and said:

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