Back to the east Yellow Kingdom, Lin Feng didn't stay here too much and returned to the earth directly with the spatial coordinates.

Zhao Dan took the information to the past for the first time and began to study it. Lin Feng began to arrange cross-border arrays. This time, the place they were going to was the fairyland. The preparation of the array was naturally much more difficult.

"Lin Feng, we have a plan. This time, let's go together." Li Yutong stood beside Lin Feng and said softly, "sisters want to be by your side, no matter life or death, it's good to be with you."

Lin Feng straightened up and looked at Li Yutong.

Li Yutong's mouth has a gentle smile. There is only worry and hidden love on his soft face. Lin Feng knows that Li Yutong is for his good.

"OK, I'll take you." Lin Feng nodded and agreed to Li Yutong's request, "it's just that too many people across the border are dangerous this time. At that time, we will inevitably be wronged."

"Thank you." Li Yutong's Lian sang immediately burst into a bright smile. As for what Lin Feng said about injustice or not, it doesn't matter, "I'll tell my sisters!"

Li Yutong turned and left directly.

What a rush!

Seeing Li Yutong's back away, Lin Feng shook his head and continued to study the array to make it more and more safe.

"Lin Feng, I'm with you!" Xu Minjing soon joined the research. Xu Minjing's array attainments are above Lin Feng. With the help of Xu Minjing, Lin Feng can be said to be more powerful and faster.

"Min Jing, thank you."

Lin Feng raised his head and said with a smile.

"We are all a family. What can I thank you for? Do you want to take aunt Ping up?" Xu Minjing looked at Lin Feng with some worry in her eyes.

"I'll take every woman I have." Lin Feng looked at Xu Minjing and said seriously.

"Yes." Xu Minjing nodded without saying anything. The two men studied the array separately and then combined the array together. At this time, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

"Uncle Lin, I have determined the position and time of the coordinates. If we use the cross star transmission array to transmit the past, it won't work at one time. Therefore, I took a point from it. According to the calculation of our scientists, that place is very suitable as a springboard."

Zhao Dan stood beside Lin Feng and said with a serious face.

"Hard work." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Zhao Dan hesitated and stood there.

"If you have anything, just say it."

"Well, uncle Lin, our earth is a closed planet. Up to now, few planet Xiuzhen civilizations know the existence of our planet except where the corpse Yin sect is located. If the space-time array is opened this time, the earth will be exposed. At that time, the earth will also appear in the Xiuzhen planet."

Hearing Zhao Dan's words, Lin Feng nodded and said, "few of the disciples of the corpse Yin sect now come out for activities. In a few years, the corpse Yin sect is bound to leave the earth. However, there are so many practitioners on the earth. They can't all be small hudo in the greenhouse. They can grow up only by going out and having strength. Let's not talk about their future, But if there is competition and challenges, I think they will adapt better. "

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Lin Feng is not a complacent person. He has different views on the future of the earth. Only when he goes out of the world, can he be really strong and take charge of his own affairs!

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