A young man in black appeared. Shi Youde's face changed. When he saw Lin Feng, his eyes were shocked.

He thought it was just someone luring the spirit of space, but he didn't expect it to be a living person.

This boy has been hiding around him for so long!

Thinking of this, Shi Youde's body trembled. He thought that the boy's cultivation was not high. He was just a child!

Thinking of this, Shi Youde's eyes were more solemn.

This boy, his cultivation is not high, but he is a big trouble. This trouble must be dealt with!

Thinking of this, Shi Youde stepped up his attack and looked at Lin Feng with a ferocious look in his eyes.

"This old man is going to kill Grandpa!" Seeing Shi Youde's appearance, Lin Feng wants to bite his teeth, his eyes turn red and stare at Shi Youde. This feeling makes Shi Youde very uncomfortable.

"Boy, you're going to die anyway!" Shi Youde looked at Lin Feng and rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Lin Feng sneered and said, but his body is constantly retreating. Nonsense, this is the strong one who surpasses the Mahayana!

"Go!" With a wave of Shi Youde's hand, a spirit power training rushed directly over there.

Seeing this spiritual power training, Lin Feng's whole body momentum was raised and roared. His whole body was shining with pure light. The blood of the Dragon kept shuttling in his body. A pair of golden eyes directly locked Shi Youde.

What is this?

Shi Youde was startled and waited to react. Lin Feng quickly stepped back and escaped the attack.

A white light penetrated into the clouds, directly broke through the surrounding array and disappeared in front of Shi Youde.

"Look, look hard for me, look for me!" When Lin Feng escaped, Shi Youde jumped up in an instant, pointed to the front and said loudly.

Shi Ningxue stood there and saw Shi Youde's appearance. An inexplicable light flashed in her eyes.

"Master, I told you not to go. You have to go. Now you've tasted the pain. The strong beyond the Mahayana period is not so easy to deal with!"

Chihiro's voice was full of complaints and said.

"Don't talk nonsense. First find a place to go down. There are arrays on it, which is easy to be found." Lin Feng's whole body stood on it, trembling and saying.

"Yes, where?" Qianlong hurried to answer, but he didn't know where he was going.

"Go!" Lin Feng paused. "Go to the nearest city. You go to ouyangbai and ask ouyangbai to help me." Lin Feng paused and said.

Hidden in the world, the more lively the place is, the more chaotic it is, and the less easy it is to be found.

"Yes." Qianlong took up a tail in the sky and directly landed in the nearest city. The city was very big. The word Shi Jia stood directly in mid air with a bit of primitive taste.

"Nearby restaurants, the more chaotic the better." Lin Feng's eyes kept scanning around and said.

Qianlong directly took Lin Feng to most of the restaurants and teahouses. In these places, countless Shi Family disciples were walking, among them were some disciples of other small families. These disciples with low accomplishments gathered together and talked and laughed, and kept talking and laughing in the restaurants and teahouses.

"You know what? Next month, we can go out. This time, I must bring that woman back! " A teenager said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, you want to be beautiful. Do you really think such a beautiful girl will come with you?" The other boy laughed at once.

Lin Feng, pale, sat on a nearby table, sat there with his head down and ordered a pot of wine.

The space is not large, but it is far from being controlled by a Shi family. Although there is only one main city, the population is extremely large. Lin Feng is a strange face and does not appear abrupt.

"Brother, are you going out, too? I think you are seriously injured. What do you do? " Just after Lin Feng ordered a pot of wine, a young man came up and said with a smile.

"Me?" Lin Feng smiled. Now he was seriously injured and his breath was worse than that of Yuanying. At most, he looked like a golden elixir. When he heard the boy's words, Lin Feng shook his head and said:

"I was injured in the mountain when fighting with wild animals. We went to a team. Only I came back alive. Fortunately, fortunately!"

Lin Feng said with luck on his face.

"So it is. Brother, my name is Lin Da. What do you call me?" Lin Da nodded, looked clear and said, "since we came to this crescent restaurant together, we are also a kind of fate. Get to know each other. We can go out together next month!"


There are all kinds of fish in the sea?

"It seems that we are still at home. My name is Lin Dasheng." Lin Feng said.

"Oh, I can't see. We are all Lin family. Why haven't I seen your brother in the Lin family?" Lin Da's eyes lit up immediately. He didn't think of Lin Feng's name. He was only one word away from him. Such fate is unique in the Lin family!

"Brother, it's really a coincidence that we have this fate. My name is Lin Da and your name is Lin Dasheng. Next time we go to the Lin family, let's stand together." Lin Da passed his topic directly, and Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"OK." Lin Feng nodded, "have a drink together?"

"Then obedience is better than respect!" Lin Da's eyes turned on Lin Feng's wine. This is the best wine in crescent restaurant!

Lin Da took the wine from Lin Feng. Just as he was about to enter, several young people rushed in.

"Linda, when will you pay back the money you owe us?" These people directly gave Lin Feng's table to him. Looking at Lin Da, their eyes were full of banter.

"Shi... Shi... Boss Shi?" Lin Da's body trembled, and the wine spilled directly on the table. Looking at boss Shi, his eyes were full of fear and fear. He was no longer natural and unrestrained.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Lin Da, it seems that the lesson I taught you last time is not enough!" Shi eldest brother Jie smiled and looked at Lin Feng. At a glance, he was a raccoon dog, which humiliated their Shi family!

"Hit me, hard!" Old Shi waved his big hand and said loudly.

"Boss Shi, if you want to come, you come at me. Anyway, I'm used to being bullied by you. This is my friend. Don't bully him!" Hearing boss Shi's words, Lin Da stood in front of Lin Feng and said loudly.

Still too young!

Lin Feng shook his head. The boy seemed to like taking advantage. He was a righteous guy.

"Do I need your advice when I work for boss Shi? Call me both! " Old Shi waved his big hand and said loudly.

Several lackeys behind boss Shi beat Lin Feng and Lin Da directly. Lin Da's cultivation was obviously not as good as them, but he reluctantly resisted and was not an opponent at all. Lin Feng shook his head.

It's too weak.

Lin Feng grabbed his disciple.

"Eh, how dare you resist?"

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