Lin Feng stood in the array and waved to the relatives and friends who saw him off.

"Brother, earth, we will protect it." Zhang Zhen, Yuan Lin and a group of scientists stood in the front and said to Lin Feng very seriously.

"Come on, everyone!" Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile. Instead, his whole body disappeared in front of everyone.

The space extends towards the front, and Lin Feng wears headphones.

"Hello, uncle Lin, this is Zhao Dan. Can you hear my conversation?" Zhao Dan's voice came out of the headset and said to Lin Feng.

"Yes." Lin Feng replied, shuttling through the space channel.

"Uncle Lin, we are evaluating this space channel. Please cooperate with us and report the relevant situation of the space channel to us. We will take notes, budget and cost to facilitate future exchanges."

Zhao Dan sat there with a gentle smile on his mouth, communicating with Lin Feng and recording relevant information.

This girl is also a madman!

Lin Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. However, it was more comfortable to have someone talking with him along the way. Lin Feng relaxed his breath and informed Zhao Dan of the surrounding environment while flying over the space channel.

In the space channel, Lin Feng didn't know where day and night were. He kept moving forward all the way.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a strange smell.

"I'm at the transfer station!" Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and pointed a little. The exit of the space array appeared in front of Lin Feng. The communication in his ear disappeared after contacting the transfer station. Lin Feng smiled bitterly and fell on the ground.

This is a deserted planet.

Lin Feng didn't feel any breath of life on the planet.

The surface of the planet is covered with dense soil materials. There is no water and no characteristics of life. It is completely a dead star.

"This girl is really smart." Standing on the death star, Lin Feng put the communicator Zhao Dan gave him in advance around the array and aimed at the direction of the earth.

The communicator doesn't know when it can send information to the earth, but according to Lin Feng's estimation, Zhao Dan may develop this dead star in the next three or five years.

Lin Feng's mind moved and released the daughters, Lin's father, Lin's mother and the children.

"Ah!" Xiao nishang shouted first, opened her arms and said, "it's so comfortable!"

"Is this a death star?" Li Yutong quickly inspected the surroundings, turned to look at Lin Feng and said.

"Well, it's a death star. Although it has no biological characteristics, according to Zhao Danna's prediction, there are some good mineral resources that can supply some energy equipment to the earth."

Lin Feng nodded and whispered, "let's rest here for a while. The next goal is not here."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Yutong nodded with a smile and said, "Hello, everything is ready."

Hearing Li Yutong's words, Lin Feng touched Li Yutong's hair, moved his mind, and a simple house fell directly on the ground.

"The purity of oxygen here is higher than that of the earth. Although it is a death star, it is too suitable for human habitation!" Lin Bian is checking around. He turns to look at Lin Feng and says with a smile.

"Go and have a look everywhere. Since it's suitable for life, maybe there's life on it!" Lin Feng waved his hand with a smile.

As soon as several young people listened, they couldn't sit still. All of them ran away. Even Lin's father and mother took their granddaughter out to watch.

Lin Feng and the girls are preparing materials and arranging the array.

"Fortunately, when we set out, we prepared materials for the three-point array, otherwise this matter would be troublesome, and we might not have so many materials to complete." Li Yutong breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

"Yes, there is no Reiki supply here. It's much more difficult for us to set up the array!" Xu Minjing nodded, relieved her breath, wiped the sweat from her forehead and squatted on the ground.

"There is no Reiki, there is a Reiki pulse!" Lin Feng's mouth wore a gentle smile, and his whole mind was put on the treatment.

One by one, the materials are handled well, while others are porters to deliver the materials to the designated place.

There are many people and things are done very quickly. Everyone has a clear division of labor and has made efforts to set up the array.

"Lin Feng, the coordinate position over there has been determined, but it may take some time for the array to pass through." Qin Yanran said to Lin Feng with some helplessness.

"It's all right. Take your time."

Lin Feng smiled and comforted, "we don't lack anything now. What we lack most is time. Don't worry, this is the death star. Generally, there will be no friars or humans. Here, maybe our earth army has come when we are studying the array."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yan burst out laughing.

"Lin Feng, as you said, I have hidden the position of the death star. Now no one will know the position of the death star." Alice fell in front of Lin Feng with a thunder light and said with a smile.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, "in that case, let's speed up and get to the place we want to go early. We can also have a good rest."

"Good!" Everyone nodded and accelerated their speed.

The time of the Death Star passed very slowly. Sometimes the day occupied most of the time, and sometimes the night occupied most of the time. Lin Feng's children made a thorough study of the death star, and then sent the data to the earth through the communicator.

Lin's father and mother were also in a good mood. They walked around all day and even brought back some simple materials.

These materials are used to build high-tech products.

Time passed unconsciously. Half a month later, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground.

"This array is finally done."

Everyone looked ahead with a smile on their faces and said.

"Yes." Lin Feng looked at the connected transmission array and sighed with relief, "it's really a trouble. It took so long."

"Hee hee, Dad, can we cross the array and reach the fairyland directly now?" Lin Bian stood in front of Lin Feng, his eyes narrowed into a seam, and he was full of momentum that I wanted to go out and break through.

These boys

Lin Feng shook his head. After a while, he said, "yes, this can send us to the nearest place to the fairyland. As for how we want to enter the fairyland, we need our skills."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said that he had not arrived at the place, but Lin Feng was still full of worry about the unknown journey.

"Don't worry, Lin Feng, we all believe you!" Lin Bian smiled and took his brothers and sisters to stand next to the array. Lin Feng looked at some boys and saw some guys looking like thieves. Lin Feng knew that these guys must have no good intentions.

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