This is an array!

Also, it's a level seven array!

These ghost kings master the array!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's look was a little colder, and his face became gloomy. If he hadn't been prepared for this array, Lin Feng was really not sure that he could solve it.

"Lin Feng, surrender."

A gentle voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear. Zhao wanwan's beautiful face appeared in front of Lin Feng. She was barefoot. Her long red skirt was blown up in the wind, revealing a pair of beautiful long legs.

Zhao wanwan looked at Lin Feng and her eyes were a little more dark.

"Empress ghost, we meet again." Hearing Zhao wanwan's words, Lin Feng just laughed, and his eyes were a little cold. Sure enough, the woman mixed with the three ghost king.

Lin Feng doesn't know what Zhao wanwan's intention is, but there is always a familiar breath in Zhao wanwan, which makes Lin Feng feel particularly intimate and doesn't mean exclusion.

"Ha ha!" Zhao wanwan smiled low. There was a little more disdain and disgust in the laughter. Lin Feng retreated towards the back. The dagger in Zhao wanwan's hand resigned from Lin Feng's side. Lin Feng held Zhao wanwan's hand back, and Feng Tong's sword scratched a line from Zhao wanwan's neck.

Zhao wanwan quickly turned into yellow sand and fell on the ground with nothing left.

"Now that the empress of the ghost is here, don't sneak around like this. I'm Lin Feng's man. I'm walking straight. Now that we've met, let's have a good fight!"

Lin Feng's words were heroic. His whole body flew directly, his hands lifted, and the twelve yin-yang rotation array slowly rose in Hu Zhi's territory, wrapping the whole territory with gorgeous lights.

"Jie Jie, boy, take your life!" A arrogant voice sounded, and a huge black claw grabbed Lin Feng.

"Tut Tut, Hu Zhi, you can't. didn't you get well last time?" Lin Feng's eyes were a little more joking. His whole body passed through Hu Zhi's big hand, stood in front and looked at Hu Zhi.

"Roar!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Hu Zhi's whole body began to dance in the air. With a crazy face, he pointed to Lin Feng and said, "boy, arrogant!"

"No, no, I'm just explaining the truth. How can this be arrogant?" Lin Feng shook his head, with an expression on his face that I don't want to beat you to beat me. Hu Zhi's anger rose, and his whole body began to grow rapidly and rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Tut Tut, it's just an empty shadow!" Lin Feng shook his head and sighed. His body penetrated through the past from the virtual shadow. Feng Tong's sword sounded light after light in Xu Ying. Lin Feng turned his head and the joke in his eyes became more and more severe.

"Boy, arrogant!" The crazy body appeared in the sky, looked down at Lin Feng, waved his hand, and a spirit training rushed towards Lin Feng. The speed of spirit training was very fast. When Lin Feng saw the spirit training, his face changed slightly, and turned directly to the other side.

Lingli Peilian kept up with Lin Feng, even faster than Lin Feng. Lin Feng's look changed and his body turned over. Lingli Peilian penetrated through Lin Feng's side. The next moment, he rushed towards Lin Feng again.

"Go!" Another figure also rushed out, holding a hammer in his hand, made a loud noise, and a purple thunder rushed towards Lin Feng. Qiming's eyes were gloomy, and his eyes were on Lin Feng, with a bit of madness.

"Go!" Hu Zhi was not vague either. He attacked Lin Feng directly.

Zhao wanwan stood in front of Lin Feng, holding a long sword in her hand, smiled and said, "Lin Feng, don't blame us. We have something to do with the words in this buried place. Now let's give up the opportunity in our hands. We can't do it. If you want to blame yourself, why do you have to find it!"

Zhao wanwan holds the long sword in her hand. The field of the sword is unfolded at her feet. The whole body is cold and murderous. She looks straight at Lin Feng's heart. As long as the long sword enters Lin Feng's chest, Lin Feng's Dragon Emperor blood will be destroyed and he can kill the boy!

Zhao wanwan's face became gloomy for a moment. The look on her face changed constantly. She turned to a low drink, and the long sword stabbed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng let Lei Guang hit him, and his body trembled a little. He trembled a little. The Feng Tong sword in his hand pointed directly at Zhao wanwan's long sword. The field of sword collided with Zhao wanwan's field of sword, wiping out fierce sparks. Lin Feng didn't have any expression in his eyes, but looked down at the front, and the crazy spirit training hit Lin Feng's body.

Pieces of dragon scales rose from Lin Feng's body. These dragon scales made Lin Feng's body very beautiful. In turn, those dragon scales dissipated little by little.

Seeing this scene, Zhao wanwan's look changed. Lin Feng smiled as if he hadn't seen it. The tip of Feng Tong's sword and Zhao wanwan's sword were together.

"You... You got the inheritance of water dragon?" Zhao wanwan's eyes were somewhat unbelievable. She looked at Lin Feng's Dragon scales and trembled. The next moment, Zhao wanwan's look became more and more gloomy. The long sword directly dropped on Lin Feng's chest. Looking at Lin Feng, her eyes turned red and her face was ferocious, saying:

"Then you can't stay, boy. Blame yourself!"

The long sword penetrated Lin Feng's skin. The Qi in Lin Feng's body protected his heart and looked up at Zhao wanwan. Feng Tong's sword directly pierced into Zhao wanwan's heart. Lin Feng turned over holding Feng Tong's sword. Zhao wanwan stood there without anything at all.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Zhao wanwan sneered and said, "don't fight tenaciously. I'm a tool spirit and have no heart. Even if I'm afraid of you thousands of times, I won't die."

Hearing Zhao wanwan's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed clearly. He finally knew why Zhao wanwan had a familiar breath, because Zhao wanwan was the spirit of thick soil shuttle, to be exact, it should be half the spirit of the weapon.

Houtu fell into a deep sleep and couldn't wake up again. I don't know why. The spirit of Houtu shuttle was divided into two parts, one half was Zhao wanwan and the other half was Qingling guarding the Houtu monument outside.

Lin Feng's mind suddenly opened up. Zhao wanwan still didn't let Lin Feng go.

"Boy, go to hell!"

Zhao wanwan suddenly increased her strength. Her eyes were gloomy. She looked at Lin Feng with an excited light on her face.

Seeing Zhao wanwan's appearance, Lin Feng just smiled and let Zhao wanwan's long sword pass through his chest.

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