"Ha ha, the little girl has sharp eyes!" A disciple of the Zhao family stood up and sneered at Yao Ziyi. The forehead Lingli around him turned into countless attacks and went over there.

Seeing this, Yao Ziyi just sneered and turned her whole body. Although her cultivation was the lowest, her attack power could not be underestimated. Most people are not opponents at all.

Seeing Yao Ziyi's attack, Zhao's disciples changed their face a little and retreated towards the back.

Behind the Zhao family disciple, the ice blue long whip rushed directly at him and trapped the whole body inside. Yao Ziyi turned over and appeared next to the Zhao family disciple. The frost sword was sent into the disciple's chest.

Yao Ziyi's long sword turned over and pulled it out directly. The Zhao family disciple gushed blood. The position of his chest was like a gushing spring, sprinkling a layer of blood red on the whole icicle, and his vitality gradually faded.

Yao Ziyi stabbed a disciple in the back with her backhand.

"It's really a group of brave girls. Didn't Miss Qin expect that one day these people would rob your little husband? I think that guy Lin Feng is not a good thing. Even if he is a hero, he seems to be sad about the beauty pass! "

Shi Ningxue looked at this scene with a smile, turned to Qin Yanran, joked in her eyes and said.

"Thank you for your concern, Miss Shi, but I think Miss Shi should care about herself!" Qin Yanran's eyes flashed with a smile. Then, at Shi Ningxue's feet, a golden small array appeared, and an attack rushed directly towards Shi Ningxue.

Shi Ningxue's face changed a little, and the whole quickly pushed towards the back. Qin Yanran's attack directly followed. Countless virtual shadows turned into golden spiritual power. Shi Ningxue kept rotating around and controlled Shi Ningxue.

Qin Yanran's attack came very quickly. Shi Ningxue raised her head and saw that it didn't matter in Qin Yanran's eyes. Shi Ningxue's look changed a little, and her face became more and more gloomy.


"Since Miss Shi Ningxue knows that I am the descendant of the Immortal Emperor, it should be clear that Lin Feng is my God and protects me. However, I can support a sky for myself so that he can fight and work hard without worries."

Qin Yanran's face was serious. The golden Lingli Peilian passed around Shi Ningxue, looked at Shi Ningxue and said seriously.

Shi Ning Xuedun once, holding a long sword in her backhand, stabbed Qin Yanran. The two people were tangled together, smart and scattered, and the grumpy spiritual power was constantly staged on this land.

After a while, the two people just slapped each other and left each other. Qin Yanran stood there, holding the emperor's pen. The whole looked like a high queen, which made people can't bear to blaspheme. Shi Ningxue threw out the black hair at the corner of her mouth, looked at Qin Yanran, and her eyes were gloomy.

This time, she miscalculated.

Although this woman's skill is not as good as Lin Feng, she is definitely not bad.

Thinking of this, Shi Ningxue looked at Qin Yanran with a little more solemnity in her eyes. It seems that none of the people Lin Feng has in hand is so good.

Thinking of this, Shi Ningxue looked at the trapped dragon monument behind him. The trapped dragon monument glittered with white light, and others couldn't come forward at all.

"Ha ha!" Qin Yan Ran saw Shi Ningxue's appearance and sneered. She was a little more contemptuous in her eyes and said, "why, I want to run away at this time? Shi Ningxue, it seems that I think highly of you! "

Qin Yanran's words were full of contempt. Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Shi Ningxue's face sank instantly.

"Go!" Shi Ningxue holds the long sword, pulls out the Taoist sword flower in her hand, and rushes directly towards Qin Yanran.

"This is not enough!" Qin Yanran shook her head. The emperor's pen turned gently in Qin Yanran's hand, and an attack went straight over there.

Shi Ningxue saw Qin Yanran's attack, and her whole body kept retreating. She looked up at Qin Yanran and bit her lips. This guy, his hand was too fast!

Shi Ningxue's body retreated in a very embarrassed way, mainly because the attack here was too fierce, and there was no way to control the attack here. Thinking of this, Shi Ningxue's look became more and more smelly. This guy, it's OK not to attack, but he made a tough move. Shi Ningxue was unable to resist for a moment!

"I thought it was so powerful! It's just an embroidered pillow! " Qin Yanran sneered. She shot more and more quickly, and each move became more and more cruel. She didn't give Shi Ningxue a chance to overturn the card at all.

Qin Yanran already knew about Shi Ningxue. She must not be soft hearted towards this woman, or she will hurt herself. The case of Yao Ziyi is the best evidence.

Thinking of this clearly, Qin Yanran's whole look was raised in an instant. When facing Shi Ningxue, the attack will never leave hands. The moves are cruel and do not give opportunities.


Shi Ningxue's body suddenly turned over. The long sword in her hand started from behind and faced Qin Yanran's attack. The long sword stabbed Yao Ziyi.

Shi Ningxue was caught off guard, and ordinary people couldn't react at all.

Yao Ziyi, who has always been on guard against Shi Ningxue, is obviously not in this category. Feeling Shi Ningxue's attack, Yao Ziyi's mouth provoked a sneer, and the long sword flowers fell on several points. Several cold lines controlled the parry disciples in front of her, and Shi Ningxue's attack came in front of Yao Ziyi.

The golden spirit power training ran through Shi Ningxue's body. The long sword went through Yao Ziyi's arm and killed a disciple of the Zhao family. Yao Ziyi's arm was hurt a little, but it was not serious.

"Withdraw!" Shi Ningxue's eyes paused on Qin Yanran and turned to leave.

"Is it a little late to leave at this time?" Seeing Shi Ningxue's appearance, Qin Yanran sneered. The three women gathered together, attacked Shi Ningxue from three directions, and directly broke Shi Ningxue into the bone burial place and Jiangxiong's territory.

Jiang Xiong doesn't like humans most in his territory. Shi Ningxue enters with the spirit power of riot during battle. He will certainly not beg for good.

"Awesome!" Old man Huang gave Qin Yanran a thumbs up.

Qin Yanran's eyes paused on old man Huang, and her eyes were cold.

When Qin Yanran turned his back to Qin Yanran's eyes, old man Huang's neck shrunk. He stood in the corner with Deng Jiajia and didn't speak. After all, this time, even old man Huang knew that he and Deng Jiajia stood behind the theater, which must have annoyed the aunt in front of him.

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