"Have you got in touch with that side?" Qin Yanran stepped closer to Lin Feng and asked earlier.

"Not yet. There's still a little difference here." Lin Feng shook his head, sighed and said, "but what I told you can't be checked much. We can go in soon."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people who were still a little excited immediately quieted down.

"It still takes time to get in touch. Don't worry." Li Yutong said softly, "after all, it is the connection between the two big spaces. What we have to do is to completely connect the two big spaces."

Everyone was relieved to hear Li Yutong's words.

Lin Feng also nodded and said, "since Yangyang has contacted us before, I believe Yangyang will continue to cooperate with us in the future, so don't worry too much. We just need to wait for someone to find a signal to contact us."

Lin Feng looked at everyone, sighed with relief and said, "now the array is ready. Let's wait for the array to be powerful."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people nodded. Lin Feng's eyes swept around the people. Several women nodded, turned and left directly.

"Now?" Li Yutong asked Lin Feng softly.

"The Fengtong sword at hand needs to be upgraded. I'll upgrade the Fengtong sword first. As for the next thing, let's discuss it at that time." Lin Feng said softly.

"Be safe." Li Yutong nodded, watched Lin Feng leave, turned and went to the conference hall. Several elders saw Li Yutong's back and trembled.

After getting along these days, they can see that the woman in front of them is not a considerate girl. Once she gets down to business, she is very serious and won't pay attention to her attitude at all.

Thinking of this, several people who originally had some expectations converged their mentality.

Several elders were even more worried and went with Li Yutong towards the conference hall.

"Mrs. Li is really powerful. The usually ferocious elder has become a soft persimmon in her hand." A disciple whispered.

"Hey, you don't know. Those disciples from yanxuan mainland are like this when they see Mrs. Li. Mrs. Li is really powerful!"

"I still think Mrs. Qin is beautiful!"

"No, no, no, our senior sister Shuangshuang is the most beautiful!"

"I still think Miss Qianqian is the most beautiful!"

"I still think nishang girl is the best. Yesterday afternoon, nishang girl instructed us!"

"Hey, I like Mrs. Zixia. The magic weapon that Mrs. Zixia gave me is so handy. Mrs. Zixia is so powerful!"

Everyone said a word to me, and suddenly the atmosphere became lively.

In the excitement, the disciples scattered in twos and threes. Lin Feng stood there and shook his head.

"Cough!" There was a slight cough. Hearing the cough, all the disciples were quiet.

The white robed elder fell on the ground and swept a circle of disciples. All the disciples scattered and left one by one.

"Elder Bai Pao, Mrs. Li is waiting for you in the Council hall." A disciple walked carefully to the white robe and said softly.

"Come on, let's go now." With that, Bai Pao took the lead in walking towards the conference hall.

Xiao nishang looked around. Everyone had something to do. Xiao nishang patted and chased Lin Feng.

There was a heat wave everywhere outside the cave. Xiao nishang stood outside and the heat wave took the initiative to make way.

The inflammation of the earth's core was burning on the ground. Xiao nishang stood not far away. The inflammation of the earth's core took the initiative to pass by Xiao nishang. Xiao nishang looked at Lin Feng with a gentle smile.

Sweat fell from Lin Feng's forehead. In the stove, the whole Fengtong sword was red. Countless raw materials were constantly burning in the furnace, refining the impurities little by little.

"Nishang, sit down first. I'll be busy for a while." Lin Feng said softly with a gentle smile.

"You're busy. I'm just bored. Come and have a look." Xiao nishang smiled, found a place to sit and said softly.

"OK." Lin Feng nodded and looked into the furnace with his eyes slightly red.

The temperature of the cave was getting higher and higher. The fire wrapped Lin Feng's whole body in it. Countless materials were continuously put into the furnace. With the input of materials, the materials in the furnace began to integrate together.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao nishang handed a towel and said, "wipe it."

Lin Feng took a towel and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He was in a better mood.

"Is that ok?"

"I have to wait a while. I've just removed the impurities. Now I'm merging. At that time, I'll pour them into the Fengtong sword." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

"No... are you okay?" Xiao nishang asked with some uncertainty.

"These are recorded in the Dinghai god pearl. There should be no problem. We don't need to worry." Lin Feng shook his head and said seriously, "just wait for the interaction between materials."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "that's good. You can worry about me."

"Nothing, but there is magma below, so the temperature is relatively high. Although the inflammation of the earth's core is very convenient, there is the blessing of magma below, and the speed of the inflammation of the earth's core is faster. It doesn't take too long."

Lin Feng said softly.

"Maybe when we get in touch with the other side, we can almost solve this problem."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang nodded, and the whole man followed with a sigh of relief.

"Oh!" Suddenly, Xiao nishang patted his head, "look at my memory. I have another thing to do. I'll go first!"

Then Xiao nishang ran out.

"Crazy girl!" Seeing the appearance of Xiao nishang, Lin Feng's heart and liver were shocked and shouted. Xiao nishang looked back at Lin Feng with some confusion in his eyes. Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said:

"Wear your shoes."

Xiao nishang lowered her head and found that she was afraid of heat. All her coats and shoes were taken off.

Lin Feng put his shoes beside Xiao nishang and put them on himself. While wearing them, he said, "it's cold outside. Be careful."

Xiao nishang looked down and saw Lin Feng's appearance. As soon as he pulled his nose, he was red in front of him.

Lin Feng looked up and saw Xiao nishang's appearance. He raised his heart and said, "what's the matter?"

Hearing the tension in Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang shook his head and said, "no, I'm just... I'm just too moved." Then Xiao nishang threw himself into Lin Feng's arms and said:

"Lin Feng, do you know? It's very kind of you. "

Xiao nishang said softly. Just at this time, a thunder in the sky struck down directly.

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