Standing behind Lin Feng was a thin young man, dressed in yellow clothes. Behind him, he followed the man. The cultivation of the five people was in the middle of the fit.

With a smile on Huang Zhao's face, he looked up and down at Lin Feng and said, "your accomplishments can't be achieved. Do you want to follow me?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Lin Feng smiled awkwardly and waved his hand towards the restaurant.

"Boy, do you know who I am?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang Zhao's face suddenly became gloomy. The four people behind him stopped Lin Feng. Huang Zhao walked up to Lin Feng, raised his head slightly, looked at Lin Feng and hissed, "how dare you refuse me?"

"What?" Seeing Huang Zhao's appearance, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed, and a dangerous breath swept past Lin Feng. Lin Feng put his hands behind him, and the Feng Tong sword in his hand trembled slightly.

"I'm just telling you to be sensible. When Huang Zhao comes to you, you have to see yourself clearly, you know?" Huang Zhao sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Really?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at the person in front of him with a bit of banter in his eyes. "Do you know who I am?" It's called Da Sheng Lin in the heavenly palace. Anyone who sees me will retreat. It seems that this time, do we have a fight? "

Lin Feng smiled, looked at Huang Zhao and said.

"Boy arrogant, take it down!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang Zhao's face suddenly became gloomy and waved to the people behind him. The people behind him immediately gathered up and stared at Lin Feng one by one.

Seeing this guy's appearance, Lin Feng just laughed. The Feng Tong sword in his hand trembled slightly, and a sword Qi rushed into the sky. The field of sword was spread at Lin Feng's feet.

"Do you want to fight again?" Seeing the four people retreating, Lin Feng looked at Huang Zhao.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Huang Zhao's body retreated towards the back. He couldn't feel Lin Feng's cultivation, that is, Lin Feng's cultivation was above him!

Feeling this, Huang Zhao's eyes immediately changed. He retreated towards the back, pointed to Lin Feng and said, "you... Don't come here, I tell you, don't come here, I'm not afraid of you!"

Seeing Huang Zhao's appearance, Lin Fengxiang smiled, shook his head and said, "greedy for life and afraid of death! I thought the Huang family was a great existence. It turned out that it was only you who were greedy for life and afraid of death! "

"Who's talking about my Huang disciple?" Lin Feng's voice just fell, and a thick voice sounded behind Huang Zhao. Huang Zhaosong opened his hand, and a jade pendant fell to the ground. He looked up at Lin Feng and sneered.

Just when he was soft with Lin Feng, Huang Zhao had taken out the crushed jade pendant and greeted the elders of the family.

"Dad, this boy says we Huang family!" Huang Zhao stood behind Huang Yidao and said softly, "it's really hateful!"

"If you are not good at learning, you can show off everywhere. When you go back, go to the family corridor for three months. Come out to see me three months later. Get out!" Huang Yi glanced at Huang Zhao with gloomy eyes and said.

"Dad!" Huang Zhao's body trembled. He looked up at Huang Yidao. When he saw the gloom on Huang Yidao's face, he didn't dare to say anything and walked out with his head down.

"Hehe, young man, don't be so emotional." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile, "it's all father and son. Don't do this in front of outsiders."

"Boy, I teach children in the Huang family. I don't need you to interrupt!" Huang Yi's face was gloomy. Looking at Lin Feng, he said, "very good, very good. In the field of sword, you have the ability. It's normal that Huang Zhao is not your opponent."

Huang Yi nodded, his eyes flashing bloodthirsty light, slightly bit his lips, swept around Lin Feng, and grabbed Lin Feng with one hand.

Seeing Huang Yidao's attack, Lin Feng snorted coldly and shook his shoulder. Huang Yidao's attack passed through Lin Feng. Lin Feng held Feng Tong's sword in his hand and cut directly towards Huang Yidao's hand.

Lin Feng's hand was very fast. Feng Tong's sword passed through Huang Yidao's side. Huang Yidao's look coagulated, and his whole body kept retreating. Huang Yidao raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. His body trembled slightly. He trembled and narrowed his eyes at Lin Feng.

When did such an expert come to the buried bones city? No one knew?

"Who are you?" Huang Yidao's eyes narrowed, looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"Is it important?" Lin Feng smiled, put away Feng Tong's sword and said, "I'm just a passer-by. I'll leave soon. I don't want to stay here more."

With that, Lin Feng turned and left directly.

Huang Yi stood there and looked at Lin Feng's back. He looked uncertain.

"Dad, you can't let this guy ride on the head of our Huang family." Huang Zhao's eyes were gloomy and said.

"Go back and don't mess with this boy. He has extraordinary skills. Now is the critical moment for the Huang family. We must not let our efforts fall short." Huang Yi turned and walked away with his hands on his back.

Huang Zhao stood there and looked at Lin Feng's back. His eyes were gloomy.

Lin Feng's footsteps paused for a moment, looked at the distant Huang Yi, and frowned. In turn, Lin Feng's mind moved. What big thing is the Huang family doing?

At this thought, Lin Feng's mind moved for a moment, and other thoughts climbed up. As soon as he got to a quiet place, Lin Feng couldn't wait to make himself gloomy, and then kept up with Huang Yidao and Huang Zhao.

Listen to what Huang Yi meant just now. It seems that there is something precious and something big is going to happen in the Huang family. I really should go and have a look. Maybe the Huang family will fail?

At that time, you can get the month first, and you can take the lead.

Baby like things, no one will dislike more ah, some other baby like things, no one will be excited ah!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's spirit was raised, and he went directly to Huang's house with Huang Yi and Huang Zhao.

The whole Huang family was quiet. There was a smell of array furnishings everywhere. Only a few servants were going in and out of the empty yard.

"Sir, 108 women are ready." Seeing that Huang Yidao came back, a middle-aged man immediately came to Huang Yidao and said softly, "now all of them have been sent to the altar. What shall we do next?"

"Go first." Huang Yi looked back and frowned slightly. Since he entered the Huang family, how did he feel that the Huang family seemed to have a strange smell?

Lin Feng carefully restrained his breath and hid in the dark. After feeling the breath of Huang Yidao, Lin Feng's application coagulated. This guy is really sensitive.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng became more and more careful.

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