This crazy girl is really crazy. She doesn't care about her body at all!

Mo Youluo snorted coldly in his heart, looked back at several elders, and couldn't help worrying about Mo ruo and Ji Ruolin. Ji Ruolin had just accepted the old ancestor's words and became the head of youyou Tianming Jiao family. However, these guys in front of him were all looking covetously. Where was there any hope that the little girl would inherit the position of head?

Mo Youluo stamped his feet, with some helplessness on his face and wanted to speak, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them all back.

If you leave the little girl and don't let the little girl become the team leader, the result seems to be better.

Mo Daotian raised his head and sighed when he saw Mo ruo's appearance. This was Mo ruo's choice. Even if he wanted to help, he could not change the current situation. Now, only their mother and daughter can control themselves.

"Catch it“ Lin Feng threw a bottle to Mo ruo. Mo ruo opened his eyes and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng nodded to Mo ruo. Mo ruo paused and took the bottle.

"Don't worry, Ruolin also has some. Take it first to recover your qi. There are still a lot of troubles to solve!" Lin Feng pointed to the elders of youyou Tianming Jiao family behind him, and said to Mo ruo with a smile.

Mo ruo's mouth was hooked, showing a gentle smile, nodded, took the bottle and drank the divine water directly.

Mo ruo slowly closed his eyes and turned to tremble. He shook for a while, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, with an incredible face.

Her accomplishments have been restored!

No, not only recovered, Mo ruo can feel that the water is still swimming in her body. Walking, that is to say, the water is constantly infiltrating her body!

This is a great thing!

You know, she has been practicing in the bottom all these years. She attacks the array of endless abyss from time to time, leaving a lot of hidden wounds on her. Where the water passes, she can feel that those hidden wounds are disappearing little by little.

Mo ruo raised his head and looked at Ji ruoli.

Ji ruoli still sat there quietly cross legged, his body flashing light blue, which set off Ji ruoli very beautiful as a relegated fairy in the sky.

Even if Mo ruo saw his daughter's appearance, he couldn't help being a little crazy.

Ji ruoli's body floats in the air, and the original black veins begin to fade a little. Other veins climb up Ji ruoli's body again. These veins show a light purple gold, setting off Ji ruoli's whole body.

"What is this?" Seeing the purple and gold veins on Ji ruoli's body, Mo Daotian's hand trembled. He turned to ecstasy on his face. This is... Evolution!

Ji ruoli is evolving!

This is a young youyou Tianming Jiao evolving!

Mo Daotian's body trembled more and more. He trembled, and there was a bit of clarity in his turbid eyes. For thousands of years, since he took charge of youyou Tianming Jiao family, youyou Tianming Jiao family has not evolved a monster.

God is helping him to travel among the Tianming Jiaozu!

"Good girl!" Mo Daotian couldn't help shouting, waved his hand and sent all the elders out. These old men obviously looked ill intentioned. It's better to go out.

"Ancestors." Seeing Mo Daotian's practice, Mo Youluo sighed helplessly, "in this way, the resentment of several elders will be greater!"

"What do you care about me?" Mo Daotian raised his eyebrows and looked at Ji ruoli without blinking. "Let them go. Anyway, they have to surrender later. What's the difference? Or are they not satisfied with the old man? I escort this girl? They sent an equally excellent child! "

Mo Youluo bowed his head and said nothing. He didn't know what medicine Ji ruoli had given Mo Daotian. Now Mo Daotian is overjoyed with Ji ruoli. He sent all the elders out for Ji ruoli.

Mo Youluo smashed his mouth and looked at Ji ruoli, who changed slowly in the sky, with a little more envy in his eyes.

It's a pity. It's a pity that it's not his son and Mo ruo's child. In that case, it can save him countless thoughts.

Mo Youluo sighed and glanced at Mo ruo secretly. He felt that Mo ruo's eyes looked over here with a little cold, and Mo Youluo's neck shrank.

"Disease!" Mo ruo gave a low cry, pointed a little, and a light directly shot at Ji ruoli. The light paused on the surface of Ji ruoli's body and directly entered Ji ruoli's body.

"Moro, you're crazy!" Mo Daotian turned his head and looked at Mo ruo. His eyes coagulated together and said, "this is your heart and blood!"

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I've already prepared it." Mo ruo looked at Ji ruoli in front, with a gentle smile on his mouth and a mother's love in his eyes. This is what she has extracted in the endless abyss for a long time. She has been kept in the clean bottle, waiting to meet Ji ruoli, and then untie the seal for her daughter, bring the blood into her body and improve the purity of the blood in her body.

Feeling that Mo ruo's breath had not changed much, Mo daotianfang relaxed and nodded.

After receiving Mo ruo's blood, Ji Ruolin's body began to tremble and shake, and the deformation of his body was faster. Ji Ruolin's hands turned into a tail. The black tail swayed gently in the air and rushed directly here with a stream of air.

"Strong!" Lin Feng avoided the current and couldn't help sighing. Looking at Ji ruoli in the sky, a gentle smile came up at the corners of his mouth. The girl's talent is not weak at all!

Ji ruoli's tail swung a few times. The black giant tail gradually began to point out the faint purple gold texture, outlined Ji ruoli's scales, and glittered with light under the spiritual power.

"Is this... Dragon blood?" Lin Feng frowned. The textures on Ji ruoli's body are the same as Qianqian's color, but one is the vein and the other is the texture. Is it difficult because there is dragon blood in ruoli's body, and the intensity is not low?

Feeling this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the youyou Tianming Jiao is not very good-looking, it still needs to be calculated carefully. It can also be regarded as the dragon family. The dragon family has its own dragon blood. The gifted dragon can rely on its own dragon blood to become a dragon. This is the same reason as the carp leaping into the Dragon's gate.

After thinking this clearly, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. It's not surprising that ruoli's body has dragon blood.

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