"Can you crack the array?" Wei Yunshu's eyes lit up immediately. Looking at Lin Feng, her whole body shook and asked.

"Well, we can crack the array." Lin Feng smiled and nodded with a gentle smile on his face and said, "wait a minute, the array will be broken soon. As soon as the array is broken, we can get the things here."

"That's nice. I don't know which state invented this thing. It's really unacceptable." Wei Yunshu tooted her mouth and said.

"It's me!" A thick voice sounded in the hall. Wei Yunshu was startled and jumped up.

"Who, who, who?" Wei Yunshu held a weapon in her hand and looked up, down, left, right, back and forth. Her whole body was on alert, but there was no one everywhere.

"It's the residual consciousness of the owner of the relic. Don't look for it. It's long gone." Lin Feng sighed and said, pointing directly towards the middle of the teacup. Gently, the teacup was there in an instant. The fragrance, heat and aura were gone. The whole room trembled. The next moment, a cup fell into Lin Feng's hand. There was a glass of water in the cup. The water was colorless and tasteless, Lying quietly in Lin Feng's cup, shining with colorful light under the irradiation of spiritual power.

"This is..."

Wei Yunshu frowned and looked at the quilt in Lin Feng's hand. Her eyes immediately lit up and said, "this is rootless water! Rootless water! "

“?” Lin Feng paused for a moment and became ecstatic the next moment. Wei Yunshu carefully gathered in front of Lin Feng, paused for a moment, took out a cup and said, "you can't go back on what you said. Give it to me, give it to me, I want it, I want it!"

Seeing the appearance of Wei Yunshu, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, but he divided Wei Yunshu half according to his words. Seeing the elated smile on Wei Yunshu's face, he shook his head. Although he was reluctant to give up such a good baby, he should give it since he promised.

Lin Feng put away the remaining rootless water and put it into the Dinghai god pearl. He also mobilized the dead water inside to protect half a cup of rootless water.

Seeing Lin Feng so careful, Wei Yunshu tooted her mouth, but the smile on her face became more and more beautiful. Looking at Lin Feng, her eyes blinked and said, "you said, since we can get rootless water, will the baby we get next be better and better?"

"Did you see that the section of the road ahead of us was just prepared by the former master. This is the former master's front yard, living room and welcoming guests. The prepared things must be better. If we go in, the things inside may not be so good."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wei Yunshu's original excitement immediately disappeared. Smash it, smash its mouth, and follow Lin Feng with a disdainful face. As Lin Feng walked towards the front, Lin Feng turned back, saw Wei Yunshu's appearance and shook his head.

Out of the hall, there is another yard, one side to the left and the other to the right.

The corridor to the left says treasure Pavilion, and the corridor to the right says medicine garden. Choose one from two. Everyone can only choose once.

"I'll go to the treasure Pavilion!" Wei Yunshu took the lead in opening his mouth and rushed to the left. Lin Feng shook his head and chose the medicine garden.

There were no footprints on the road to the medicine garden. Obviously, everyone who came in chose the treasure Pavilion like Wei Yunshu.

Lin Feng walked slowly towards the front. All the way, strange flowers and plants were planted on the flower beds on both sides. If it weren't for knowing that this is a separate space, Lin Feng would cheer for the owner in front of him. What is prepared here is really a little too beautiful. Whether it's the surrounding scenery or others, it's the most beautiful.

Lin Feng walked all the way to Ma Guanhua and looked around. With a gentle smile on his face, he walked in the garden. It was quiet everywhere. Only plants grew there quietly, and even some were extinct plants outside.

"Unfortunately, if these plants were not protected by the array, I would take them away directly." Lin Feng sighed and envied more in his eyes.

If these plants in front of you are taken out, they will certainly make a sensation!

However, every plant here is protected by an array. Lin Feng has no intention to crack an array and get the plants inside. Therefore, he naturally gave up the plan.

All the way forward, soon, Lin Feng came to the end. At the end was a large yard. Several puppets were mechanically repairing the yard. The garden was full of various medicinal materials. These medicinal materials were suffused with a faint fragrance. The wind blew and danced with the wind.

"Tut Tut, an elixir for thousands of years!" Lin Feng pulled out an ordinary herb on the roadside. It has been tens of thousands of years!

Such a good baby!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately, and all his carelessness disappeared. His eyes were on the whole medicine garden, and his whole body was shaking. These are good medicinal materials!

Lin Feng rubbed his hands and put them on the fence of the yard. Several puppets who had been careless blocked Lin Feng's way in an instant.

"Token!" A puppet made a mechanical sound, looked at Lin Feng and whispered.


Lin Feng looked around. There were no tokens everywhere. Instead, Lin Feng thought of the sign hanging at the door. His mind moved, and Qingling took the sign.

"Here you are!" Lin Feng gave the puppet a huge sign of quiao directly.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" As soon as Lin Feng's plaque passed, it began to stir up loudly. Lin Feng was startled by the guy's call, and his whole body retreated a few steps. He only saw that several puppets around the medicine garden seemed crazy and rushed directly towards him. Seeing this, Lin Feng frowned.

He just wanted to take something and leave, but he didn't expect to get into these big trouble, which makes his heart a little depressed now.

These things seem easy to deal with, but in fact, they are not as comfortable as they seem.

Lin Feng went to Fengtong sword, and his eyes were a little solemn. Since they all came, there was no reason to let Baoshan go. It would be best to take them all. Even if they can't take them all and don't pick them up, how can they afford their trip?

"Qingling?" Lin Feng's mind called, and Qingling appeared in front of Lin Feng. Seeing a pile of puppets rushing towards Lin Feng, Qingling's face sank instantly?

This guy, do you want her to do it again? Qinglington, she has never seen such a shameless person!

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