Zhao wanwan's eyes were gloomy. Looking at Qingling, the surrounding air paused with a strong sense of killing.

"I'm not you." Qingling said faintly. Looking at Zhao wanwan, his arms were wrapped around the long yellow and colored dragons. Instead, he raised his head. The aura around him paused and said, "we should also have a showdown."

"Send me in and I'll kill the boy." Zhao wanwan didn't return to Qingling's words, but looked at Qingling, turned and looked at the place where he buried his bones, "or you can tell me which direction he is in the place where he buried his bones. Qingling, I know that you have the same momentum as me."

"Zhao wanwan, according to our agreement, now we have to start fighting and decide the outcome. After all, there is only one tool spirit." Qingling raised her head. The coldness between her looks became more and more severe. Looking at Zhao wanwan, her killing intention constantly rippled, and wrapped Zhao wanwan in it.

Zhao wanwan's fingers trembled. She knew that she was not Qingling's opponent.

"Hehe, Qingling, haven't you thought that one day, you can be free and don't become anyone's decoration?" Zhao wanwan turned her back to Qingling and paused for a while. Then she turned around with a smile, looked at Qingling and said with a smile, "you know, we have been making tool spirits for many years. These years, we are making tool spirits for others. If we can kill them and be ourselves openly?"

Zhao wanwan's eyes twinkled with stars, and thousands of brilliance gathered on her at that moment. Her pale face was suffused with a faint blush. Looking at Qingling, her voice became heavier and heavier. "We can get rid of the place where we bury our bones, and have a look at this beautiful scenery of rivers and mountains. We can practice, get the way, fly up, return to the upper world, and..."

"Enough!" Zhao wanwan's words haven't finished yet. He was directly interrupted by Qingling. Qingling looked at Zhao wanwan, shook his head and said, "you think too much."

With that, Qingling sat there cross legged, but the momentum of her whole body was chilly. The whole mind was quiet and closed her eyes, as if everything around her no longer existed.

"Hee hee, what a stubborn woman!" Seeing Qingling's appearance, Zhao wanwan's expression suddenly collapsed, and her face looked a little relieved.

Obviously, Qingling has acquiesced to all this.

Zhao wanwan's eyes paused on Qingling, and then the whole body disappeared into the yellow sand.

"The spirit is destined to leave only one." Qingling opened her eyes and looked at the direction of Zhao wanwan's disappearance. A slight imperceptible smile came up at the corners of her mouth. Instead, she closed her eyes again and sat there. Over her head, a shuttle shape loomed.

Buried in the bone.

Lin Feng was walking slowly towards the front. He was on alert all the way and looked nervously around, but it was quiet all around. He didn't find anything at all.

Such silence made Lin Feng look a little more severe, and a bad premonition occupied his heart.

This is the place where bones are buried. Lin Feng believes that the place where bones are buried cannot be so quiet and safe.

Thinking so, although there was no discovery all the way, Lin Feng was on guard carefully, holding the white feather sword tightly. The field of the sword spread under his feet, accelerated a little and walked towards the front.

Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped.

Although there are no signs in the yellow sand, Lin Feng still remembers some special terrain. Here, seven small hills go up together, which is clearly the place where he and old man Huang walked past!

This is really a place to bury bones!

And, still will male's territory!

No wonder this area is so quiet.

Lin Feng sped up his speed and went to the West. If he remembered correctly, from the west, he could enter Baifeng City, from Baifeng city to the north, directly to houtumen, and enter the place of burying bones again.

Lin Feng quickened his pace and was pleasantly surprised.

"Boom!" At this time, Lin Feng's feet began to move constantly. Lin Feng stood still and looked at the front with a frown. The yellow sand rolled in front, like a boulder, occupying the whole area. A powerful momentum was approaching Lin Feng, and all Lin Feng's sweat stood up.

"Go!" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng gave a low cry. The potential energy position and the field of sword were launched at the same time. Lin Feng didn't mean to retreat, but directly welcomed it.

"Bang!" Both of them thought and made a huge "bang" sound. Lin Feng's body retreated and looked at the front. A mouthful of blood vomited out. At this time, the huge yellow sand ball began to crack, and the yellow sand shot on both sides.

"Kill!" Lin Feng met him again, and the white feather sword stabbed into the crack.

"Die!" A low voice came out from the yellow sand. Then, a huge force came out from the inside and aligned with the white feather sword. Lin Feng retreated in half and looked inside. In fact, all his body was lifted up. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and his face was gloomy.

This thing was caught off guard, but Lin Feng was not easy to provoke.

The white feather sword fell into Lin Feng's hands. Lin Feng watched the yellow sand disappear little by little. Instead, a big man in black clothes appeared in front of Lin Feng.

He was dark and holding a steel fork weapon. He stepped on the yellow sand barefoot. His eyes were red. Looking at Lin Feng, the murderous spirit lingered around him. He might devour Lin Feng at any time.

Seeing the man in front of him, Lin Feng paused.

"May I ask your excellency?" Lin Feng arched his fist and looked at Jiang Xiong. "I'm just passing by. I don't mean to disturb you."

Lin Feng looked at the man in front of him. Although he didn't know the man in front of him, he didn't cheat at all, and

Lin Feng looked up and down at Jiang Xiong. The guy in front of him was clearly a power type. He was much stronger than those who only knew how to practice every day.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were a little more severe. Obviously, it is not a simple thing to deal with the guy in front of him. If you can not cause trouble, you'd better not cause trouble.

Looking high, Lin Feng once again arched his hand at Jiang Xiong and said, "this warrior, I'm just passing by. If I mean to disturb you, I'll apologize here. However, I still have important things to deal with. Please give me some accommodation."

Lin Feng frowned slightly and said in a loud voice, with a bit of momentum.

If the other party does not agree, Lin Feng is not Liu Adou and will not give in!

"Sajia Jiangxiong!" Jiang Xiong looked down at Lin Feng, drank loudly and said.

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