Lin Feng vomited blood, and his whole body was relaxed and relieved.

All the rain and snow accumulated in the body were vomited out, Lin Feng's bones made a crisp crackling sound, and the pain on his body began to reduce gradually.

"Lin Feng, are you okay?" At this time, Qin Yanran heard Lin Feng's spitting blood. One by one, she gathered together anxiously, carefully followed Lin Feng and asked softly.

"No... nothing." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "it's just that the blood accumulated in his body has been vomited out. It's much better now."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the three women were relieved and stood beside Lin Feng to protect the Dharma for Lin Feng.

"He can only walk his own way. If you do this, you will reduce his rest time." Qingling appeared beside Lin Feng, looked at the three women and said, "focusing your strength on her will reduce his rest time, increase his fighting time and increase the power of the earth giant."

Hearing Qingling's words, the three women paused, looked at Qingling and said:

"You mean that the number of earth giants is proportional to his accomplishments. The higher his accomplishments, the more earth giants appear?"

"Yes." The green spirit nodded and looked more serious.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qingling's look paused, and there was a look of serious exploration in her eyes. When she saw the appearance of Qingling, the three women looked at each other and pushed towards the back. It was very bad for Gu Guo to look at Qingling's face.

"I said Qingling, you are so good that you are also my weapon spirit. Can't you be a little honest with me, or do you do whatever you want because I didn't get the thick soil shuttle?" Lin Feng stood behind Qingling and looked at Qingling with a bit of banter in his eyes, but the dangerous smell in his words made Qingling's hair stand up.

She already knew that Lin Feng in front of her was not a good role and idea. She was still a cruel man, which ordinary people could not compare.

"So?" Qingling slightly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, "I know every place and level of the Dragon tomb, but even if I told you, what's the use? His original intention is not to let you take a shortcut, but to be down-to-earth and use his own strength to prove that you can get the inheritance left by the Dragon Emperor. "

Qinglington looked at the front, and his eyes were a little lonely. "For thousands of years, the Dragon Emperor came up with countless ways to control them in order to prevent the twelve first dragons from becoming interested in the blood of the dragon. The purpose is to ensure the integrity of the blood of the dragon before the descendants of the Dragon Emperor appear. He did it."

Qingling's body trembled gently. "He is the most upright and central dragon. He has been waiting for the person in need to appear day by day according to the requirements of the Dragon Emperor."

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng looked more serious. Standing in front of Qingling, he looked serious and said, "thank you."

"Come on." Qingling's body disappeared into the deep corridor. Lin Feng restrained his mind, looked ahead and coughed gently.

"Lin Feng!" The three women stood in front of Lin Feng and frowned when they saw Lin Feng. Lin Feng paused and said:

"Don't worry about me. Qingling is right. Since he's here, he'll finish my Ninja step by step. You'll wait for me here."

With that, Lin Feng also set foot on the road ahead.

"What a madman!" Old man Huang muttered, looked at Lin Feng's back and sighed. Once upon a time, he was so crazy, but at that age, he didn't seem to exist in his heart. The past is the past and will never come back.

Thinking of this, old man Huang had a little more envy in his eyes. He looked back at his papaya like disciple Deng Jiajia. Finally, he turned his eyes and sighed silently in his heart. It's more cost-effective for this boy to survive first

As for the so-called blood Jianghu

Old man Huang sighed. The so-called blood Jianghu can only be parried by a boy like Lin Feng who is not afraid of death.

Old man Huang looked at Deng Jiajia with some helplessness in envy. Suddenly, the corridor in front shook, and old man Huang's body shook. The whole fell to the ground, pointed to the front and said loudly:

"Shit, you boy, can't you be quiet? Your grandfather, my bones will be broken by you! "

"It's not his, it's ours. This guy is here to deal with us." Qin Yanran turned to look at old man Huang and said faintly.

Old man Huang, who was still jumping, suddenly calmed down. Looking back at the front, he saw a huge vortex glittering with earthy yellow light.

Qin Yanran turned to look at Qianqian and Yao Ziyi and said, "I'll go first!"

With that, Qin Yanran rushed up directly. The vortex caught Qin Yanran, and then sent Qin Yanran away.

"I'll go too!" Old man Huang took Deng Jiajia's hand. He knew that this thing was from the Dragon tomb. It must not be a bad thing. He had received a lot of benefits before. If he could get another sum, it would be the best.

Thinking so, old man Huang pulled Deng Jiajia into the vortex Before Qian Qian and Yao Ziyi.

Qianqian and Yao Ziyi looked at each other. They looked at the depth of the channel with some concern. They just entered the vortex. As soon as they entered the vortex, the vortex dissipated slowly.

In the thick earth monument, a vortex suddenly appeared. Shi Ningxue and the Zhao family owner, who were originally standing outside, stood up and looked at each other. They were still a little afraid of the vortex.

"What is this?" The disciples of the Zhao family made a commotion. Look at me and I'll look at you. They were a little surprised.

The whirlpool suddenly began to run quickly. Then, a dark blue figure appeared in front of the thick earth monument. Qin Yanran looked at the people in front and clenched the emperor's pen in her hand.

"My grandpa Huang is coming!" Old man Huang shouted and appeared beside Qin Yanran. Seeing these people outside, old man Huang retreated a little, smiled awkwardly, waved his hand and said:

"Well... No... sorry, you go on, you go on."

Old man Huang leaned against the thick earth Monument and wiped the sweat off his forehead. His legs and stomach were still beating drums.

This damn vortex!

Old man Huang was biting with silver teeth in his heart. He didn't think that this damn vortex would send them out to deal with Zhao's disciples and Shi Ningxue, a terrible woman!

"Kill!" Compared with the stunned people here, Qianqian rushed directly towards a group of people with a whip in his hand. His eyes were gloomy and his hand was very fast. He didn't give the Zhao family time to react at all.

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