"Well." Qin Yanran and Li Yutong both breathed a sigh of relief. If they came to two people, they were confident that they could solve it. They were afraid that there were too many experts. They couldn't take Lin Feng into account. Now when they heard Qingling say so, their faces relaxed.

Lin Feng in the sky was shining with golden lights. These golden lights set off Lin Feng's body very beautiful. Hidden breath was constantly passing around. On the sea, countless small fish turned their belly white directly. From a distance, the sea was white.

These little fish have no accomplishments. Under the breath of Lin Feng, they can't bear it at all. They all turn out their stomachs.

Some goblins in the depths of the sea felt the smell, and all trembled. They trembled and crawled down. This is Weiya from the king!

"Oh, isn't it bad for Lin Feng to go on like this?" Qin Yan Ran lowered her head and saw the scene in the sea. She said with her hand along her mouth.

"There's no way. Lin Feng can't control it. These monsters are born with powerful blood. They can't raise their heads at all. Let's take care of those little mole ants."

Li Yutong raised his head and several streamers appeared not far from Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's appearance, these friars immediately smiled on their faces.

Is this... Promotion?

The monks put their eyes on Lin Feng with some greed. After feeling the strong breath of Lin Feng, although they couldn't feel Lin Feng's realm one by one, they were in a very good mood.

After promotion, it will be a disaster. This guy looks so young and has such high cultivation. He must be worth a lot. If he can grab some treasure, he will be much better for his cultivation.

With this in mind, several monks stood there, watching the scene as if watching a play, waiting for Lin Feng to have a problem.

Feeling this, Li Yutong sneered. The long sword rolled its sleeves, and the field of the sword opened at his feet, directly enveloping the monks. Where the long sword went, Li Yutong hanged several monks before they could speak.

"If anyone dares to come forward again, this is your end!" Li Yutong's eyes swept around the faces of the people. With a wave of his hand, wherever the sword Qi went, the blood sprayed on the sponge. With the wind and waves undulating on the sea, the body floated on the sponge and floated towards those people.

Everyone who was going to come forward trembled.

They knew that Li Yutong's practice was an example to others, but no one dared to go forward any more.

Nonsense, the accomplishments of those boys just now are in the period of transforming God. As a result, they were killed by this woman before they were well satisfied. This woman's momentum is so powerful that she may already be the strong one in the fit period. No, no, no, it may also be above the fit period!

Thinking of this, those monks who originally wanted to come began to step back. This move set an example for others. They all knew that they should accept it whether they accept it or not.

Everyone looked a little unhappy, but there was no way. They all knew that they couldn't beat this woman at all. What's more, there were two women around this woman.

When they looked at the figure in the air, they suddenly envied him. This boy is really enviable. There are so many women around him to escort him.

A group of monks began to retreat, and some unwilling monks wanted to pull several partners forward.

"There are only three of them. We can beat them together."

"I said, are you stupid? One level is a natural moat. We are all disciples in the period of transforming God. Look at the three women. The three women are standing there. They all rush to us. At least they are in the period of fit. You have to die. I won't go!"

"Yes, yes!"

A group of monks took a look at the monk who put forward the proposal, rolled their eyes, turned and left directly. It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Don't they know how to cherish their lives?

You know, although friars have a long time, with continuous cultivation, what these friars cherish most is their own life. After all, if their little life is gone, what cultivation is there to talk about!

"Sister Tongtong, your move is really powerful!" Qin Yanran stood beside Li Yutong with stars shining in her eyes and said with a smile.

"That's right. It's called one move. These guys are a group. You give them face, but they are the owners of the dyeing workshop. In this way, they will break their thoughts at one time, and they won't dare to come forward."

Li Yutong said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, the field of sword shrouded all this sea area.

"I suddenly felt that if Ziyi were around, Ziyi's ice field could directly turn the whole world into popsicles, and the breath could spread for tens of kilometers at once. I guess those friars didn't even have the courage to wait and see around!"

Qin Yanran breathed a sigh of relief, felt the world under the field of sword, and said.

"That's good." Li Yutong took Qin Yanran's hand and her eyes moved. Only two women could feel the expression lingering in it. Yes, as long as this is good, there are too many sisters. If there are more, they really can't bear it.

Thinking of this, Qin Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief. She quickly restrained her careful thinking and spit out her tongue. Head, holding Li Yutong's hand, how could she forget that there was never a lack of good luck around this guy?

Thinking of this, Qin Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief. The original caution was immediately put away. Yes, it's better not to come.

Seeing Qin Yanran's changing face, Li Yutong burst out laughing and shook his head.

Lin Feng, who had been quiet all the time, suddenly opened his eyes. Wherever his golden eyes went, the sky seemed to be tilted. Li Yutong's face immediately changed. He clasped Qin Yanran and fell on Bo xunzuo. Bo xunzuo fled to a safe place with his two daughters.

"What is this?"

"Broken space?"

Qin Yanran stared round at the scene. Her face was incredible. Lin Feng just crossed the robbery period. Did she master the space array so badly?

"This is the talent of the dragon family. When absorbing the blood power of thick soil, Lin Feng should roughly figure out this skill. Besides his own talent and skills, the best is the method of space."

Qingling stood beside the second daughter. With a wave of her finger, green breath beat out, repairing the void broken by Lin Feng, while explaining the situation to the second daughter.

With Qingling's hand, Qingling's body began to fade slowly.

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