"Ouch!" A sound like a wolf's cry but not a wolf's cry sounded. Then, a shadow several feet long stretched out from Qin Sheng's body, looked down at Lin Feng, his eyes were red, and said:

"Who killed your own man?" A virtual shadow spread out in the sky. A pair of red eyes stared at Lin Feng. With a wave of wings, spiritual whirlpools rushed directly towards Lin Feng!

The wind was very strong. Lin Feng's whole body was blown out several meters away by the wind and fell outside the shadow. He raised his head and looked at the black eagle. Jie smiled and said, "it's my little master. A virtual shadow dare to be arrogant. Look at the night. I'll take you and give me a girl to raise my soul!"

Lin Feng's body rushed directly towards the black eagle.

"More than you can chew!" Seeing Lin Feng's hand, the black eagle sneered. After a while, a larger spiritual whirlpool greeted Lin Feng. Lin Feng's body turned over. Naturally, he avoided the attack of the black eagle, raised his head, saw the proud look on the black eagle's face, and raised a strange smile on the corners of his mouth.

The black eagle's wings waved again, and an attack appeared in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng was shocked, and his body quickly turned over. The spiritual power vortex passed by Lin Feng and brought the spiritual power vortex. Lin Feng vomited blood.


Although it was only a virtual shadow, Lin Feng still felt the power of the virtual shadow.

This guy can make so many desperate to follow him. This cultivation should have been above the Mahayana period for a long time.

Lin Feng stood there with a cloudy and sunny face. He looked at the virtual shadow of the black eagle. Although it was only a virtual shadow, this attack just now made Lin Feng's heart still feel a little faint pain!

This thing is a little too powerful!

"Boy, no one has ever dared to kill my virtual shadow. You are the first!" Black Eagle virtual shadow looked down at Lin Feng. His blood red eyes suddenly showed a light red light. These lights directly penetrated Lin Feng's body and appeared in the depths of Lin Feng's heart.

"Boy, if you break my good deeds, you should be responsible for me!" The black eagle's voice was a little hoarse. Lin Feng felt that an old Eagle headed man appeared in his mind. The old man stood there with his back hands, looked at Lin Feng seriously and said.

"I did something wrong." Lin Feng murmured and flashed a hole in his eyes. The next moment, Lin Feng shook his head, shook his head and said, "no, I'm not!"

"You are. You are taught by my black eagle. You should obey my orders. In the future, only I can command you. I give you strong strength. With strong strength, you can defeat everything in the world. You are the strong!"

The black eagle's voice was somewhat magical. A pair of red eyes stared at Lin Feng's eyes. The red light directly penetrated Lin Feng's body.

"Damn it!" Seeing this way, Qianlong shuttle fell to Lin Feng's side and wanted to fight against the black eagle, but the black eagle is at most a soul power. The most important thing is that the current soul power of the black eagle is against Lin Feng's soul power. If he shoots rashly, Lin Feng will be injured!

This boy, how can he be wise and confused for a while?

Seeing this scene, Qianlong was around Lin Feng, gritting his teeth and eating exactly. He looked sad about his misfortune and was angry. This guy was so smart, but he didn't expect to fall into the stereotype!

Of course, Lin Feng did not expect that the black eagle would suddenly change its way to carry out spiritual attack when attacking, so that the black eagle became strong and entered his mind.

Lin Feng looked down at the front. His eyes didn't fluctuate. Gu Jing sat there without waves. His whole body was still shaking gently.

Feeling Lin Feng's appearance, the black eagle's wings trembled.

It's just a little guy. Even if he has some skills, it's not better!

The huge black eagle of the black eagle began to disappear in the air. Then, the black eagle appeared in Lin Feng's mind. He looked up at Lin Feng with ecstasy in his eyes. He could occupy Lin Feng's mind immediately!

When the black eagle's whole body entered Lin Feng's brain, suddenly, Lin Feng's whole brain was full of light!

"First... Congenital treasure?" The black eagle's body trembled. He shook and looked ahead. A small Lin Feng appeared in front of the black eagle with a smile on his face and bright eyes. Looking at the black eagle, he said:

"It's very kind of you to come in."

Lin Feng looked at the black eagle with a smile on his face and a gentle smile on his mouth.

His divine sense cultivation is far above his real cultivation. Just now, the black eagle suddenly changed his attack method. Lin Feng was surprised at the beginning. However, when he felt that the black eagle king wanted to occupy his body, Lin Feng took his plan and brought the Black Eagle into his mind.

Such a method is undoubtedly very dangerous. Other people's divine consciousness enters their own brain. If it is light, it will also be injured. If it is serious, it is very likely to be lost by others, but this does not exist for Lin Feng.

The Black Hawk is just a virtual shadow. The flesh and body power is strong enough, but the current Black Hawk is only some soul power at best.

He Lin Feng's other skills may be average, but the soul power is definitely made of iron. There are so many things hidden in his brain and three congenital treasures to protect. How can he be afraid of a small virtual shadow!

Lin Feng looked down at the black eagle, a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth and said, "Sir, I'm sorry. Since you're here, just stay. My sect disciples just lack soul crystals to absorb the soul power. You're so big, you should be able to make several!"

With that, Lin Feng waved his hand and greeted the black eagle directly with an invisible attack.

"Boy, die!" Feeling Lin Feng's attack, the black eagle's whole body was a little restless. Just about to start, Lin Feng took one step first, holding a long sword in his hand, and rushed directly here.

This damn boy!

Feeling the strength of Lin Feng's soul, the whole body of the black eagle began to panic and jumped up in Lin Feng's mind.

Does he take a stone and hit himself in the foot? And it's a little serious!

Black Eagle wants to get out of Lin Feng's mind, but Lin Feng's brain is protected by a congenital treasure. He can't get out at all!

This damn bastard!

After turning aimlessly in Lin Feng's mind, the Black Hawk looked at Lin Feng. His eyes were full of yin and prey. He stared at Lin Feng and said:

"Boy, do you have to kill people?"

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