These disciples of Xingyun holy land must have been provoked by these two people.

Sure enough, they are a pair of adulterers * *.

Lin Feng, holding Feng Tong's sword in his hand, looked at several disciples of the nebula Holy Land in front of him, sneered and said, "you can't measure your strength!"

The field of sword spread out at Lin Feng's feet. Feng Tong's sword made a clear sound, and several people's bodies trembled. They turned to look back at Shi Ningxue. Shi Ningxue nodded. The waist of the five people straightened instantly.

"I think you have a lot of courage. Well, since you're here, let's go together, or I'll save a lot of effort to deal with you again!" With a smile on Lin Feng's face and a pull in his hand, more than a dozen sword Qi rushed directly towards the other side. There was no response, another sword Qi appeared, and then rushed towards the other side.

Seeing this, everyone's face changed. This boy

The leading disciple of Xingyun holy land had an uncertain face. Looking at Lin Feng, he couldn't help but start playing drums.

However, thinking of the instructions of the son and Shi Ningxue, who is about to become the son's wife, the man sneered and said, "boy, I don't care who you are, but since you dare to offend our son and young lady, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

With that, the man took the lead in rushing towards Lin Feng, and a group of fiery red Lingli peak appeared in his hand. This guy is not stupid. Once he made a move, it was his strongest attack!


Seeing the attack, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a sarcastic smile, looked down at the person in front of him, shook his head and sighed.

Feeling Lin Feng's sigh, the look on the other side paused. Just about to say something, he saw that Lin Feng's body suddenly began to change. Seeing this scene, everyone's face immediately changed.

"Back, back!"

Several people's bodies kept retreating. A robbery thunder suddenly appeared in the sky and directly hit one of the disciples. This disciple is the one who an Kai shot Lin Feng.

People look at me, I look at you, my body trembled and trembled.

This boy is a disciple of Baiyu sect!

No wonder the son wants them to do it!

The faces of several people were gloomy for a moment. They stood there and looked at Lin Feng. The whole chest was undulating!


How could he be a disciple of Baiyu sect?

Seeing the appearance of these disciples, Lin Feng didn't mean to fight. He thought of Li Yutong who was still inside. Seeing the incredible appearance of these people, he shook his head, turned and walked directly towards the inside.

"Boss, who is this man?"

"Yes, boss, why does the Holy Son know that he is from the white feather gate and want us to fight?"

The leading man sneered, vomited a mouthful of blood and said, "it must be Lin Feng, the leader of the white feather gate. Isn't the woman that our Holy Son once pursued his wife?" With that, the man turned directly and walked out of the valley, "go back, we are here now, and we will be counterattacked by the disciples of Baiyu sect. Those guys are not fuel-efficient lights."

Hearing the captain's words, several people nodded, quickly followed, turned and walked outside the valley.

"It seems that your people are not very good." Shi Ningxue stood beside Li Mu, sneered and said.

"Really?" Li Mu turned his head and looked at Shi Ningxue. He held a wisp of green silk of Shi Ningxue in his hand and sneered. He came up to Shi Ningxue's neck and sniffed. Shi Ningxue's eyebrows wrinkled and his face flashed a little unhappy, but he soon converged.

"Don't forget, you asked my people to do it. Don't you know that the disciples of our four sects will suffer thunder when dealing with the disciples of Baiyu sect?" Li Mu's eyes sank in an instant, Shi Ningxue paused, turned to a bright smile on his face, leaned over Li Mu and said:

"Yes, I just want to see Lin Feng's accomplishments. This guy has always hidden his accomplishments. If we don't know his specific accomplishments, our killers won't be able to fight!"

"So, are you satisfied?" Li Mu squinted at Shi Ningxue and asked faintly.

Shi Ningxue smiled, looked at Lin Feng walking towards the inside, turned to follow up, and said, "are you satisfied or not, let's follow up, don't you know?"

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Li Mu paused for a moment, and the two followed Lin Feng into the inside. Lin Feng paused for a moment, felt the two people behind, and floated towards one side.

Shi Ningxue's heart was shocked and hurried to follow. Li Mu had no time to hold Shi Ningxue. The two people were directly exposed in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningxue with a smile and looked up and down, saying:

"Tut Tut, isn't this Miss Shi Ningxue? Why, I've been in trouble today? "

"Give me back my things." With a gloomy face, Shi Ningxue stretched out his hand to Lin Feng, sneered and said, "otherwise, you'll wait for the Shi family to find the trouble of Baiyu gate! You Lin Feng can really escape. Do you think your white feather gate can also escape? "

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Lin Feng sighed, shook his head and said, "I know, my white feather door can't escape." Lin Feng shook his head with some regret on his face.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue's face showed a satisfied smile.

Li Mu was annoyed. After designing this thing, this woman couldn't carry it clearly. It was stupid!

"This thing is yours. It's normal to give it back to you. After all, this thing can't be of much use in my hand." Lin Feng held a small powder umbrella in his hand. After playing, he turned to Li Mu.

Feeling Lin Feng's smile, Li Mu's heart was humiliated. Lin Feng's smile was a bit mysterious and joking, so Li Mu had to be wary of what the guy in front of him was going to do.

"As long as you swear, you will marry Li Mu. I'll give you back your things!" Lin Feng smiled, looked at Shi Ningxue and said, "do you dare? Or do you just want to use Li Mu to achieve your own goals? "

"Lin Feng!" Shi Ningxue growled and looked at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes. Seeing the appearance of Shi Ningxue, Lin Feng smiled and sat there, waiting to continue to speak. Seeing the appearance of Lin Feng, Shi Ningxue's face became more and more gloomy.

This bastard!

Shi Ningxue's eyebrows were tightly locked and his fists were clenched together. Looking at Lin Feng, he was full of strong murderous spirit. This bastard is really hateful!

"You don't want to marry me?"

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