Mo Youluo raised his head and looked at Ji ruoli, with some uncertainty in his eyes.

Ji ruoli is definitely a genius, and may have surpassed Mo ruo.

If such a genius can stay in youyou Tianming Jiaozu, he can definitely bring great benefits to youYou Tianming Jiaozu. Needless to say, he may even help youyou Tianming Jiaozu defeat the other three demon clans and unify the whole sea area!

Thinking of this, Mo Youluo's heart stopped suddenly, but soon, Mo Youluo converged his small disc. At this time, he must be calm. Ji LAN must deal with it. Ji ruoli, if he can stay, it's best. If he can't stay

Mo Youluo's eyes turned on Lin Feng.

But instead, an alarm sounded in moyolo's heart. Mo ruo was locked into an endless abyss and had a deep relationship with him. If he left Ji ruoli, wouldn't he leave himself a trouble?

Especially if I had entered the endless abyss

Mo Youluo's body trembled. This son must not stay

Instead, Mo Youluo looked at Lin Feng. How can Lin Feng be so familiar with his name?

At the same time, in a deep trench deep in the sea area of Tianming Jiaozu, in a simple lava cave at the low end of the trench, a young woman dressed in black and with simple curled hair sat there.

The young woman is very beautiful. Her white skin and delicate facial features, especially the dark circles under her eyes, add a bit of unusual beauty to the young women in front of her.

Suddenly, the young woman opened her eyes. Her blue eyes twinkled with joy. She looked at the residence on the land of youYou tianmingjiao and murmured:

"Ruo Li, is that you?"

The beautiful woman's body trembled and trembled, and a line of clear tears slowly flowed down. In turn, the beautiful woman flew directly up to it. With the beautiful woman's action, spiritual silk threads were outlined in the quiet trench. These spiritual silk threads were wrapped and wound together to form a huge array, which directly beat the beautiful woman back.

The beautiful woman's body fell to the ground, and her eyes were somewhat angry.

This damn array has trapped her here all the time. Mo ruo's eyes are angry and his face is cold.

"Mo Youluo, do you really think that such a small array can trap me?" Mo ruo sneered, his hands crossed and printed, and purple spiritual power training appeared from her side and directly attacked the array.

The whole endless abyss trembled, and the sea poured in.

The land above also trembled. It trembled. Moyoro was playing his own proud abacus, and suddenly felt the trembling and trembling around him.

"Elder, elder, it's miss. Miss is attacking the array of the endless abyss and wants to escape!" A disciple of youyou Tianming Jiao family quickly ran in. He looked at Mo Youluo and said loudly.

"Damn it!" Mo Youluo slapped on the sandalwood table next to him. The whole table turned into powder in an instant. Mo Youluo's heart suddenly contracted. Thinking that there were still people in the room, his face immediately converged, and his eyes swept around Ji LAN and Ji ruoli.

No, absolutely not!

No matter what genius Ji ruoli is, we can't stay at this time. A Mo ruo is powerful enough. If we send another role more powerful than Mo ruo, then their mother and daughter will retaliate together

Thinking of this, Mo Youluo's body trembled, and his eyes were a little more frightened. A Moruo is terrible enough. We must not let mother and daughter reunite. Yes, we must not let mother and daughter reunite!

Mo Youluo's expression was suddenly cold, and his eyes looking at Ji LAN and Ji Ruolin were also cold. The invisible murderous spirit directly included Ji Ruolin and Ji LAN.

Ji Ruolin and Ji LAN both retreated towards the back. Lin Feng stood in front of them and shrouded them in them. They immediately felt much more comfortable. Ji LAN smiled gratefully at Lin Feng. Fortunately, Lin Feng followed. If their father and daughter came

Ji LAN didn't dare to imagine that Ruo Li's talent could move the sea people in front of her. Now it seems that it's not at all

"Elder, you have thought it over. Don't do anything you regret." Seeing Mo Youluo's changing look, Lin Fengxiang smiled and said, "although our Baiyu gate's influence in the four sea cities is not very good, our transmission array has been connected to the Hanhai city. With one word, my Baiyu gate disciples can break through the whole Hanhai city."

Lin Feng's words are very simple, but there are no fewer threats in his words, especially Lin Feng's momentum. Now it can be said that Mo Youluo is in the opposite, which makes Mo Youluo's eyes colder and more severe. This damn boy is deliberately looking for trouble!

Mo Youluo was pulled back by Lin Feng's words. He paused for a moment. His face looked very ugly. Looking at Lin Feng, he sneered and said, "is it difficult? Do you think I will be afraid of a small sect when I travel around Tianming Jiao clan? We youyou Tianming Jiao clan, but the overlord of the sea. Among the four sea cities, no one dares to attack our Tianming Jiao clan! "

"This is land after all, and I don't know if the elder still remembers the twelve yin-yang rotation array outside Hanhai city? What a coincidence. I'm good at arranging arrays. Besides, I think young master Maureen should be very clear about things in the twelve yin-yang rotation array. Didn't young master Maureen tell you? "

Lin Feng sat there, looked at Mo Youluo and said with a smile, "you said, if I first crack the array arranged during the Mahayana in the sky, then I will come out and set up a twelve yin-yang rotation array on the territory here, how much will the disciples of youyou Tianming Jiao family lose? Young master Maureen, why don't you calculate for your elder? "

Lin Feng turned to look at Mo Lin, seemingly chatting, but in fact, Mo Youluo knows very clearly about Lin Feng's ruthlessness. Although not everyone has that ruthlessness, it still makes Mo Youluo unforgettable.

"Boy, don't open the river with blood!" Molin, who had been standing there, heard Lin Feng's words, pointed to Lin Feng and said with a gloomy face.

"Am I talking nonsense? Didn't Mr. Maureen see my ability? Did Mr. Maureen forget? Should I remind him again? "

Lin Feng said with a touch of light irony at the corners of his mouth.

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