"Be careful!" Qin Yanran whispered to Lin Feng.

"It's just a bird. Don't worry. I'll shoot it down for you as my lunch!" Lin Feng sneered and said loudly.

"But..." Qin Yanran still had to speak. Lin Feng stopped Qin Yanran's words, looked at Jing Shenglong, smiled and said, "old man, I'm standing here now. If you have the courage to fight alone with me, but I think you can bully and bully women at most!"

"Boy, you asked for it!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jing Shenglong sneered. Lin Feng had just suffered such a big thunder robbery, he didn't believe it. This boy still has the ability to compete with him!

You know, the thunder robbery can't be spent at the beginning of the general Mahayana. Jing Shenglong estimated that even his flying robbery may not be so powerful!

This small and broken place can lead to such a powerful thunder robbery, which is enough for them to be proud!

But this boy must die today!

But this woman

Jing Shenglong's eyes turned on Qin Yanran. The woman's skill was very strange, especially Qin Yanran's hand, which made Jing Shenglong feel very oppressed.

This woman's power is very clean and pure!

This clean and pure power is what they fear most! It happened that he met here. It seems that it is necessary to make it clear with Lord Black Eagle, either kill the woman directly or avoid the woman far away.

Although Jing Shenglong's words are provocative, Jing Shenglong's mind is thinking about how to escape!

He's no match for these three guys!

Once those two women get through the thunder robbery, and the boy will, he will die!

"Jie Jie!" Jing Shenglong sneered and rushed directly towards Lin Feng. Lingli Peilian kept stirring around and penetrated directly towards the other side with some light. The speed was so fast that he couldn't react at all in the general Mahayana period.

"Tut Tut, I'm good at it, but didn't anyone tell you that I'm invincible?"

Lin Feng's body disappeared in place. Feng Tong's sword went through Jing Shenglong's wings with sword spirit. The field of sword spread under his feet and wrapped the whole wing of Jing Shenglong. It was fast and ruthless. There was no meaning to let go at all.

The sword spirit lingered around Jing Shenglong. The feathers on his wings were constantly cut off by Fengtong sword, bringing bursts of light fire. Blood holes appeared on his wings, and Jing Shenglong wailed.

This damn guy!

Jing Shenglong quickly turned around. The black eagle's body was too big. He wanted to turn around. It was obviously much slower than before. He had to avoid the boy's attack!

Jing Shenglong wants to escape, but Lin Feng seems to see through his intention and directly catches up.

Lin Feng looked at Jing Shenglong with a sneer at the corners of his mouth. He naturally knew that Jing Shenglong wanted to escape, but when he got the fat of his mouth, how could he escape? Lin Feng followed Jing Shenglong step by step. The potential energy position firmly locked Jing Shenglong. The gravity field pressed Jing Shenglong so hard to breathe.

"This boy is intentional!" Jing Shenglong gritted his teeth and suffered, but there were more and more wounds on his body, and Lin Feng's momentum began to become stronger and stronger!

Since you can't walk away, let's fight to the end!

Jing Shenglong's body suddenly stopped, and the whole body floated there. The white feather sword was uploaded from Jing Shenglong's body. A spiritual competition directly hit the white feather sword. The white feather sword gave a whine, fell to the ground and trembled several times.

"Jie Jie, boy, let us break your invincible history today!" With that, the whole body of the black eagle rotated, and then the whole body became smaller and more flexible.

Black gases spread out from the black eagle. Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with surprise and turned to look wonderful.

This is, soul power?

Moreover, it seems that Jing Shenglong can't master the soul power! Lin Feng can feel that the soul power is as pure and clean as the power of the place where bones are buried. Such soul power is a great tonic!

Lin Feng's saliva was about to flow down. The place where he buried his bones no longer existed. It was almost impossible for him to get such soul power, but he didn't expect that such power could escape from the black eagle!

Baby, baby!

Lin Feng's mind moved, and a divine consciousness rushed directly to the past, wrapped the soul power in it, and turned to drive his side.

Release the soul power of the black hawk to absorb and enhance its power?

I am the ancestor of collecting soul power!

Such a little soul power is nothing at all!

Lin Feng's divine sense moves very fast. Jing Shenglong hasn't reacted yet. Lin Feng has occupied most of the escaped soul power for himself.

The speed is so fast that there is no chance to react!

"Boy, what are you doing!" Soon, Jing Shenglong reacted and stared at Lin Feng with anger in his eyes. This is the power left to them by Lord Black Eagle!

"These soul forces are not yours. Besides, we are fighting now. Are you really distracted?" Lin Feng's mouth wore a gentle smile, and the potential energy position directly locked the black eagle's body. Lin Feng's mind moved, and the surrounding water spirit shook.

Jing Shenglong felt that his body was being sucked dry by something. The fear in his eyes became more and more severe. He raised his head and saw Lin Feng's smile. A spiritual shield was erected in front of the black eagle.

The shield blocked Lin Feng's attack.

At this time, the surrounding air shook. Lin Feng's body trembled. After shaking, he kept retreating and looked up at Jing Shenglong.

"Jie Jie, boy, you forced me!" Jing Shenglong's body kept shaking. He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. The expression on his face was a little crazy. In front of Jing Shenglong, a huge black hole was constantly rotating.

Lin Feng felt that the power that made his heart palpitate came from this black hole.

"Jie Jie, boy, this is my famous skill of Jing Shenglong. There are few people who can enjoy this skill of Jing Shenglong. Boy, you should be glad!" Jing Shenglong looked down at Lin Feng, and his whole body began to recover. The next moment, Lin Feng saw that the flesh and blood on Jing Shenglong began to dry up almost at once.

Lin Feng took a step back. Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

Before the attack, Jing Shenglong's power has almost been absorbed. Jing Shenglong's famous skill is obviously not a good thing.

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