At this time, Qin Zhi roared and looked more and more ferocious.

The blood red spirit power pee Lian was like something, and directly washed over there. Each breath occupied all the surrounding space and pushed Shi Youde back. Qin Zhi's eyes were crazy. Looking at Shi Youde, he said:

"Shi Youde, you asked for all this!"

"It's a mule or a horse. Qin Zhi, I don't know if you have followed me for so many years?" Shi Youde waved his hand and directly blocked the attacks around him. "After so many years, I don't think you have made any progress."

"Shi Youde, it's you who haven't made progress. Over the years, you have occupied everything. You regard all this as your purpose. You want us to serve you, but you enjoy your success and consume it wantonly. Shi Youde, it's you who damn it!"

Qin Zhi looked at Shi Youde, sneered and said.

Shi Youde stepped back and looked down. Shi Ningxue was raising her head and facing Shi Youde's eyes.

Shi Ningxue turned her head and looked unnatural.

"Good, good." Shi Youde nodded three times and looked at Qin Zhi. "I'm a little stubborn, but it's not your turn to talk!" With that, Shi Youde rushed directly towards Qin Zhi.

Shi Youde's speed was very fast. Qin Zhi's attack covered the whole sky, but he didn't even attack Shi Youde's clothes sleeves.

The two sides chased and ran, and almost dyed the whole sky dark red.

"An expert is an expert. So many Mahayana periods are not opponents in front of him!" Xiao nishang couldn't help sighing and said.

"Yes, Shi Youde is also really capable. He has cultivated true Qi different from this time and space. It is obviously enough to rely on his current strength to deal with Qin Zhi."

Lin Feng nodded and said.

When fighting with Shi Youde, Lin Feng already felt that Shi Youde's power had been re planned, that is, Shi Youde's power was different from the power of time and space.

This is probably why Shi Youde is willing to stay. One is to subdue the spirit of space. Here, Shi Youde can also complete his own cultivation.

"Transforming power?" Shi Ningxue turned her head, looked at Lin Feng, frowned, turned to shake her head and said, "this is absolutely impossible. There is only one power in yanxuan continent, which is absolutely impossible to transform."

Shi Ningxue's words were very positive. Looking at Lin Feng, she said.

"There is no yanxuan continent, but this small space is different."

Lin Feng shook his head and said.

Shi Ningxue sneered and said, "our Shi family has lived in this small space for so many years. This space has basically been turned inside and out by our Shi family. If there was anything, it would have been found long ago. It's impossible to wait until this time."

"There are some things you can find if you don't look for them." Lin Feng shook his head and said, "for example, the spirit of space, the spirit of space, is a collection of the essence of heaven and earth. This space may not grow up in the yanxuan continent, or in the fairy world. Therefore, you may not find something that doesn't exist in other places."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue was silent.

The place where the spirit of space is located is the forbidden area of Shi family.

Even if it was her, she just went in once or twice, but she was not familiar with that place at all.

Now listening to Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue's heart immediately has a mind that is constantly turning. Lin Feng will never do useless things. Since he wants this space, it shows that there is something he needs in the space.

Shi Ningxue has long found the camera placed by Lin Feng where the spirit of space is located.

This bastard is a good abacus player.

Shi Ningxue gnashed her teeth and looked at Lin Feng. Her eyebrows were slightly picked. Her eyes were a little fierce, and the cold air around her was constantly shaking.

Lin Feng looked up at the battle in the sky with some curiosity in his eyes.

"What is this?" Xiao nishang suddenly exclaimed, with an incredible face.

"Refining blood!" Lin Feng's face was also gloomy for a moment.

Qin Zhi stood there. Behind him, countless bloody lights rose directly into the sky. These bloody lights were constantly twining around, and the wailing voice occupied the whole sky.

"Qin Zhi, you're crazy!" Shi Ningxue's body appeared in the sky, his eyes were red, and his whole body was shaking, "behind you, but all the elite disciples of the four families!"

"So what?" Qin Zhi's body struggled and his eyes were full of ecstasy. He glanced around. Jie sneered and said, "today, all people are going to die. This is my Qin family, my Qin Zhi's!"

Qin Zhi's voice was very loud. His body began to twist with the inflow of blood.

"Children's play!" Shi Youde snorted, waved his hand and attacked directly over there.

Shi Youde's hand is very fast. Qin Zhi's body wants to avoid, but Shi Youde's attack seems to grow wings and directly follows Qin Zhi.

In some aspects, the speed of shooting is always faster than that of ordinary people.

Lin Feng stood there, watching the scene with some interest.

"Will Taizu be all right?" Shi Ningxue turned to look at Lin Feng and asked again.

"Although Qin Zhi has absorbed so many people's blood, it is only a temporary momentum improvement. Shi Youde is a practical and steady cultivation after all. Naturally, nothing will happen."

Lin Feng smiled and whispered.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue nodded and his face eased a little.

"Lin Feng, look!" Xiao nishang pointed to a place behind him and said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at it with Xiao nishang's fingers. Behind Qin Zhi, the blood evil array began to converge. All the Mahayana periods that entered the blood evil array disappeared. He only saw the souls with a bit of transparency rising up one by one.


Lin Feng's whole body flew directly, grabbed at the souls behind him, and said:

"Don't let him absorb these souls!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue got up almost at the same time. Shi Youde's eyes paused on Lin Feng, and a spirit training directly grabbed Qin Zhi's back.

"Die!" The good thing was broken, and Qin Zhi's face became angry. A long blood red dragon grabbed Shi Youde directly.

"Kill these old things first, and I'll kill the whole Shi family to bury you!"

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