Lin Feng turned to look at Qingling. Just about to say something, Qingling paused and said, "you'd better recover quickly. There's still time for a cup of tea. The second wave of earth giants is coming."

Originally, I wanted to have a good discussion with Qingling. After hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes.

"Fuck!" Lin Feng gave a low curse and sat down on the ground directly to restore her spiritual power. The three women surrounded Qingling and saw the three women with a fierce face. Qingling looked at the three women with an ignorant face and paused for a moment, saying:

"What's up?"

With that, Qingling's body gradually faded and entered Lin Feng's body.

After all, it's Lin Feng's weapon spirit. Although it can come out, most of the time, Qingling still has to stay in Lin Feng's body to conserve the thick soil shuttle.

"Sister Yanran, why do I always feel strange?" Qian Qian turned to look at Qin Yanran and asked softly.

"Huh?" Qin Yanran turned her head and looked at Qian Qian. When she heard Qian Qian's words, she was also confused. Seeing Qin Yanran's appearance, Qian Qian bit her lips slightly and said:

"Qingling, in brother Lin Feng's body!"

"This..." Qin Yanran frowned, turned to sigh and said, "this guy is like this. Just get used to it. Besides, although the instrument spirit is female, her body is illusory."

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Qian Qian nodded and stood there, quietly watching Lin Feng rest.

For a while, there was a rumbling sound in the corridor. Lin Feng's eyes opened at once. He looked up at the front and saw thick smoke rolling in. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, holding Feng Tong's sword, and his eyes were full of war.

Come on, come on, let me fight with you again!

Lin Feng's whole body became hot-blooded in an instant. Looking at these guys in front of him, he crossed the aisle and blocked several women behind.

"Lin Feng, if you can, let's help you together. You rest, and then we'll help you resist some." Qin Yanran's voice was soft and soft. She stood beside Lin Feng and said softly, "in this way, you also have a rest time."

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Since they're here, let's catch them all. In this case, we won't waste our time." Lin Feng smiled and wiped his arm from the corner of his mouth. Looking ahead, the gloom in his eyes became more and more severe.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qin Yan nodded and stood behind.

The rumbling sound was getting closer and closer, and Lin Feng's body trembled. He was ready to accept the coming storm.

The corridor was trembling and shaking, and countless dust fell down. Lin Feng's body did not retreat but entered, holding Feng Tong's sword, and walked directly to the front.

The place in front suddenly opened up. Five earth giants stood in the middle of a small site. These earth giants exuded all the momentum in the middle of the integration period. Seeing Lin Feng coming, all the quiet earth giants began to move.

Huge fists like raindrops hit Lin Feng standing at the entrance of the cave.

Lin Feng's body suddenly flew up, holding Feng Tong's sword, passed through the shoulder of an earth giant and fell on the breeding sheep in the square.

The speed of these earth giants was much faster. As soon as Lin Feng landed, the two earth giants had greeted Lin Feng and hit the ground with a fist. There was a two finger wide crack on the ground. The crack extended to the entrance of the cave and extended towards the inside of the cave.

"Hiss ~ what a strong meat. Body strength!" Feeling this, Lin Feng's eyes immediately lit up and stared round. Looking at the scene, his eyes were unbelievable. The meat and body power of this thing was too strong!

Compared with those earth giants just now, the power of these earth giants is obviously much stronger!

What kind of thick earth is this? It's clearly a Tyrannosaurus Rex. There are more earth giants in this level than in the level. The earth giants are even more powerful!

Lin Feng's body shuttled around the earth giant and smashed his fist at an earth giant. The earth giant's body trembled. Shaking, there was a mark on his body. Instead, he perked up. As if nothing had happened, he rushed towards Lin Feng again.

"Shit, madman!" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's body kept retreating. Looking at the earth giant, his eyes were gloomy. This guy was

Lin Feng's eyes were gloomy. Looking at the earth giant in front of him, he finally bit his silver teeth and turned over from the earth giant's shoulder. Another earth giant hit Lin Feng on the back when Lin Feng didn't pay attention.

"Click!" Lin Feng's back made a crisp crack.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, five earth giants surrounded Lin Feng almost at the same time and stepped on Lin Feng with big feet.

"NIMA!" Lin Feng almost climbed out of the earth giant's feet and stood up directly. He couldn't help scolding.

Have these earth giants become fine?

Lin Feng clenched his teeth, and the field of sword was unfolded at his feet. Feng Tong's sword was vertical and horizontal on the earth giant with countless sword Qi. Countless loess crashed down, and the earth giant's body began to become smaller.

Lin Feng recognized an earth giant, while constantly avoiding the attack of the other four people, he aimed at an earth giant alone.

"Go!" Lin Feng roared. The earth giant fell directly to the ground. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. This one was finally solved.

Lin Feng looked down at the remaining four earth giants, smiled and said, "I say how powerful you are. It turned out that you are just some soft cotton. The strength on the surface and the reality are not the original!"

Lin Feng's body rowed under the earth giant. Feng Tong's sword directly pierced into the body of another earth giant from his hand. Sword Qi went into the body of the earth giant along Feng Tong's sword.

"Bang!" When an explosion sounded, Lin Feng quickly moved back and looked at the earth giant blown to pieces. Lin Feng smiled. He was hurt by some flesh and blood, and finally grasped the weaknesses of these guys.

Lin Feng just stood up. Another attack greeted Lin Feng. Five earth giants appeared beside Lin Feng, blocked Lin Feng from five directions and attacked Lin Feng.

"NIMA, you're not finished yet, are you?"

Seeing these guys come together, Lin Feng's body shuttles around the five earth giants. Feng Tong's sword constantly attacks the five earth giants. The observer, the five earth giants, is ready to shuttle from the five earth giants.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and insisted, with a gloomy face. These earth giants in the integration stage seem to have some consciousness of their own. Lin Feng looked at their feet, and their feet glittered with earth yellow light.

Seeing these lights, Lin Feng was stunned and stood there with some changes in his face

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