Li Yutong whispered and looked at Zhao fan for a moment. Unexpectedly, the teenager was an extraordinary disciple of the Antarctic old man. However, the Antarctic old man trained such a arrogant and rude disciple, which really lost his reputation in the past.

Hearing Li Yutong's words, Lin Feng nodded and had a little understanding of the so-called Mr. Antarctica. To put it bluntly, Zhao fan in front of him was a second ancestor, or a second ancestor who thought he was great and complacent.

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed.

Thinking that he was going to leave next, Lin Feng was suddenly in a good mood. He sat there with a gentle smile on his mouth, but there was a bit more banter between his looks.

Lin Feng looked down at the sea lion in front of him. Although the sea lion's cultivation was very strong, his whole body was vigorous. He didn't look sick or anything else at all. It was clear that he was not the head of the Tongtian sea lion clan who was sick and lost his voice.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the front.

The patriarch Batu stood in front, saw Zhao fan and hissed. This stupid human recognized his subordinates as him.

Lin Feng stood there and looked straight at the place where Batu was. If Batu didn't laugh, Lin Feng really didn't notice that there were monsters in this place. Batu smiled and the surrounding space shook. Lin Feng caught Batu's place at the first time.

This patriarch is a little interesting.

Lin Feng pondered under the new circumstances, but his actions didn't slow down at all. Nonsense, since everyone came, he certainly didn't come to play.

"Bai Yumen Lin Feng has seen the patriarch!" Lin Feng arched in this direction with a gentle smile.

"Hehe, Lin Feng, Lin Feng, I think you're out of your mind. It's clear that the patriarch is..." Zhao fan pointed to the sky sea lion on the ground. Before he finished mocking, he felt a breath fluctuation over there. Then, a middle-aged man stood there.

The middle-aged man's facial features are very clear. He has a big cake face, a long beard, thick eyebrows and is very strong. He nodded to Lin Feng and turned to Zhao fan, saying:

"Zhao fan, right?"

Zhao fan wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked back at Lin Feng with some resentment. This guy obviously wanted to see him make a fool of himself!

"Yes, I'm Zhao fan, Mr. Antarctica's closed disciple." Nevertheless, Zhao fan still had a gentle smile on his face, raised his head, and the puppet Zong said according to Batu.

"I see. You go first. I'll just talk to Mr. Lin." Batu waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Patriarch, I'm a disciple of Mr. Antarctica. I'm the eight pin Dan master. My master said that my talent is still above him. Patriarch, no one can cure your disease except me!" Hearing Batu's words, Zhao fanlike, who was originally excited, raised his head and said loudly that when he looked at Lin Feng, he became more and more gloomy. It was this boy, this smelly boy!

This boy is a disaster!

He hasn't had good luck since he came in and met this boy!

Seeing Zhao fan's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head. For some people, he was born like this. He never knew how he did wrong. He only knew to put his mistakes on others. Obviously, Zhao fan is such a person.

"I know, but Mr. Lin, come in first. I'll talk to Mr. Lin first. We'll talk later." Batu waved his hand and looked impatient, but he couldn't afford to offend the Antarctic old man. It was a big mountain, so when facing Zhao fan, Batu wanted to say something. Finally, he could only wave his hand and gave an acceptable explanation.

Zhao fan turned to look at Lin Feng, smiled, turned and walked directly outside. He looked proud as if he had cured Batu.

Facing Zhao fan's provocation, Lin Feng just shook his head and stood there without talking. He was born from the same root. Why is it too urgent to fry each other.

"Well, Mr. Lin, you can show me my situation." Batu himself found a chair to sit down, looked at Lin Feng and said, "suddenly something happened to my throat. As you know, the most powerful thing of our Tongtian sea lion family is our lion roaring skill. If I don't have my throat, I won't be a Tongtian sea lion."

Batu looked at Lin Feng and talked with his soul, which could achieve the purpose of communication, but the voice made Lin Feng get goose bumps all over.

"Don't worry, Batu clan leader. Your situation is neither serious nor not serious. It's a little difficult to solve, but it's not impossible to solve, so Batu clan leader can rest assured." Lin Feng's eyes swept around Batu with a gentle smile.

Batu is in his prime and everything is good, but in the final analysis, it is still on the sea lion himself.

Tongtian sea lion sits in one of the four overlords of the four sea cities. It has always been famous for its lion roaring skill. If it doesn't work out, it will be a river of blood. There are not many monsters to bear at all.

And if they want to use their lion roaring skills, they must have a good voice.

Like Batu, if his voice is broken and can not be repaired in time, it is equivalent to being wasted and almost losing all his combat effectiveness.

Batu's voice is not bad, but Batu ate some broken arrays when eating. After these arrays were integrated in Batu's body, he even created a new array to block Batu's throat.

Lin Feng didn't find it at first, but when Batu opened his mouth, he inadvertently saw the traces of the array raging in Batu's throat.

Batu is the patriarch of the Tongtian sea lion. With a bad throat, many sea people are destined to covet the Tongtian sea lion. Batu naturally doesn't want to see such a scene, so he has the meaning of writing a list for help.

If this is in the human cultivation world, if you write a list for help, you don't know how many people will pit you, but these monsters are a little bit. I don't care about this.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, looked at Batu, hesitated, but did not speak.

"Boy, tell me what you have. I'm not the old Mo family. I won't be embarrassed." Batu rolled his eyes and said.

Lin Feng was surprised, turned to smile and said, "it's not too difficult. Since the patriarch spoke, I said directly that the patriarch's throat is fine, but there are probably several arrays stuck in his throat. Now the trouble is these arrays."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Batu's eyes lit up immediately, nodded and said: "I said how this throat is the same as fighting every day. It turns out that it's this thing. It seems you're still powerful, boy, I admire you!"

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