Under Lin Feng's control, Lin Feng's thunder and lightning directly split on the black vortex. The three colors of purple, white and black blended with a gorgeous light, and the surrounding aura became disordered.

At this time, ice walls suddenly appeared on the ground.

"The realm of ice!" With a low drink, Yao Ziyi's fingers gently, the whole ground instantly became a piece of white ice. In addition, this is a swamp. Yao Ziyi's hand was very fast and the ice was very thick.

Bai Yi's body wanted to fall down and hit the ice directly.

Bai Yi raised her head. Yao Ziyi's black hair glittered with silver white light. Standing on the ice field, she was like the queen of ice and snow, which made people afraid of raw silk and no blasphemy.

"Who are you?" Bai Yi bit his lips and looked at Yao Ziyi. His body trembled. Did he have to explain here today?

"Bang!" There was a clear explosion in the sky. With the explosion, the irritable spirit spread in all directions. A few trees on the swamp fell into the swamp, and the ice sheet in the ice field began to break up.

Everyone was dazzled by the sudden combat effectiveness.

"Ziyi!" Lin Feng shouted. Yao Ziyi, who was still stunned, suddenly recovered, and flew into the air. With the frost sword in hand, the ice sheets that were collapsing began to gather again,

Lin Feng's attack went directly to Bai Yi and entangled Bai Yi. He didn't give Bai Yi a chance to leave at all.

"Boy, how did you find me?" Once again from the void, Bai Yi's eyes finally became a little more stubborn. Looking at Lin Feng, he asked.

He wanted to ask this for a long time. Whenever, Lin Feng seemed to have a reason to deal with his attack, and every time, Lin Feng's attack found his hiding place.

This makes Bai Yi very uncomfortable.

Knowing that he could not escape this time, Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"I......" Lin Feng looked at Bai Yi, smiled and said, "I won't tell you." Then Bai Yu sword appeared behind Bai Yi and attacked Bai Yi.

Bai Yi's body retreated quickly and looked up at Lin Feng. His eyes were incredible. The boy's hand was too much!

Seeing Bai Yi's appearance, Lin Feng's mouth provoked a faint irony. The field of sword and the position of potential energy were opened at the same time, and the two overlapped. In turn, he attacked Bai Yi with a powerful sword intention.

Bai Yi's body kept retreating, gritting his teeth and looking at Lin Feng, turned to take out a black thing.

Bai Yi looked at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes and said, "boy, you forced me!"

With that, Bai Yi raised the things in his hand and began to instill aura into the black objects. Bai Yi looked at Lin Feng and his face turned red for a moment.

Lin Feng's eyes looked at the small black object in Bai Yi's hand, and a dangerous breath passed from the black object. Lin Feng gritted his teeth, didn't give Bai a chance at all, and rushed towards Bai Yi again.

"Late, ha ha, late!" Bai Yi gave out a crazy laugh. His whole face became very ferocious. He held a black object in his hand and his eyes were crazy. "Boy, since you don't make me feel better, I'll kill you and make you feel worse!"

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Lin Feng sneered. His hands turned over and attacked Bai Yi directly. Bai Yi suddenly didn't care, but controlled the black object in his hand, and his aura kept entering it.

"Disease!" Lin Feng gave a low roar and stabbed Bai Yi's body with a white feather sword in his hand.

Bai Yi's body trembled and trembled, his pupils suddenly stared round, and a low grunt came out of his throat. The next moment, a soul like Bai Yi slowly floated out of Bai Yi's spirit cover and ran away directly to one side.

"Go!" Qin Yanran saw the soul who wanted to escape and drank a low voice. The picture scroll in her hand opened and directly clasped Bai Yi's soul.

"Let go of me, let go of me!" Bai Yi's soul is controlled by the mountains and rivers in Qin Yanran's hand. The whole is constantly twisted and struggling. He looks at Qin Yanran and yells.

"Stay!" Qin Yanran snorted coldly and grabbed Bai Yi's soul. She looked down at Bai Yi's soul without too many waves in her eyes.

At this time, Lin Feng's whole body suddenly disappeared into the sky.

"Brother Lin Feng!" Qianqian shouted and attracted everyone's expression to the past.

"What's going on?" Yao Ziyi and Qin Yanran fell beside Qian Qian. They just focused on Bai Yi, but they didn't notice the black object in Bai Yi's hand and the missing Lin Feng.

"The thing in Bai Yi's hand!"

Old man Huang took the lead in responding. He trembled and said, "that thing took Lin Feng away!"

Hearing old man Huang's words, the people's faces trembled. They trembled. At this time, a black spot in the sky rushed towards this side. Seeing that black spot, they paused and quickly escaped.

"Be careful!" Qin Yanran clasped Deng Jiajia, pulled Deng Jiajia away from the attack of black things, looked down and saw only a black tombstone standing there.

"What is this?" Seeing the black tombstone, people's looks changed a little.

"Trapped dragon monument, this is trapped dragon monument!" When old man Huang saw the black tombstone, his whole body trembled. He trembled and walked carefully to the front of the trapped dragon monument, with a bright light in his eyes, and his excitement was beyond expression.

"Boy, boy, come and have a look. It's a trapped dragon monument!" Old man Huang turned and looked at Deng Jiajia with joy on his face.

Deng Jiajia looked ignorant. He didn't know what old man Huang said and what trapped dragon monument. Why didn't he have any impression?

"Jie Jie, the boy is in the trapped dragon stele. You can live with a trapped dragon stele. Woman, I tell you, if you want the boy to come out, let me out. Otherwise, the boy will not come out all his life!"

Bai Yi's words jumped out of the mountain and river roll, looked at Qin Yanran and said loudly.

"Thank you for your kindness, but..." Qin Yanran looked ahead, with a cold smile on her mouth and said, "you'd better take care of yourself. We naturally have a way to break the trapped dragon monument."

Qin Yanran raised her head slightly, her eyes were full of ridicule, and said faintly.

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Bai gave a pause. Obviously, he didn't expect Qin Yanran to be so domineering. At present, the whole jumped up, a little more angry in his eyes, and said, "little Niang skin, die!"

"Ha ha!"

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