Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the two women smiled low. Naturally, they could see that Lin Feng was jealous.

"Hee hee!" The second daughter followed Lin Feng and smiled in a low voice, head to head. When Lin Feng turned to look at the past, the second daughter immediately stood up straight with a smile on her face and looked in a very good mood.

"What's good about a child!" Lin Feng coughed and said softly, "well, let's go quickly. There are many black hawk disciples guarding there. It's much easier for us to deal with it now.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the second daughter nodded. When it came to Black Hawk religion, the second daughter looked serious immediately.

"These black hawk disciples must be disposed of!" Qin Yanran's face was a little fierce, and the momentum of the whole body was constantly changing.

"Lin Feng, I always feel that there seems to be some familiar feeling around me recently, but I can't find where this feeling comes from." Li Yutong paused and looked up at Lin Feng with a slight frown.

As they move forward, this feeling has become stronger and stronger. Li Yutong doesn't know where this feeling comes from, but where this feeling is, Li Yutong feels very uncomfortable.

She wants to escape this feeling!

Li Yutong turned to look at Lin Feng, pursed his mouth and said softly.

"Sister Tongtong, it's all right." Lin Feng paused for a moment, took Li Yutong's hand and said softly, "don't worry, I'm here. No matter what happens, I'll deal with it."

Lin Feng's mind moved for a moment and turned to look at Li Yutong. Li Yutong's eyebrows frowned slightly. The whole looked like a clear spring, elegant and with a gentle breath, flowing gently into Lin Feng's heart like water.

Lin Feng loves Li Yutong absolutely and is also one of the women Lin Feng cares about most.

Li Yutong always thinks everything very thoughtful, so that Lin Feng doesn't have any worries. Therefore, after feeling that Li Yutong is different, Lin Feng's mind is raised.

Maybe sister Tong Tong has something to do with these guys of Black Hawk sect!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's expression became serious.

"How can we go in the first three directions?" Qin Yanran turned to look at Lin Feng. There was a fork in the road ahead. The three directions were full of the breath of Black Hawk religion.

"Let's go in three directions. Let's go in one direction." Li Yutong took the lead in standing up, paused and said, "the cultivation of these black hawk disciples is not high. It must be very easy to deal with them."

"Good!" Qin Yan nodded and took the lead to this side.

Lin Feng took Li Yutong's hand and frowned slightly. He was obviously very worried. Li Yutong's mouth had a gentle smile and said, "don't worry, I'm fine. The cultivation of these black hawk disciples is not high. If you want to fight me, it's a little bad."

Hearing Li Yutong's words, Lin Feng nodded and said, "sister Tongtong, be careful."

Li Yutong turned and walked directly outside. Seeing Li Yutong's appearance, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and flew in the other direction.

Where the disciples of the Black Hawk sect went, there must be no grass. Lin Feng didn't need to look for more. He soon found the Black Hawk sect that was besieging the villagers.

The cultivation of these disciples is generally around the period of transforming gods. It's not difficult to deal with them. Lin Feng's speed is very fast. He soon surrounded these black hawk disciples in the middle and shot them very quickly.

"Who are you? We are the Black Hawk sect..." before the disciples could speak, the sword field spread out at Lin Feng's feet and rushed directly towards these disciples.

The disciples of the Black Hawk sect looked ferocious, but under Lin Feng's attack, they had no resistance at all, and were directly wiped and thrown to the ground by Lin Feng Ka.

Feeling Lin Feng's ferocity, the disciples of Black Hawk sect seemed to realize something. They began to retreat one after another and retreated in the direction of the transmission array. These transmission arrays are temporary transmission arrays. They only need spirit stones to transmit people.

"Want to go?" Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a strange smile. With a wave of his hand, Qianlong shuttle rushed directly to destroy the whole array.

The disciples of the Black Hawk sect were still attacking. After feeling this, they raised their heads and looked at Lin Feng one by one. Their eyes were frightened. Instead, they accelerated their speed and kept retreating.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Black Hawk sect were in a panic. At this time, almost all the disciples who had a little attack lost their labor force. They kept retreating one by one, and the panic in their eyes became more and more serious.

What a cabbage chopper!

Seeing the appearance of these disciples, Lin Feng shook his head with a bit of disappointment in his eyes. The potential energy position and the field of sword opened at his feet and directly greeted these black hawk disciples. These black hawk disciples had no resistance at all and let Lin Feng strangle them.

"Master, are we too clean?" Seeing that Lin Feng didn't let go of a black hawk disciple, Qianlong asked in Lin Feng's mind.

"Mow the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows again. These things now look like Chinese cabbage. Just solve them casually, but these are the biggest trouble. If they are not handled properly, they will sprout in the future."

Lin Feng's eyes were murderous. He didn't mean to let go of these black hawk disciples.

He is a man of principle. He can never stay for those things that are inhumane and more monstrous than monsters!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's look eased a little, and his eyes were a little more indifferent. Feng Tong sword directly greeted the disciples of Black Hawk sect.

Lin Feng released Qianlong Boqi and Houtu shuttle. The three first destroyed the transmission array. Lin Feng solved these black hawk disciples all the way,

Not all the Black Hawk disciples are rookies, but not all the Black Hawk disciples did not respond. After Lin Feng killed for a while, more and more Black Hawk disciples sniped. These black hawk disciples gathered together and killed Lin Feng one after another.

Lin Feng was surrounded by the disciples of the Black Hawk sect. Countless attacks greeted Lin Feng. Some parts of Lin Feng began to hang a little color, but the disciples of the Black Hawk sect fell down much faster.

A steady stream of disciples began to appear, and Lin Feng was more and more difficult to deal with.

"Damn it!" Lin Feng cursed in a low voice. He could feel that these disciples were not fighting alone at all, but were instructed by someone behind!

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