The disciple shook his head as he spoke, with some regret on his face. When he reacted, there was no shadow of Lin Feng around.

What about the boy just now?

The disciples of Baiyu sect stood there and looked around quietly. They were moved. The jade slips engraved with the ethereal journey were indeed missing. Was it someone just now?

The disciple went through the previous events in his heart and finally decided on Lin Feng's face. How can this face be a little familiar?

"I said what are you thinking? Hurry up. Elder martial brother Wang can't wait!" Another disciple pushed the disciple and complained softly.

"Oh, I remember who it is. Isn't that the leader? I saw it from elder martial sister Bai's mobile phone. It's clearly the look of the leader! " The disciple suddenly patted his head and said loudly.

"Lying grass, do you have water in your head? Where is the leader here!"

"Yes, don't think about it. Among people like the leader, Longfeng, do you think he will appear here?"

"Yes, yes!"

"I see you. I heard elder martial brother Wang say the leader, so I'm stunned!"

The disciples in twos and threes passed by the disciple, shook their heads, sighed and said.

"San'er, don't dream. Our sect leader is a big man in charge of our east Yellow country. Where can you know?"

"What I said is true. I really saw the leader just now. The leader called me Taoist brother!" The disciple waved his hand and said loudly, what do you want to prove, but the other disciples just laughed and shook their heads one by one. They really thought this guy had a magic barrier!

"What I said is true!" Looking at the distant disciple of Baiyu sect, the disciple declared again, "I lent the novel to the headmaster!"

"Brother, I believe..." at this time, a disciple stood behind the disciple, patted the disciple on the shoulder and said earnestly, "go to elder Bai to show you and see if you have planted any evil!"

The disciple's face changed from joy to loss. Looking at the disciple leaving with a smile, he stamped his feet and said, "what I said is true!"

The laughter of the disciples came from the front.

"I don't know a good heart!" After a while, the disciple just muttered and kept up with the pace ahead. At this time, he couldn't help wondering if it was his own illusion!

But instead, the disciple shook his head. No, it's definitely not an illusion!

He also lent the novel jade slips to the headmaster!

Lin Feng took the jade slips of the novel and roughly scanned the contents. Lin Feng was 80% sure that the two novels were written by a wild girl.

Only the wild girl can portray each protagonist so seriously!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, revised the novels that had passed, and finally got what he wanted. In the two novels, the only part that rushed was that the heroine was trapped.

The plot is not written like that in the book, but in both novels, it has been changed.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He probably knew that Xiao nishang should be trapped on an island. However, the sea area of yanxuan continent is so wide that it is too difficult to find an island.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng went through the novel again and looked up. Lin Feng found that he had reached the small fishing village.

Now there are only ruins in the small fishing village. Some places are still emitting black smoke. The villagers are gone. All the villagers have gone back.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed, sat by the beach, with the east Yellow country as the axis, and began to depict it.

I don't know where Yang Yang has gone. After arriving in the east Yellow Kingdom, Yang Yang can't contact himself at all. If he can, it's much easier to solve this problem.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was a little more helpless. His mind felt around him and confirmed that he could not feel any high-tech things. Lin Feng could only bow his head and began to depict it.

This pair is obviously not an easy thing to depict. Lin Feng sat there cross legged, his mind controlling the branches, and began to draw constantly according to the trapped content of the female owner in the novel.

Little by little in the past, Lin Feng didn't feel the disappearance of the world at all, but what he wanted to portray was also portrayed bit by bit.

Taking the east Yellow kingdom as the axis, starting from the east of the east Yellow Kingdom, driving for more than 300 kilometers, you can reach a small island, and then start from a small island. The places pass by layer by layer. Lin Feng was dizzy, but he finally got the place out.

"This wild girl ran far enough!" Looking all the way, Lin Feng shook his head. After confirming the position, his mind moved and the memory of dinghaishenzhu poured out. Lin Feng found several similar points.

It's the opposite direction to his previous one!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng stood up and offered a sacrifice to Bo Xun Suo. Under the guidance of Lin Feng, Bo Xun Suo shot to the East.

"Master, how many women do you have?" Boqi's voice rang out in Lin Feng's mind. Looking at Lin Feng, his words were curious.

Of course, this is not asked by Boqi, but asked by Qianlong.

"Not much, not much, just a few!" Lin Feng smiled and said with a smile. Instead, he raised his head and looked ahead. There was a deep light in his eyes. This wild girl is really not a fuel-saving lamp!

Hearing Lin Feng's perfunctory answer, Boqi calmed down, took the Lingshi given by Lin Feng and went straight through the sea.

Finally, many sea people swam and walked, and suddenly felt a dangerous smell passing by them. These sea people hurried away, but when they reacted, everything around them was quiet.

Those sea people carefully returned to their previous territory. It was quiet everywhere. There was nothing at all.

How... Strange!

I clearly felt it just now. The eyes of these sea people are full of doubts. Looking ahead, they swim and walk around one by one.

At this time, bosuo had crossed hundreds of miles with Lin Feng.

Along the way, Lin Feng constantly drew the small village he had painted before, and determined that his route was correct. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were not many pirates, Xiao nishang was obviously smart and knew to mark out the surrounding islands. In this way, it was obviously much faster for Lin Feng to find her.

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