Jing Shenglong's body shook constantly and said loudly to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked up at the man in front of him, pursed his mouth, and his face was gloomy and terrible. He doesn't believe it. He can't solve this thing by himself!

Lin Feng, holding Feng Tong sword and Bai Yu sword, once again greeted Jing Shenglong.

The field of the sword and the position of potential energy wrapped Jing Shenglong up. Lin Feng raised his head and twinkled with starlight in his eyes.

"Boy, it's late!" Jing Shenglong raised his head and saw Lin Feng's appearance. His voice was as if it had come out of the void. Jing Shenglong's head was replaced by a huge eagle head. A pair of blood red eyes stared at Lin Feng, with a bit of bloodthirsty excitement in his red eyes.

Especially the red, although it is red, it is very cold and shaking around. The smell is very evil.

"Boy, go to hell!"

With a violent drink, Jing Shenglong's red eyes greeted Lin Feng. Lin Feng's eyes just aligned with his blood red eyes. Lin Feng's whole body paused at this time.

The world in front of us changed in an instant.

The blood red eyes seemed to be burning Lin Feng's body with a raging fire. Lin Feng bent down slightly and twinkled with two clusters of fire red flames in his eyes. The flames were constantly changing in Lin Feng's eyes with a bit of evil spirit.

Lin Feng holds Feng Tong's sword in his hand. Feng Tong's sword supports Lin Feng's body. Feng Tong's sword makes a clear sound. A sword spirit turns around Lin Feng. Bai Yu's sword actively enters Lin Feng's body and echoes with the Feng Tong's sword outside.

Burn, burn everything!

In Lin Feng's mind, only this simple word is constantly replaying. Lin Feng feels that his whole body is standing in the wasteland at the moment. Around him, countless flames are constantly burning. These flames are constantly changing shape, and the magic echo is constantly changing in the flame.

The fire red flame dyed the whole space red.

Burn, burn away all the filth in the world!

Lin Feng's body trembled and trembled. Standing there, he suddenly felt so powerless. He felt as if he had become a newborn baby. His world was so pure and beautiful.

I'm a, newborn child?

This question appeared in Lin Feng's mind. In turn, the world was quiet, and only the flame was still burning.

Jing Shenglong completely turned into a black eagle. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, he made a long cry. His wings kept waving and brought up dark winds. Even in the sun, he was still a little shabby.

The dark clouds of thunder robbery in the distance gathered again, blocking the sunlight back. The space below was suddenly dark. Jing Shenglong felt that his power was more powerful.

"Jie Jie, boy, this time, you will die!" Jing Shenglong looked at Lin Feng and directly greeted Lin Feng!

Boy, soon, you will be my plate of Chinese food! Jing Shenglong's eyes were full of excitement.

Lin Feng stood there without moving.

The robbing thunder fell behind Lin Feng again. Qin Yanran and Li Yutong were still standing together, but they were very embarrassed at the moment. The five Dharma guardians died, and all the Black Hawk disciples behind died. Only two people were left to face the next robbing thunder, especially the purple and black robbing thunder. Each one was very powerful, and there were two at the same time, The road of the second daughter is very difficult at the moment, and it is more and more difficult to withstand the attack of robbing thunder.

"Lin Feng, hurry up." Li Yutong closed his eyes, the field of sword was shaky at her feet, his eyelashes trembled gently, and prayed in his heart.

Qin Yanran didn't look much better at the moment. The picture of mountains and rivers was constantly rotating around her. With a wave of the emperor's pen, Qin Yanran attacked directly towards the thunder, but Qin Yanran's spiritual power was constantly decreasing.

Although coke can quickly restore psychic power, the excessive use of spirit made Qin Yanran pale, and bursts of pain came from her mind.

"Lin Feng, hurry up!" Qin Yanran turned her head and just saw the black eagle rush towards Lin Feng, and Lin Feng's whole body stood there like that, without moving!


Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qin Yanran's eyes narrowed in an instant. Her whole body was full of breath and rushed towards Lin Feng without hesitation.

"Lin Feng!" Qin Yanran shouted and greeted Li Yutong's spirit. Li Yutong opened his eyes. Seeing this, his eyes changed and greeted Lin Feng in an instant.

Lin Feng still stood there without moving.

The flames in his eyes are getting bigger and bigger, almost occupying Lin Feng's whole eyes.

However, at this time, a... Milky... White flame began to slowly neutral from the blood red flame. At first, the flame was very weak, as if it would be blown away by the wind in the blink of an eye. Then, the flame began to change continuously, and the flame began to grow larger and larger. In the blood red flame, Formed a trend of competing against each other.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire." Lin Feng's mouth gently opened and talked.

The next moment, Lin Feng's breath suddenly changed. The milky and white inflammation of the earth's core appeared on Lin Feng's body. The whole body wrapped Lin Feng's body. Clusters of flames were like flying in the air. It was very beautiful.

When Li Yutong and Qin Yanran saw Lin Feng's appearance, they both breathed a sigh of relief and stood there, robbing the thunder directly on them.

Because they were worried about Lin Feng's comfort, their momentum suddenly broke through their own imprisonment in an instant. The momentum was raised in an instant. When this robbery thunder fell, the two women were not in any danger at all.

The two women looked at each other, bathed in the thunder and looked at Lin Feng. Although they didn't rush over, they were still worried.

Because Jing Shenglong's body is only more than ten meters away from Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, you must wake up and stop this attack.

The second woman took me by the hand, tightly, and the green tendons on her arms were exposed.

The last thing they want is, of course, that Lin Feng is injured!

"Boy, get a good baby in your next life! No, no, no, you won't have another life! " Looking at Lin Feng, Jing Shenglong's face was filled with ecstasy. Looking at Lin Feng, he shouted.

A whirlwind passed by Lin Feng. Jing Shenglong's huge body suddenly enlarged in front of Lin Feng. Jing Shenglong opened his mouth and was ready to bite Lin Feng down!

"Ding!" Feng Tong's sword blocked Jing Shenglong's mouth. Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at Jing Shenglong like a dead man with a milky white flame in his eyes.

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