"Don't worry. As long as you do your job well, please do what I promise you." Lin Feng said with a smile, "but I've agreed. If Miss Shi Ningxue can't give me the promised conditions, then the Shi Family..."

Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningxue, and his powerful force directly crushed Shi Ningxue.

To deal with Shi Ningxue, Lin Feng never used any skills and conspiracy, but was a real power. Lin Feng believed that Shi Ningxue would be afraid. The woman's bowels were wrapped around one another, but in terms of absolute power, Lin Feng believed that Shi Ningxue would never make any small plans.

Shi Ningxue stepped back and looked at Lin Feng with surprise in her eyes.

Once Lin Feng's accomplishments were still under her, but now Lin Feng has completely surpassed her!

This boy is clearly a pervert!

There was something wrong with Shi Ningxue's look. After a while, he paused and said, "don't worry. As long as you do well and promise you, I won't go back." Shi Ningxue said softly.

"That's good." Lin Feng opened his mouth and showed his white teeth.

Shi Ningxue raised her head and looked at the sky. The supreme elder of the Lin family chose self explosion, but the power of self explosion did not have a great impact on Shi Youde. The power gradually dissipated in Shi Youde's hands, and the blood and flesh scattered on the ground, leaving no bones of the supreme elder of the Lin family.




The disciples of the Lin family below were crying. These disciples of the Lin family were crawling on the square at the moment, and the cry was drowned out.

"Old man, I'll kill you!" Several elders of the Lin family who were full during the Mahayana rushed directly into the sky and looked at Shi Youde with anger in their eyes

"Good nephew, let's work together!" Several old men shouted, and all the strong men of several families flew into the sky to confront Shi Youde.

"Shi Youde, you asked for it!" An old man took the lead, the momentum of his whole body was constantly stirring, and the whole small space began to twist, with a bit unreal.

"All the disciples of the Shi family, now listen to my orders and leave the small space." Shi Ningxue looked down and gave orders to the disciples of the Shi family. With Shi Ningxue's orders, all the disciples of the Shi family really began to leave the small space in an orderly manner, one by one with a little curiosity and seriousness.

"Good calculation." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"They also have their escape channels. It was not thousands of years ago. Every family is thriving. Everyone has their own thoughts. What I want is just the silence of our Shi family."

Shi Ningxue raised her head, sighed, turned to look at Lin Feng, with a bit of envy in her eyes.

"I also want to be a Ranger like you. I'm free. I don't know where to come from or go back, but I don't have this ability. My family is my eternal dependence."

With that, Shi Ningxue turned her head.

Lin Feng looked at the battle in the sky. Some brilliance in his eyes Rose and fell again. After a while, he smiled and said:

"It's not that I have no family, but I know how to put all my strength down and let the younger generation and younger generation do things, so I can be my Ranger freely, can't I?"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Shi Ning Xuedun looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked ahead with his back.

For a while, Shi Ningxue suddenly smiled and said, "according to what you said, this is the wrong of right?"

Lin Feng didn't speak, with a tacit smile on his face.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue sneered and turned his head, with some contempt and disdain in his eyes.

"Oh, such a good fight doesn't wake me up!" Xiao nishang shouted. Looking at the battle in the sky, her eyes lit up and said with a smile, "Lin Feng, you are stingy!"

"Crazy girl, stand up!" Lin Feng grabbed Xiao nishang's body and didn't let Xiao nishang fly into the sky. He said, "don't worry, it's been photographed long ago. You can see it at that time."

"Well, I still think it's better to look up." Xiao nishang's face was full of interest.

Lin Feng's mouth twitched. This crazy girl doesn't know how to converge at any time.

"Lin Feng, you let Qianlong shuttle take us up. Anyway, there will be no danger with you." Xiao nishang turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a pitiful face.

"If you don't go or not, Shi Youde's strength is very strong, which is not affordable to ordinary people." Lin Feng shook his head, looked serious and said, "just look here. It's too dangerous."

Xiao nishang stood there with her eyes rolling.

Lin Feng grabbed Xiao nishang's hand to avoid Xiao nishang's mess.

Xiao nishang tooted her mouth and looked unhappy. She turned her hand gently to get rid of Lin Feng's bondage. However, Lin Feng's hand was like pliers. She couldn't start at all.

In the sky, Shi Youde stood there, looked down at the disciples below, sneered in his eyes and said, "do you really think you are my opponent?"

"Old dog, we've had enough of you. Since you came to the door today, go to hell. Our four families have followed you for thousands of years. What have you done to us over the years?"

Qin Zhi said with a frank face. Lin Feng shook his head. No wonder Shi Ningxue wanted to solve this guy.

"The one who takes the lead is the supreme elder of the Qin family. He is also the one with the highest accomplishments in this group. His name is Qin Zhi. In a word, he is also my elder!" Shi Ningxue chuckled, turned to look at Lin Feng and said.

"If you are not my race, your heart will be different. I shouldn't have brought you in at the beginning!" Shi Youde sneered, waved his hand, and ran over several people directly with a spirit training. The corners of his mouth lifted with a touch of ridicule and said:

"Today, I will tell you with facts, who is the master of the world!"

Shi Youde's whole momentum was raised, and he was quite indomitable. His eyes were sharp. Looking at a small formation composed of the four families in front, he didn't mean to be afraid at all.

"Old man, do you really think you can crush us if you have such a little accomplishment?" Qin Zhi sneered and waved his hand. With his action, the Mahayana of the four families behind him began to work.

Qin Zhi sneered and said, "old dog, we found one of your former enemies. He taught us this eight level killing array. Today, we will use this killing array to kill you!"

With that, the color of the whole sky began to change. The disciples of the four families and the actors in full swing shrouded each other in it. They only heard a bang, and the surrounding sky changed.

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