"But let's go like this. Doesn't the spirit of space hold a grudge?" Xiao nishang's head turned for a rare moment and said.

"What if you have a grudge? What I want is not it. This thing's hatred for human beings has long been deep-rooted and can't follow me. I just want to eliminate his vigilance. "

Lin Feng shook his head and said.

The stubbornness of the spirit of this space. With so many years of efforts, Lin Feng sees it very clearly. Since he doesn't want to follow him at all, Lin Feng doesn't have the mind to create or influence the spirit of this space and directly swallow it for Qingling. Qingling's ability can be increased a lot. Maybe he can inherit this space!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mood was also happy.

Shi Youde's body flew over Lin Feng and fell directly into the depths.

The spirit of space fell silent in an instant. Shi Youde sneered and grabbed it directly towards the spirit of space. The whole spirit of space was trembling and the surrounding space was constantly changing.

"Jie Jie, you beast, dare you betray me?" Shi Youde grabbed the spirit of space and said loudly with a red light in his eyes.

Shi Youde's whole body was actually raised immediately and attacked directly over there.

The spiritual power is wrapped around the spirit of space. A group of things that can't see clearly are struggling around, and the breath is getting weaker and weaker.

"Tut Tut, this old man is really not ordinary ferocity. He can handle such a small life." Xiao nishang's eyes are full of accidents. Shi Youde, no wonder it's a taboo in this space.

This is obviously the more you live, the more you go back.

"Ha ha." Lin Feng just smiled and looked at the scene in the sky. There was no accident in his eyes.

From what Shi Youde did, Lin Feng can see that Shi Youde is a person who can't give up his immediate rights. Since he can't give up his immediate rights, it's not surprising to do such a thing. It's because he's not surprised that Lin Feng doesn't recognize Shi Youde very much.

Such a person is an out and out madman.

It is impossible to negotiate terms and reasons with madmen.

"Shall we continue to watch?" Xiao nishang turned to look at Lin Feng and asked Lin Feng about one.

"Look, why not? Anyway, we can't find that little thing now. Let's watch the excitement here first. After watching the excitement, we'll think about the little guy. "

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Xiao nishang nodded with a clear face. The two sat there. Xiao nishang didn't know where to take out melon seeds and peanuts, so she began to eat.

Shi Youde has been punishing the spirit of space. It can be said that he has exhausted his methods. Shi Youde didn't put it down until Shi Ningxue appeared.

Seeing Shi Ningxue, Xiao nishang's eyes flashed unnaturally.

Because of the cooperative relationship between Shi Ningxue and Lin Feng, Xiao nishang is full of hostility to Shi Ningxue. This woman is not a good thing at first sight.

Seeing Shi Ningxue appear around Shi Youde, Lin Feng's eyes also flash a touch of surprise. Is this woman really going to do something to Shi Youde?

Lin Feng took the melon seeds in Xiao nishang's hand and ate them. He was curious about how Shi Ningxue could not make Shi Youde's strength play.

Shi Ningxue glanced at a certain position in the sky and suddenly gave a strange smile.

Shi Youde doesn't know Lin Feng's technique, but Shi Ningxue loves his dealings with Lin Feng much more. Shi Ningxue always keeps a wary eye on Lin Feng. Before entering this space, Shi Ningxue looks around. After seeing the East and West that don't belong to this place, Shi Ningxue chooses to destroy.

Nine times out of ten, this thing was arranged by Lin Feng.

"Taizu." Shi Ningxue's action was careful and didn't let Shi Youde see it at all. Standing in front of Shi Youde, the corners of her mouth raised a gentle smile and said, "Taizu, everyone is waiting for Taizu. You go back and stop this annual event in our family!"

Shi Ningxue said softly with a gentle smile, "all the disciples of the family have come back."

"OK, OK, let's go." Shi Youde nodded and walked out with Shi Ningxue. Before walking, he took a deep look at the spirit of space, and the red in his eyes slowly receded.

Shi Ningxue looks back at Shi Youde. The smile on her face is polite without losing intimacy, but she is not too friendly.

"Girl, it's estimated that your cloud building income will almost be sent over at this time." Shi Youde put his hand behind him, knocked it, raised his head slightly and said, "I feel how stingy you have been lately?"

"Taizu, don't worry. Even if I don't have my own, I won't lose Taizu. Just recently, Taizu said that our place has been mixed with things from the outside, so I haven't gone out!"

Shi Ningxue's eyes were soft and said.

"So it is. You can go out and bring things here. It's just after this conference. I need it." Shi Youde nodded and said.

Shi Ningxue flashed sadness and anger in her eyes, and then continued to wear a smile on her face.

"Don't worry, Taizu. I'll do it for you."

"Well, I know that you will replace all the middle-grade and lower-grade spirit stones with the top-grade spirit stones this time. If there is the best spirit stone, now the role of the top-grade spirit stone on me is no longer played."

Shi Youde said quietly.

Shi Ning Xuedun looked a little colder, but then he smiled and said:

"Yes, Taizu."

Shi Youde was very satisfied with Shi Ningxue's answer.

Out of the array, Shi Ningxue stood behind Shi Youde and made a gesture of invitation. Shi Youde looked back at Shi Ningxue and grabbed her hand towards Shi Ningxue. Shi Ningxue quietly avoided Shi Youde's touch.

"Taizu, it's getting late."

Shi Youde reluctantly took back his hand. After a while, he sighed and said, "whatever!"

Shi Ningxue breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng and Xiao nishang stood on the high mountain. Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng. Shi Ningxue seemed to be able to see through everything, and his eyes pointed directly at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded, Shi Ningxue sighed and left with Shi Youde.

"This woman found us?" Xiao nishang frowned and said.

"Well, to be exact, this woman has been looking for us." Lin Feng nodded and looked at Shi Ningxue's back away. There was a little more thinking in his eyes.

Sometimes this woman is really hard to see, especially when doing these things.

Lin Feng pondered, suddenly smiled and said, "let's go back to the crescent restaurant and wait. I estimate that the time is impartial. As soon as we go back, we will meet that woman."

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