"Come in." Lin Feng nodded to her second daughter. She pulled up the curtain and stood inside. Lin Feng was the only one sitting at the table waiting for someone to appear.

"Well, sir, I've heard about people. The person you want to know is in Taolin garden, which was opened by the second old man of Taolin. The previous girl was brought by the second old man of Taolin."

Huang San said softly.

"I know. Well, you can go. I'm leaving. Here you are." Lin Feng gave Huang San a storage bag. "Here are some spirit stones and a token. There is a white feather gate in the ChiYan mountains. If you like, you can find it. The white feather gate will set a point outside the bone burial place. At that time, if you have an idea, you can find out that the bone burial city is only so large. If you have the opportunity to go out and have a look at the outside world, It's still good for you. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang San's body became more and more bent, but he still nodded and said, "yes, sir, thank you, sir."

With that, Huang San turned and walked outside with his storage bag.

As soon as Huang Sanyi left, old man Huang entered the door with his feet in mind. Looking at Lin Feng, he said, "boy, how many spirit stones did you give him?"

"Guess?" Lin Feng smiled, sat there, gently knocked on the table and said.

"Don't you think giving too much to this boy is a trouble for this boy?" Old man Huang rolled his eyes and said.

"Are you worried about this child?" Lin Feng looked at old man Huang and asked with a smile, "since you're worried, why don't you remind yourself? If you want to tell me here, you should know that I don't care much about such things. "

Old man Huang sat opposite Lin Feng, smashing his mouth without talking.

"Tell me your story. Are you also from the place where you buried your bones? How did you get out? " Lin Feng looked at old man Huang and asked softly, "since we are all together, it is fate. Since we are destined, how about drinking a glass of wine and telling a story?"

Lin Feng took out a jar of spirit wine, looked at old man Huang and said with a smile.

Old man Huang looked up at Lin Feng and poured himself a glass of wine.

"The only big family in the place of burying bones is the Huang family. To be exact, the Huang family should be the only Aboriginal of the city of burying bones. However, with the passage of time, countless people began to enter the city of burying bones. They found the secrets of the Huang family, so they began to follow suit one by one, and finally formed today's city of burying bones."

Old man Huang paused for a moment and said softly, "the Huang family gets powerful resources by sucking blood. That's why the Huang family is demoted to the lower world, because their actions are not ashamed at all. That's why the buried bone city can't soar. Anyone who enters the buried bone city and has drunk the blood of the buried bone city will be cursed, The cause and effect of the body accumulated continuously, and finally became possessed and died. "

Old man Huang looked outside and looked a little more lonely. "I was just brought into Huang's house when I was very young. At that time, there were wars in Huangtu island. My father sent me to the buried city in order to save my life and our only blood."

Old man Huang breathed a sigh of relief and drank the wine in his glass.

"Who can resist the temptation and confusion of the buried bone city? The beauty, blood, violent rule and part-time job here are the paradise of every man. Since then, I have been almost the same as everyone in the buried bone city."

Old man Huang looked outside, pointed to the opposite shop and said, "that old man was the leader of a hunter group at that time. I worked in his hunter group. By chance, when I went out, I found Jiajia abandoned in the place of burying bones."

Old man Huang put away his glass and said, "I don't need to make things clear to you. You know, I'm back, in charge of houtumen again, take this boy and guard what my father left me."

Old man Huang's eyes paused on Lin Feng. "A glass of wine is a story. You should also tell your story."

"Isn't my story right here?" Lin Feng smiled and said, "once upon a time, you will know soon. You don't need it."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang paused, looked outside, waved his hand and said, "I'm gone. I knew you were not a good thing. By the way, boy, don't annoy the Huang family. Although these Huang family are not good things, they are the leaders of the buried bone City after all. This buried bone city is not one of the four sects or nine families, There is something under the buried bone city. Once you wake up, it will be bad. "

Hearing old man Huang's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes and said, "do you think I am such a person?"

"Yes." Old man Huang answered very positively, turned around and walked outside, "you are a disaster. Wherever you go, there is a disaster."

Lin Feng paused for a moment and watched old man Huang go out and stand up. This old man really can't speak.

"Yan Ran, Qian Qian, I'll go out first. What's inside will trouble you." Lin Feng said softly with a gentle smile, "I'll go out for a walk."

"Is it to inquire about Yutong?" Qin Yan looked at Lin Feng and asked softly.

Lin Feng nodded, gently took Qin Yanran's hand and said, "yes, I can't abandon you."

"I know." Qin Yan nodded, "go ahead. I believe Yutong is waiting for you. Don't worry, I will accompany you."

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Lin Feng nodded with a smile and said, "thank you, Yanran."

Qin Yanran just smiled gently, stood with Qianqian and relaxed her breath.

You are destined to be extraordinary. None of us can possess you alone. Therefore, your lovers are our sisters. I don't want my sisters to be left out.

Qin Yanran took Qianqian's hand. The two women looked at each other and looked at Yao Ziyi, who looked a little better on the bed. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister, I don't know about sister Yutong. Tell me about it." Qianqian took Qin Yanran to sit at the table, saw Lin Feng's spirit wine on the table, poured Qin Yanran a cup in person, smiled and said.

"Well, that was a long time ago. The place of the story is still in our hometown." Qin Yanran drank a glass of wine, with a little more memory on her face, slowly opened her mouth and told the previous stories one by one.

Qian Qian sat quietly while listening. Qin Yanran told the story one by one. Listening to everything in the story, Qian Qian had a little more envy in his eyes. If he could also participate in the past that looked simple but must be very happy, he would be very happy.

Thinking of this, Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. The whole mind was brought up. Qin Yanran wanted to talk more about Lin Feng's past and the world that was completely different from here.

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