"Directly wrapped in the soul." Lin Feng's soul power wrapped the whole soul of Zidong, smiled and grabbed the soul of Zidong.

Zidong is still in a trance. He is clearly attacking Lin Feng. How can the long sword suddenly penetrate his body?

Zidong looked around and saw that around him, countless Fengtong swords were winding. These Fengtong swords were fake. The real Fengtong swords were in the middle of these fake ones, which gave him a fatal blow.

"Boy, you're not fair. You're a sneak attack!" Zidong came to look at Lin Feng and said loudly.

"Who says you can't sneak attack?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at Zidong. "I don't have the ability. I still blame others for sneaking attacks?"

Lin Feng tightened his hand and looked up and down at zidonglai. His divine consciousness directly entered zidonglai's soul.

"Boy, what are you doing!" Zidong suddenly raised his voice and said in a sharp voice.

"It's all in my hands. You don't care what I have to do. No, old man, your divine knowledge cultivation is a little low. This little divine knowledge cultivation is not enough."

Lin Feng sighed and said with some helplessness.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zidong's soul trembled, and a bad premonition occupied his heart.

Lin Feng's soul power poured directly into the soul of Zidong, and directly wiped out the past.

The combat effectiveness of zidonglai, who originally had only the soul, decreased greatly. Lin Feng's action, zidonglai didn't have much resistance power at all. The soul power was running out a little, and zidonglai's figure was getting weaker and weaker.

"Little... Boy, if you are like this, our sect leader will not let you go." Zidong's voice was very weak. Looking at Lin Feng, there was not much look in his eyes, he said.

"If I don't, can you let me go?" Lin Feng sneered and said, "with you, I've killed four, but you should be glad that your value is the best."

With that, Lin Feng's mind moved, and his soul power directly penetrated the whole. Then, the whole from Zidong became pale and powerless.

"Is that really good?" Li Yutong stood beside Lin Feng and asked softly.

"Although only a small amount of information is kept, this guy is an elder and knows more than the following disciples. In this way, we will reduce a lot of time."

Lin Feng said with a calm face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Yutong nodded.

"Boy, just let it go!" At this time, a voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear.

Hearing this sound, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and then said with a smile: "boy, I've learned countless skills, but I'll accept that skill when I'm good. I haven't learned it. Otherwise, your excellency, show me?"

The voice fell silent.

Lin Feng continued to overdo the soul of zidonglai. A lot of information disappeared with zidonglai's death, but a small part of the information remained.

After browsing, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and crushed the soul of Zidong directly.

"Boy, you!" The voice sounded again, with a little annoyance.

"Why, I don't dare to come out, so so so many disciples have to come and die?" Lin Feng sneered. Through Zidong's memory, he basically knew that the speaker should be zitiandi, the leader of Zimen. The old man's cultivation was not high, but his name was domineering enough.

Lin Feng stood there, waiting for the old man to speak.

The purple emperor snorted coldly and said, "boy, the day I leave the pass is when you die!"

"I said old man, can you say something else? I think you're a broken purple door. I don't think you can say anything else!"

Lin Feng stood there, looking very cheap.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, there was silence, but the surrounding space was obviously reduced.

The three women stood behind Lin Feng without hesitation. The momentum of the four people joined together. The purple gate disciples below only felt a strong force rushing towards them, and a group of disciples knelt down directly on the ground.

The disciples of Baiyu sect raised their heads and saw Lin Feng, Li Yutong, Qin Yanran and Qian Qian standing there. A flash of horror flashed in their eyes.

It turns out that there are so many experts in their Baiyu sect unconsciously!

Baiyu gate has become so powerful unconsciously!

The following Baiyu sect disciples shook their spirits for a moment, and the whole look was immediately excited. Their spirits were raised one by one, shouted and killed the disciples of Zimen.

One side drives the four sides. All the disciples of Baiyu sect seem to have induction, and the speed is faster and faster.

"Boy, you have seed, but I still say that. Let's stop when it's good!"

After a confrontation for a while, the other side took the lead in choosing to give up.

Obviously, the momentum of the four people frightened the other side.

"What if I don't accept it?" Lin Feng sneered and asked, "what can you do with me?"

There was no talk, as if the voice had not appeared just now.

"What shall we do now?" Qin Yanran stood behind Lin Feng and asked.

"First go to Shuangshuang Zixia and deal with the things there. Let's go and greet the old thing." Lin Feng wiped the corners of his mouth and went to the direction where Bai Shuangshuang was.

When the purple gate came to attack, he was fully prepared. He didn't let go of any of the four directions in the southeast and northwest. Fortunately, the cultivation of several women here was good. Otherwise, it would be a real trouble to deal with these guys.

"Nishang passed!" Li Yutong looked up and said softly.

"Although the girl has such a high cultivation, her cultivation is not completely stable, and she is not very familiar with attack methods. We'd better catch up as soon as possible."

Lin Feng paused and said.

"Don't worry. The cultivation of both Zixia is not low. It will be fine." Qin Yanran bit her lips slightly and said softly, "let's go there now."

Lin Feng nodded and took the lead to rush over there. Lin Feng's speed was very fast. The women behind him couldn't keep up with Lin Feng's speed. They looked at each other, smiled bitterly, slowed down and stopped chasing Lin Feng.

There are two masters at the beginning of Mahayana. Lin Feng must not need them and can solve them.

"Go to hell!" On the other side, Xiao nishang held a long sword in her hand, and a colorful spear on her arm was shining continuously. With the deepening of the light, those attack methods seemed a little monotonous.

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