"Your cultivation is very good, but if you meet this girl, it's normal to lose." Mo Daotian turned to look at Maureen and said softly, "Ruo Li's talent is on you, and so is his blood. Practice hard. In addition, you have too little practical experience, which is the reason why you lost to Ruo Li today. Go out and practice hard. Maybe there will be some adventures!"

Hearing Mo Daotian's comments, Maureen's eyes lit up immediately and turned to look at Mo Daotian. Mo Daotian was looking ahead.

"Thank you, old ancestor?" Mo Youluo pulled Maureen's hand, and Maureen reacted in an instant.

"Maureen, thank you for your advice. Don't worry. Maureen will practice hard in the future and never lose face to his ancestors." Maureen's look perked up in an instant, with a smile on his face. He looked at Ji ruoli and bit his lips.

Ji ruoli looked up at Maureen, smiled and said, "do you want to continue playing?"

"I'm not your opponent, but you'd better not relax. I'll be back soon. I'll beat you then!" Maureen looked up at Ji ruoli and said seriously.

"Wait for you, but when you come back later, you will call me the patriarch. Do you mean to fight with the patriarch?" Ji ruoli smiled at Maureen and asked.

Morrington bowed his head for a while and said, "I am convinced that you are the patriarch. However, even if you are the patriarch, I want to fight with you. Then I will fight with you. Don't cry at that time!"

With that, Maureen went straight out.

Hearing Maureen's words, Ji Ruolin spit out his tongue and head.

"Is everything all right, Ruo Li?" Mo ruo walked to Ji ruoli's side, took Ji ruoli's hand, looked up and down, and asked softly.

"I'm fine, mother!" Ji ruoli shook his head with a smile, looked at the seven elders and said, "are you convinced? If you have not arranged to fight with me, just solve it together. I don't need to spend a lot of time thinking about fighting! "

Ji ruoli had a harmless smile on his face, but the arrogant words made several elders smash the corners of his mouth and suffocate badly one by one.

They want to do a good job, but if Mo ruo is here, how can they dare to deal with Mo ruo's daughter? Moreover, if they deal with a younger generation in the future, where will their faces go?

Although they still have a lot of prejudice against Ji ruoli, they all know that such people are more suitable to be their patriarch.

He is decisive and powerful in killing and defeating the favored children of heaven at the same level. Such a family disciple is excellent.

Thinking of this, although the seven elders are still a little unwilling, the girl in front of them, although she has the blood of youyou Tianming Jiao family, in the final analysis, she is still a half man and half demon. Such a half man and half demon guy has become their clan leader. Hasn't this defiled their blood?

"Old ancestor, miss Ruolin's cultivation is really good. If Miss Ruolin doesn't mind, we are willing to let Miss Ruolin stay in the family. It's just about the position of the patriarch. I think we'd better think about it in the long run."

"Yes, old ancestor, if you leave, the girl is..."

"All right!" Seeing that several elders still didn't give up, Mo Daotian directly recovered, his face was terrible, and said: "this matter is so decided. I don't care what difficulties you have. Since this is the case, you have to accept this result. In the next few decades, I will take ruoli girl with me and personally instruct the girl. When the girl comes back, When she was in charge of the youyou Tianming Jiao clan, you Luo, tell them. "

Mo Daotian waved his hand and his face was very black. Looking at these elders who wanted to go back, he snorted coldly and said.


"Everything is arranged by my grandfather."

When the seven elders saw Mo Dao's face getting dark, they immediately stood up straight and obediently accepted the order.

These guys are really bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.

When Lin Feng saw this scene, he shook his head helplessly. Finally, he just smiled. Ji ruoli stood in front of Lin Feng, smiled and said, "master, am I going to stay here?"

Lin Feng nodded, touched Ji ruoli's head and said, "yes, but don't worry, the master is ready. If you go to the master first, you can go there." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji ruoli's eyes lit up immediately, nodded hurriedly, took Lin Feng's hand and snuggled in Lin Feng's arms, just like a little girl.

"Master, don't worry. I will practice and manage youyou Tianming Jiao family here. When master comes again, I will see a more powerful youyou Tianming Jiao family!"

Hearing Ji ruoli's words, Lin Feng touched Ji ruoli's hand with a gentle smile and said, "of course I believe my girl will give me a more powerful youyou Tianming Jiaozu."

Ji Ruolin narrowed her eyes and became more and more beautiful. Mo Ruolin stood aside, saw Ji Ruolin's appearance, and then saw that Lin Feng was about to leave. She suddenly felt relieved. Although she also thought Lin Feng was good enough, for Ruolin, maybe there would be a more suitable person for Ruolin. Lin Feng is a strong person who wants to stand at the top after all, If you follow him, you are doomed to be displaced.

And her biggest dream is to hope that her daughter can live a good and safe life.

Thinking of this, Mo ruo breathed a sigh of relief.

"My Lord, the matter has been settled. Let's go to the house for a cup of tea and talk with me. There are still some things about Ruo Li. I hope I can communicate with my Lord." Mo Daotian turned his head, looked at Lin Feng, and said with a gentle smile.

"All right." Lin Feng nodded. Seeing Mo Daotian's rolling eyes, he knew that Mo Daotian must not be because of this.

"But I'll tell you first that you can't go over the place where all the descendants of the dragon are. In addition, it takes opportunity for the synthetic blood to appear dragon blood. Just like Ji LAN and Mo ruo, they have experienced life and death together. Ji LAN once drank two cups of poisonous wine for Mo ruo. This is a symbol of their feelings. Maybe it's because of such mutual help, This will happen only after some changes have taken place in the atmosphere between their husband and wife. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mo ruo's original joy immediately disappeared.

"But there is no way. Anyway, now that their husband and wife are together, you can let them have another husband and wife!" Lin Feng looked at Mo ruo with a smile and said oh.

Mo ruo's original joy was taken away by Lin Feng's ridicule, smiled bitterly and said: "adults know to joke. If it's so simple, we can get pregnant and have children. We youyou Tianming Jiao family have long been the only overlord on the sea!"

Lin Feng nodded and said exactly the same, but Ji LAN and Mo ruo both gave birth to one during Mo ruo's Mahayana. It's also possible to give birth to a second.

Lin Feng thought so.

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