"Boy, you... What did you do to me?" Qin Zheng's body trembled. He trembled. The whole quickly retreated, and a black giant eagle appeared from behind Qin Zheng!

"Broken!" With a loud cry, Qin Zheng broke free from Lin Feng's Fengtong sword and stood a few meters away from Lin Feng, looking at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes.

Qin Zheng now looks very embarrassed. Lin fenggangcai's shot is very fast, and he doesn't have time to respond at all. In particular, Lin fenggangcai's sword move makes Qin Zheng's whole body tremble.

Come on, too fast!

Qin Zheng has never seen such a fast sword!

However, Lin Feng's sword did it!

That speed is not what ordinary people can do!

Qin Zheng stood there and looked at Lin Feng. He bit his teeth and directly broke his fingertips.

"Boy, you forced me!" Looking at Lin Feng moving forward, Qin Zheng's eyes were gloomy for a moment.

The transmission array was destroyed just now. The surrounding Black Hawk disciples didn't know what was blocking them. They could only see the light of earth yellow and color, but they couldn't see any substantive attack.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a dangerous smell.

Lin Feng fixed his eyes on the past and saw that Qin Zheng was holding a gray stone in his hand. The dangerous smell just came from this stone.

Feeling this, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

The stone in Qin Zheng's hand is very beautiful. The colorful light flows slowly on the stone. At first, Lin Feng thought it was a colorful God stone, but soon Lin Feng denied it. There is a colorful God stone in his hand. He is still familiar with the smell of the colorful God stone. The stone head in front of him is not at all.

However, the breath in the stone is very powerful.

Different from the breath of this page.

Lin Feng is strong enough, but he believes that even ordinary strong people in Mahayana will be afraid when facing this stone. It's really the breath on this stone. It's a little scary!

It seems that the page where the Black Hawk sect is located is relatively advanced.

Moreover, the Black Hawk sect still has a little smell of corpse Yin sect. I don't know the relationship between the two.

Lin Feng stood there, all defensive, looking at the stone in Qin Zheng's hand.

"Jie Jie, how can this boy have something in the fairy world?"

Qianlong's voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear. Then, a... Milk... White light covered Lin Feng inside, "master, give me a top-grade spirit stone. This thing is from the fairy world. Although it is not famous in the fairy world, it is still difficult to deal with."

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng nodded and without hesitation lost tens of millions of top-grade spirit stones to Qianlong. Then, Lin Feng felt that the breath on Qianlong shuttle suddenly began to change.

"Boy, taste it!" Qin Zheng's mouth took a touch of ridicule, and with a wave of his hand, a piece of equipment Lingli Peilian attacked Lin Feng. The Lingli Peilian was very small, but everywhere he went, it was like a raging fire.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Although the small fire was not big, the hairs on Lin Feng's arm stood up.

"Go!" Suddenly, Qianlong greeted Lingli pilian directly.

As soon as Lin Feng moved his hand, he took up a sword flower with his wrist. The field of the sword and the position of potential energy locked the Qin struggle at the same time.

"Still coming?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qin Zheng sneered, with some disdain.

What if it's a field with a sword? Now he is protected by immortal stones. The field of sword on a small page is not useful at all!

Qin Zheng looked down at Lin Feng and seemed to have more pity in his eyes.

Only the guy on this small page regards the field of sword as a great treasure.

Seeing the appearance of Qin Zheng, Lin Feng shook his hand and drew the long sword from Qin Zheng's side. Dinghai Shenzhu suddenly burst into a faint light, and water auras lingered around. The next moment, it directly locked the space of Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng only felt that the surrounding water aura disappeared in an instant.

What's going on?

Qin Zheng's body trembled. Just about to speak, the long sword broke through the shield of immortal stone and penetrated from Qin Zheng's right.

"Poof!" Qin Zheng was caught off guard by Lin Feng's attack. He only had time to spit out a mouthful of blood. Lin Feng's body had rushed directly in front of Qin Zheng.

"Boy, you!" Qin Zheng looked up at Lin Feng and felt the constant loss of vitality in his body. Qin Zheng's body trembled. "You..."

"Tut Tut, I don't think your black hawk sect is very good, but it's just some commonplace things. You said that you were defeated by me twice in a row, isn't it... Pathetic?"

Lin Feng stood there with a smile and looked at Qin Zheng. His fingers trembled and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Zheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng.


Qin Zheng heard a clear sound. The next moment, all his limbs were broken.

"Coo, COO, coo..." Qin Zheng's throat made several coos. The next moment, his whole body fell to the ground.

A blue thing slowly floated out of Qin Zheng's mind. In the small blue aperture, a dark shadow was constantly wailing.

"It's just some little things that don't go into the stream!" Qianlong said with some disdain. Gently, the small blue aperture directly fell into Qianlong shuttle.

Lin Feng's heart God fastened Qin Zheng's whole body. The spirit consciousness turned around in Qin Zheng's body, and there was no soul breath of Qin Zheng everywhere.


Let that thing escape!

Lin Feng's eyes flashed fiercely.

"These things have no soul. Their soul has long been sold to the black eagle." Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qianlong paused and said.

"Eh?" Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. He turned to look at Qianlong. Qianlong's virtual shadow appeared beside Lin Feng, looked at a mass of slag on the ground, and said: "I have heard that they have no soul, but as long as they join this sect, it is also the Mahayana period."

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng's mind moved and doubled the memory of Dinghai Shenzhu. There are few records of Black Hawk sect in his memory, but as Qianlong said, the disciples of Black Hawk sect have no divine knowledge.

Their attack is just relying on the black eagle on their arm.

"Tut tut!" Lin Feng sighed and sent a message to Qingling.

"Drink!" In the sky, there was a cheering of Qingling, and a yellow figure appeared in front of the disciples of the black eagle sect. The disciples of the black eagle sect had not responded. A steady stream of earth elements rushed directly into their middle and controlled them directly.

A group of disciples were crushed to death by the earth element of Qingling.

"This girl......" seeing Qingling's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head. The girl's fighting style is really not ordinary... Overbearing.

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