Lin Feng had a good time. Although there were many disciples of the purple gate, under the carpet search of the Baiyu gate, those disciples were soon killed by the Baiyu gate, and some of the remaining miscellaneous fish could not turn over the waves.

"This is where I feel." Qingling followed Lin Feng behind. In front of them, there was a large array that could span space.

Lin Feng looked down at the array. The array was very complex. It was much more complex than the contact array he set up.

"The purple emperor is also a character. He spent a lot of effort to make this array. However, the spatial position of each continent is secret. Generally, it is very difficult to penetrate between the two continents. The purple emperor has been very powerful to get the spatial position of yanxuan continent."

Qinglington paused and said again.

"This shows that the purple Emperor didn't get this array position at all." Lin Feng paused for a moment, pointed around and said, "think about it. What if someone deliberately wants the purple gate to pick things in the yanxuan continent?"

Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"That's not good for him. This transmission array can't be successful simply. Moreover, this transmission across space will kill him if he is careless. Who is willing to do such a thing!"

The green spirit shriveled his mouth and said with disdain on his face.

"That man knows the address of yanxuan continent. What he wants is to privately tell Zimen the location of the space, so that Zimen and the sects here can lose both sides, and then he can take advantage of it. Isn't that good?"

Lin Feng stood there with his hands on his back and his eyes were gloomy.

Apart from the corpse Yin sect, Lin Feng can't think of any other sects.

This corpse Yin sect seems to be more powerful than he imagined. There are people in every space position not only in the yanxuan continent, but also on the earth, and they are still occupying their territory.

Lin Feng became more and more curious about the corpse Yin sect at this time. He was very curious about what the corpse Yin sect wanted to do in the end after doing so many things!

"You mean, someone is coveting the yanxuan continent?" Qingling turned to look at Lin Feng, frowned and asked.

"Yes, not only covet, but also occupy other people's territory in all spaces. What do you think the corpse Yin sect wants to do?" Lin Feng touched his chin and asked.

Qingling was silent and stood beside Lin Feng. After a while, he smashed the corner of his mouth and said:

"Maybe it has something to do with you?"

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng raised his eyebrow, pointed to himself, turned to a bitter smile, shook his head and said, "I can't accept this hat. It's absolutely impossible to have anything to do with me. In the past, I was just a little civilian. My life was simple. Even later, I became an immortal. I've always been good to others, not evil."

Lin Feng waved his hand and made himself clear.

"What if the corpse Yin sect also came for that thing?" Qingling pointed to Lin Feng's chest, raised his eyebrow and said, "map, it's not a rare thing."

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng was silent.

If it was for the map of the Dragon tomb, or the blood of the dragon, Lin Feng could be sure that he was the source of the trouble.

However, he also had a lot of dealings with the corpse Yin sect. Lin Feng didn't believe that the corpse Yin sect came for the Dragon tomb and the blood of the dragon.

"By the way, I got something from Shi Youde before. Look." Lin Feng took out a black box from the Dinghai god pearl.

There is a faint light shining on the box. Wrap the whole box in it. Touching the box makes people feel like spring breeze.

"Lead soul wood, belong to me." Qingling pointed to the box and said.

"This kind of thing must be in the old man Shi Youde's storage ring. I'll give you a dozen later. See what this is." Lin Feng took out the contents and put them in front of Qingling.

"This fragment looks very old and complex. I haven't made it appear in many ways. Look, what's this?"

Lin Feng frowned and played with a little map in his hand.

It's not so much a map as a piece of cloth. The cloth presents a light golden color. It lies flat in Lin Feng's hands and is made of unknown materials. A cool breath goes directly to Lin Feng's heart. Lin Feng feels that the speed of aura in his muscles and veins is much faster.

"This?" Qingling took it and held the cloth in her transparent hand. After a while, she put it back into Lin Feng's hand and said, "maybe it's some baby."

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng was stunned, turned to shake his head and said, "I've tried many methods, whether it's attack or other means. The cloth seems to be all right. I think it should be a great treasure or a treasure map, but I can't see through."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, qinglington took it and studied it again.

Seeing that Qingling is studying, Lin Feng doesn't bother Qingling. He has tried this thing many times and it's impossible to use it at all.

Suddenly, Qingling grabbed Lin Feng's hand.

"What are you doing?" Lin Feng wanted to withdraw his hand. With a stroke of Qingling's fingertip, a blood fell directly on the cloth.

The blood was directly absorbed by the cloth, but the cloth still had no change.

"I've already tried." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said.

"Try to mobilize the dragon blood in your body." The green spirit shook his head and said.


Lin Feng's eyes were surprised. Instead, he directly dropped a drop of dragon blood on it. He really didn't try it!

With the dragon's blood dripping down, the towel that has not changed at all began to change at this time.

good heavens!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

It turns out that this guy is really related to the dragon family. Is it another map of the Dragon tomb?

"This is the map of the dragon family and one of the signs of entering the dragon family." Qingling put the cloth in Lin Feng's hand, paused and said, "as for what will happen in the end, you need to collect all the cloth."

"It's all hidden. It's not easy to lose to collect it." Lin Feng sighed and said.

Qingling moved for a moment and said, "since you have accepted all this, I think these things will eventually appear around you. This is fate and a possibility."

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng shook his body, walked outside and said, "I hope so."

Qingling didn't speak any more. As Lin Feng went outside, several Baiyu sect disciples rushed towards the place where Lin Feng was located and fell in front of Lin Feng.

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