"Lin Feng, we have to go in now. Is it bad to offend the aborigines here?" Qin Yanran looked at Lin Feng with some worry in her eyes and said softly.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Lin Feng held Qin Yanran's hand, "although it looks like some trouble, it needs to be handled quickly, so don't have too much pressure, it will be OK soon."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yanran swallowed all her words at last. She just nodded and said, "well, I support you."

As soon as their words fell, a wail came not far away.

Old man Huang took the lead in running over. Qin Yanran's beautiful eyes turned and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng nodded. The smile on the corner of his mouth aroused a bit of cold and killing intention in his eyes.

"When did you set it up?" Qianqian covered his mouth and looked at Lin Feng. His face was incredible. This guy was clearly here. When did he set up an array in front?

"Don't forget, I still have Boxun Suo and Qianlong Suo on hand. Even if I can't do it myself, these two guys can do it." Lin Feng smiled and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the second daughter nodded. As Lin Feng stood on the small sand dune and looked down, an array in the sand valley below was constantly running, the array was flashing colorful light, and countless attacks were constantly turbulent in the array.

Seeing this scene, Deng Jiajia took a breath and turned to look at Lin Feng with awe in her eyes.

"You... You're great." For so many days, Deng Jiajia expressed his admiration for Lin Feng for the first time, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Thank you." Lin Feng nodded and looked at the front with a bit of cold in his eyes. He looked at the members of the Tongtian Hunter group below.

"Hey, hey, you just bullied grandpa and me. Did you really think grandpa was easy for me to deal with?" Old man Huang pointed to the people below and said with arrogance on his face.

Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng shook his head and turned his head. The old man usually looked very serious, but he seemed to lack a little thought in some things. Thinking of this, Lin Feng just shook his head, restrained his mind and looked ahead.

The operation of the array is very fast. Only a few members of the Tongtian Hunter regiment are left under a round of hanging in the array.

Lin Feng looked at the sky, smiled and said, "it's getting late. Let's go back first. We'll deal with the things here next." With that, Lin Feng turned directly and walked outside.

Qin Yanran and Qianqian looked up together, and they followed Lin Feng.

"What shit? It's so insidious, but it's a pity for the all sky Hunter group." Old man Huang shook his head and directly followed Lin Feng. Deng Jiajia followed him, confused. Why do these people look so strange one by one?

After walking for a full cup of tea, a group of people appeared in the sky. The leader was Jin Yin of Jinling firm.

Jin Yan's eyes were heavy. Looking at Xiao Min, his heart was a little cold.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Jin Susu stood there, turned to look at Jin Yin, his eyes were a little worried, slightly tooted his mouth, and said, "I already said, don't deal with them, that's Lin Feng. Lin Feng can do anything!"

"Girl, who are you helping now?" Hearing Jin Susu's words, Jin Yin's mouth moved and asked with a sound from his throat.

"Help uncle." Kim Su Su chuckled and said softly, "well, I know, uncle, I know. I won't give you trouble. What shall we do now?"

Jin Susu gently shook Jin Yin's arm and said.

"Go to the buried bone city first. It's getting dark. Let's hurry there as soon as possible. The array outside the buried bone city will block the entry of ghosts. As long as we enter the buried bone City, we'll be safe." Jin yinton took a look at Jin Susu around him and hid all his worries.

"Su Su, it's not safe here these days. You'll go back first tomorrow." Jin Yin's hand trembled and said.

"No, I want to be with you. My father told me to follow my uncle and don't walk around." Jin Susu shook her head, held Jin Yin's arm, tooted her mouth and said.

"Be obedient." Jin Yin frowned slightly and said, "don't be capricious."

"They don't!" Kim Su Su tooted her mouth and said with an unhappy face, "come on, let's go to the city of burying bones first. You see, it's getting dark."

Jin Yin looked at Jin Susu's back, paused, turned to smile, and quickly followed the caravan.

On the other side, Lin Feng and his party have arrived at the city of burying bones. Looking at the high and towering city wall like white bones, Qianqian and Qin Yanran both raise their heads with a bit of today in their eyes.

"The bravado of the buried bone city is cast with the white bones of thousands of monks. Since the emergence of the cultivation civilization, the buried bone city has appeared. With the passage of time, the white bones here are increasing every year, and the wall is also increasing."

Old man Huang raised his head, looked at the buried bone city and said.

"It seems that you are familiar with here." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at old man Huang and said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang paused, turned to Hei hei, smiled and said, "loess continent is next to the buried bone city. When he was young, he came once or twice, Hei hei."

Old man Huang rubbed his hands and looked at Lin Feng. There was flattery in his words, he said.

Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng just nodded, looked at the front, frowned, and thought a little more in his eyes.

"Shall we go in now?" Qin Yanran looked at the line in front of her. Most of them were businessmen. They were lining up to enter the city one by one with countless luggage.

"OK, let's go and line up." Lin Feng nodded and took the lead to go there. A thin boy with yellow head trotted in front of Lin Feng. He he smiled at Lin Feng. As soon as he opened his mouth, a strong smell of blood spread around him.

"Are you going to enter the buried bone city? Is this your first visit to the buried bone city? Do you need a wizard? My name is Huang San. I can show you the way. " Huang San smiled at Lin Feng and said, "I'm familiar with any place in the buried bone city."

Hearing Huang San's words, Lin Feng looked down at Huang San. Huang San's body was slightly loaded, with a flattering smile on his face, clear eyes and some folds in his hand.

"My guest, my price is very reasonable. I only need one top-grade spirit stone a day. You see, when I enter the city, it is 30 middle-grade spirit stones!"

Hearing Huang San's words, Lin Feng's fingers moved.

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