"Sit over and have a look." Lin Feng nodded. As a result, the blood wine in the small second-hand was. The strong smell of blood made Lin Feng frown and went over there with the wine pot.

"Hello, brothers. I just entered the city of burying bones. I saw my brothers drinking here. Come on, I'll give you a toast." With a smile on his face, Lin Feng personally filled the wine glasses for several empty men.

"Boy, go!" Seeing the rich blood wine in their cup, the boys laughed and said, "this is the best blood wine in the third lane. Five top-grade spirit stones are needed for a pot!"

"Cut, even the best blood wine can't be the fresh wine in the yard. Unfortunately, we're really unlucky these days! It happened that those ghosts in the bone burial place are running around all day, and I don't know when they can recover! "

A big man took the glass, hissed, shook his head and said.

Lin Feng took advantage of the situation and sat in an empty position on one side. With a smile on his face, he said, "I've been in the bone burial place for a few days. Now I'm ready to leave. Listen to everyone, what happened in the bone burial place?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at several people and asked.

Several people turned and looked at Lin Feng. Seeing the curiosity in Lin Feng's eyes, they waved their hands and said, "what a lucky boy!"

Lin Feng heard the banter in these people's tone. He just smiled and said, "please give me some advice."

"Some time ago, the Taolin second old man of the Tongtian Hunter group didn't know where to get a stunning woman. The woman was very beautiful and had high cultivation. When she got to the bone burial place, she was with the Taolin second old man."

A big man looked up at Lin Feng and said in a deep voice.

"The woman's cultivation is not bad, especially the cultivation of the ice department. It can be said that it is almost unique in the whole bone burial place. Once it is shot, it is frozen for dozens of miles. Now there is a piece in the west of the bone burial City, and there are some defects. It was the woman who made it."

"What does that have to do with the restlessness of the place where the bones are buried?" Lin Feng's fingers trembled slightly and made sure that Yao Ziyi was really buried in the bone. Lin Feng quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but turned and raised it.

Next, find Yao Ziyi.

Lin Feng's mind felt the frost sword lying quietly in the storage bag. Although the breath of the frost sword was listless, Lin Feng could feel that the master's breath was still on the frost sword.

Yao Ziyi is still alive. After entering the place of burying bones, this idea becomes more and more intense.

"That woman is also strong. Knowing that she was not against the second old man of Taolin, she broke into the bone burial place. For three days in a row, we can hear the news of that woman. The woman killed three ghost generals and even escaped from the hands of the three ghost King Hu Zhi."

Another man poured himself a glass of blood wine and said, "as for the later things, we don't know, but our intuition tells us that the chaos in the bone burial place must have something to do with that woman!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded and said, "there are still such things. I'd better stay in the buried bone city for a few more days. It's too dangerous."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, with a sympathetic face.

"Hey, hey, compared with the outside, this buried bone city is really much safer." A big man's eyes scanned Lin Feng's body, flashing a different light in his eyes. He smiled and said, "boy, do you want to consider joining the hunter group and going out to play? Haven't you done this yet? I tell you, boy, this business is absolutely exciting! "

"Really? This feeling is good, but thank you. I don't have such a hobby for the time being. " Lin Feng smiled, waved his hand and looked at one of the big men, who was wearing the clothes of the all sky Hunter group.

"Big brother, drink!" Lin Feng took the initiative to send the wine pot and said with a smile.

The big man looked up at Lin Feng, saw the smile on Lin Feng's face, paused, took the wine pot, poured a cup, sent the wine pot back to Lin Feng, dried up, turned and went out directly.

"Don't mind, this is the case with the Tongtian Hunter group. It's big on its own. It's always a dog's eye!"

Another big man waved his hand and said.

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, gave the wine pot to several people, arched his hands, returned to his seat, frowned, and his face was a little heavy.

"Eh, these boys didn't beat you up?" Seeing Lin Feng coming back intact, old man Huang put away the joke in his eyes, looked at Lin Feng and asked with curiosity on his face.

"Because brother Lin is not some people, he cares about everything." Deng Jiajia looked up at old man Huang and said, "naturally, he won't be bullied."

"Boy, who did you help!" Hearing Deng Jiajia's words, old man Huang stared at Deng Jiajia and asked.

"Come on, Ziyi is in the place of burying bones now. Old man Huang, you are familiar with the place of burying bones. Do you have a map outside the city of burying bones?" Lin Feng looked at old man Huang with a heavy face and asked.

Old man Huang looked around for a while, then shook his head and said, "no, 80% of the bone burial place is the hell's territory. Even if we humans have 30 courage, we won't go in. Didn't we let you go after the ghost? After you find the ghost, the ghost may help you. They are all women... "

"The ghost queen just stopped us because we were strong!" Qin Yan shook her head and said softly, "if we take the initiative to come to the door, that woman must have eaten you first. Who makes you grow the oldest and the meat is the least delicious!"

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, old man Huang shrunk his neck and said, "isn't this also a way? Anyway, you even killed Chu Qianxing, and you wouldn't mind killing one more Chu Qianxing! "

Lin Feng shook his head and shook his glass slowly without talking.

At this time, there was a small sound outside the door. Lin Feng turned his head and saw Huang San coming in.

Huang San's eyes swept around the whole hall. When he saw Lin Feng, his eyes lit up, he immediately went to Lin Feng and said, "Hello, sir, I have inquired about the basic news. Do you want to hear it now, sir?"

Huang San nodded and bowed in front of Lin Feng and said softly, "look, sir, this is the woman who has been brought here recently. Which news do you want to hear?"

Hearing Huang San's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. He didn't expect that Huang San was quite reliable and even got all the information.

Lin Feng reached out to get the information, and Huang San's hand took it back.

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