"Ruoer." Ji LAN stretched out her hand and looked at the more and more clear figure in front of her. Her body trembled slightly.

It's Mo ruo. It's Mo ruo he misses so much!

Ji LAN didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, but after seeing the familiar figure, the whole mood rippled. His mood at the moment was like the person in front of him, so that he couldn't see through his thoughts.

The dream and reality are combined together. The shadow of her lover in Ji Lan's heart is clear, ripe and shaking a lot.

Hearing Ji Lan's whisper, Ji Ruolin also turned his head. In the twilight, a young woman with seven or eight points similar to her slowly flew over here.

Ji ruoli's body trembled. A kind of intimacy from the depths of her soul quickly occupied her body. She knew that the woman in front of her was the one she had been waiting for.

Although Ji ruoli had never seen her mother when she was a child and hated the woman in front of her when she was besieged by villagers, when she really saw it, something else happened at this time.

A voice sounded in Ji ruoli's heart: "it's her, it's her, it's her!"

Ji ruoli's feelings began to become more and more clear. That kind of clarity penetrated her whole body and let Ji ruoli's feelings gush out in an instant.

Such feelings are different.

Ji ruoli can feel that her heart is beating fast in October. Ji ruoli feels that what she once needed is really displayed in front of her now.

"Ji Lang, Ruo Li." Mo ruo stood not far from the two people, his face was full of tears, and his body was trembling. Shaking, he stretched out his hand, and he was afraid that what he touched was untrue. He just stood there and looked at the two people, with cautious expectations on his face.

She has seen her husband and her children in her dreams countless times, but now her husband and children really stand in front of her. If they are afraid again, she is afraid that it is still a dream, a dream she has been thinking about countless times.

It's just that this dream is probably more realistic than previous dreams.

"Ruoer." Ji LAN came forward and grabbed Mo ruo's hand. The warmth passed between the two people. Mo ruo's face was smiling and rushed into Ji Lan's arms. Ji ruoli stood aside and turned back to take Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took Ji Ruolin's hand. The warm and familiar breath made Ji Ruolin's whole mind quiet in an instant and nodded. What in her heart filled some of her panic and fear.

Ji ruoli looked up at his parents hugging each other, and a gentle smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

When she came back, my father had been waiting for my mother to come back. Now my father has waited hard. My father is happy and happy. This is the life my father has always wanted.

"Ruoer, come and have a look. This is our daughter. Ruoli, ruoli, call your mother." For a while, Ji LAN wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, took Ji ruoli's hand and put it on Mo ruo's hand.

"Mother." Ji ruoli raised his head, tears in his eyes, held his mother's hand tightly and didn't want to loosen it.

"Oh, my good daughter." If she looked up and down at Ji ruoli in front of her, she almost didn't think. She knew that the girl in front of her must be her daughter. Yes, only her daughter can grow so beautiful and make people worry so much.

This is her daughter!

Mo ruo wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, took Ji ruoli and Ji LAN by the hand and said, "I'm sorry, you've worked hard these years."

"It's me. It's all me. My cultivation is too low. I can't give you any real help. It's why your mother and daughter have been separated for so many years and you've been imprisoned alone at the bottom of the sea."

Ji LAN shook her head and took her wife and daughter's hand. Her words were all condemnation of herself. The smile on her face had never faded. She had been there.

"Well, well, now that we've met, don't say sour here. Let's go. It's a rare good day. Let's have a good reunion." Lin Feng said with a smile on his face, "who are these two ancestors? Let's go. I'll cook myself. You see, the night is just right. We can have a good supper."

With a smile on Lin Feng's face and a wave of his big hand, the twelve yin-yang rotation array ran straight, revealing the blue sea outside.

"It's good. If the family is finally reunited, it's also the end of my wish, the old man." Mo Daotian nodded and said with a gentle smile.

"Lao Zu!" Hearing Mo Daotian's voice, Mo ruo turned his head and saluted Mo Daotian. His eyes turned on Mo Youluo. Mo ruo snorted coldly and waved his hand, which completely crushed Mo Youluo.

In the past few years in the endless abyss, Mo ruo's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. Now Mo Youluo is not Mo ruo's opponent at all.

Mo Youluo stood there with a bitter face and looked at Mo Daotian for help.

Mo Daotian coughed, turned his head and pretended not to see Mo Youluo's eyes.

"Master, you see, now I'm the head of youyou Tianming Jiao clan. This is also the territory of our youyou Tianming Jiao clan. Otherwise, keep this array." Ji ruoli smiled and hugged Lin Feng's arm and said, "in this case, if someone wants to bully me in the future, I will directly start the array, so no one dare to bully me!"

Hearing Ji ruoli's coquettish words, Lin Feng gave a sound and felt very satisfied.

The girl spoke in a sunny voice. When she was coquettish, she took a little intimacy with her, which made Lin Feng very useful.

Although Lin Feng has children himself, when he grows up, the children have their own things. Moreover, he has been running around all these years, and he has less and less time to get along. Now it is Ji ruoli who follows around, which makes Lin Feng fully feel his father's love.

It's time to go back.

Lin Feng said silently in his heart. He thought that both his wives had come back. Lin Feng had some sad thoughts and was much better.

"Well, well, just keep it." With a gentle smile, Lin Feng touched Ji ruoli's head and said with a smile.

"Hee hee!" Ji ruoli immediately nodded with a smile. Mo Daotian and Mo Youluo were also happy. Although Lin Feng's twelve yin-yang rotation array is fatal to monsters, if they master the secret, it is definitely a big killing weapon. Even if there is any trouble in the future, once this array is opened, other monsters can't kneel and obey?

After all, in the face of the twelve yin-yang rotation array arranged by Lin Feng, even Mo Daotian himself is not 100% sure that he can crack the array in front of him.

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