"Lin Feng, what do you want?" Shi Ningxue's eyes were gloomy. Looking at Lin Feng in front, his whole body kept retreating.

The spiritual power training was wrapped between the two people. Shi Ningxue drank a low voice, fingers Qianqian a little, grabbed Qianqian, and wanted to hold Qianqian.

"Hum!" Qianqian whispered, and a colorful holy power training and Shi Ningxue's attack were together. The two holy power training blended together, and Qianqian's body retreated quickly.

Seeing this, Qianqian's eyes were a little more gloomy.

"Go!" Lin Feng's look was suddenly cold. The potential energy position bloomed at his feet and grabbed it towards Shi Ningxue.

Qianqian flew out behind Lin Feng, holding a whip in his hand. The colored Lingli Peilian wrapped a yellowish yellow whip and attacked Shi Ningxue.

"Go!" A wall of spiritual power rose in front of Shi Ningxue, blocking Lin Feng and Qian Qian's attack outside.

"You two, help!" Shi Ningxue turned to look at the second old man in Taolin, drank a low voice and said.

"Hehe, Miss Shi Ningxue, let's go first." The second old man of Taolin glanced at Lin Feng and Qian Qian, turned and flew directly towards the place where the bones were buried, and flew into the air. The second old man of Taolin suddenly felt something blocking their way back, raised his head, and saw a colorful strong rising in the sky, blocking their way.

"Shi Ningxue, are you going too far!" Seeing this scene, the two old Taolin turned around and looked at Shi Ningxue with gloomy eyes.

Seeing this scene, the look of the two old Taolin changed in an instant. Looking at Shi Ningxue, he was murderous.

"Old thing, see clearly!" Shi Ningxue sneered and focused on Lin Feng. As for the second old Taolin, Qianqian's attack had been greeted on the two people at the time of stunned.

"Don't look, you two, fight with me." With a low smile, Qianqian's eyes flow, and the whip in his hand shines with color, especially the light of earthy yellow.

"The second old man has good skills. Qianqian doesn't have too many ideas. However, I really want to fight with the second old man. Come on, second old man." With a smile on his face, Qianqian smiled and turned to attack the second old man in Taolin.

Feeling Qianqian's attack, the two old men changed their look, and their whole body kept retreating.

"Go!" Suddenly, a low roar sounded in the sky. Old man Huang, holding a ruler, attacked the second old man in Taolin. "Two old bastards, haven't seen you for a long time!"

Old man Huang's face was a bit of schadenfreude. He glanced around the two people, smiled and said, "it's finally in Grandpa's hands today."

"Old man Huang!" Seeing old man Huang, the look of the second old man in Taolin changed. Instead, the second old man in Taolin sneered and said, "it's you, the dog expelled from the yellow family. Dare you come back?"

The second old man in Taolin looked at old man Huang with a bit of disgust in his eyes, sneered and said, "I really think my ability is all over the sky?"

"Hey, hey, at least I can kill you now." Old man Huang didn't care about the contempt in the words of the second old man in Taolin. He just smiled and looked at the second old man in Taolin. The ruler in his hand made a loud sound.

"Ha ha!" The second old man of Taolin smiled contemptuously. At the next moment, the look on his face changed instantly. His whole body kept retreating, looking at Qianqian suddenly.

Qianqian was holding a whip in his hand. The whip was like a spirit snake's tail, and he whipped it towards the second old man in Taolin. There was a lot of blood on the second old man in Taolin. As soon as the whip was whipped, the barb immediately turned into countless sharp blades. He scratched it from the second old man's skin and scraped off a large piece of flesh and blood, and the blood was constantly gushing.

"Die!" Seeing this scene, the two old Taolin looked gloomy for a moment, looked up at Qianqian, and his eyes were cold.

Qianqian sneered and attacked the second old man in Taolin again with old man Huang.

"Miss Shi Ningxue, I advise Miss Shi Ningxue to pay close attention to herself now!" Feng Tong's sword left a trail of blood on Shi Ningxue's wound. He smiled and said, "Shi Ningxue is so beautiful. If you really enter the bone burial place later, you won't be so comfortable!"

"Lin Feng, what do you want? You said, "I'll give you whatever you want as long as I have it!" Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng and said.

"I don't need too many things. Well, just a little. How about giving me your life?" Lin Feng smiled, looked at Shi Ningxue and said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue paused. When she bit her silver teeth, she had a long sword in her hand, which hit the body of Feng Tong's sword. Looking at Lin Feng, her eyes were ready to crack and her face was covered with frost. Looking at Lin Feng, she said:

"Lin Feng, if I don't die today, I will kill you and strip you of skin and cramp!"

"Hehe, isn't it?" Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders, looked innocent and said, "I'm sorry. I've heard a lot of such words. You know, I don't have any great skills, but that's all."

Lin Feng shrugged and looked indifferent. A pair of eyes directly put on Shi Ningxue. Shi Ningxue's look paused, turned colder and colder, and grabbed Lin Feng again.

"Don't catch it. It's just now that your ghost King Hu Zhi wants to see you two now, so go and have a walk." With that, Lin Feng waved his hand, and old man Huang and Qian Qian quickly pushed Lin Feng to his side.

Lin Feng smiled, looked at the two old Taolin and Qianqian, and said, "you two have a good time."

"Lin Feng, what are you doing, moth!" Qianqian gave a low drink and stared at Lin Feng.

"Aren't you going to the place where you buried your bones to find Hu Zhi?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at the two people and said with a smile, "I'm satisfied with you!"

With that, Lin Feng waved his hand, something moved under his feet and became quiet.

"What's going on?" Old man Huang asked softly.

"The aura of that array is not enough. I'll put some more spirit stones." With that, Lin Feng took out a storage bag, and the spirit stone gushed out and went everywhere.

"Oh, thank you, Miss Shi. These spirit stones are all sent to the door by Miss Shi!" Lin Feng raised his head, looked at Shi Ningxue who seemed to be ignorant, and said with a smile.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue, who was still calm, sprayed out an old blood directly and stared at Lin Feng with an incredible face.

The next moment, Shi Ningxue and the two old Taolin disappeared in the sky.

"Boy, it's a pity to let these two guys go so early!" Old man Huang sighed and said with a pity on his face.

"Old man, is there a good place in the buried bone city for promotion?"

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