Yuan Daozi looked incredible and looked down at Lin Feng.

"Yes, as soon as I came over, you broke a hole in my space channel. Look, the wounds all over my body..." Lin Feng looked down at his body. The wounds were basically healed. Lin Feng coughed and said:

"You can leave anyway."

"Taoist friend, since we are all in trouble here, let's go together." Yuan Daozi smiled and said, "anyway, we are now... Brothers and sisters."

Lin Feng's mouth smoked. How did he feel that this guy had no place to go, so he was ready to stay here.

"I can help!" Seeing Lin Feng's eyes, yuan Daozi immediately said, "no matter what, Lin Feng Daoyou, just open your mouth and I'll do it!"

"Lin Feng, anyway, it's you who delayed people's flight. If you come, stay." Lin Bian smiled and said to Lin Feng, "Hello, Taoist friend, I'm his son. You flew up and accidentally fell here. Just come with us."

"Thank you for your... Friends." Yuan Daozi nodded, looked at Lin Feng and Lin Bian, but he was muttering how to call Lin Bian.

"Don't make trouble." Lin Feng patted Lin Bian, turned to Lin Sifeng and said, "how's it going, Sifeng, OK?"

"Well, the translation is almost finished. Yang Yang gave us the place to enter, but this place..." Lin Sifeng took a smoke from the corner of his mouth and sent the decrypted content to Lin Feng, saying:

"Dad, see for yourself."

Lin Feng looked at it. After reading it, Lin Feng sighed.

This little guy is really bold. He simulated the surrounding space to make a small space. He will go in from this small space.

"Is this safe?" After reading it, everyone frowned and asked.

"If there are many people, it must be unsafe, but if I pass alone, there should be no problem." With that, Lin Feng looked at yuan Daozi standing in the distance. Yuan Daozi was standing there alone, thinking about something.

"How to solve this problem?" Seeing Lin Feng's unhappy appearance, Li Yutong frowned and asked.

"I don't know, but this guy is a big problem. We must solve it." Lin Feng sighed and said.

"Dad, I'm connected to Xiangyang!" Lin Sifeng shouted Lin Feng, and Lin Feng immediately looked over.

Lin Xiangyang looked a little embarrassed. Feeling Lin Feng's eyes, he smiled at Lin Feng and said, "Lord Lin Feng, welcome to the legendary fairy world. Lin Feng, I tell you, it's fun here. Come with you!"

Hearing Lin Xiangyang's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes and said, "I said boy, Keng father doesn't bring such a pit. Look at yourself now. Does it look like fun? Since it's fun, let's play more. What letter for help will you send back? "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Xiangyang smiled and said, "anyway, the environment is good. Green mountains and green waters are lovely."

Seeing Lin Xiangyang's appearance, Lin Feng doesn't trust Lin Xiangyang at all. This boy looks like he's in a pit father.

"Well, Lin Feng, if you're here, don't don't don't trust your son. Here, you can rebuild a great holy city. Don't worry, your son will help you!" Lin Xiangyang said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"Open the entrance channel. Will the channel collapse if so many of us pass by?" Lin Feng frowned, looked at Lin Xiangyang and said.

"Don't worry, this fairyland is just like those cultivation worlds. The scientific and technological civilization is not developed at all. This channel is made of the array studied by Min Jing's mother and high-tech products. It's very solid, so don't worry."

Lin Xiangyang shook his head and said to Lin Feng, "this is not to leave a way for us to go home in the future. The fairy world is so big. Of course, everyone should come and play!"

Hearing Lin Xiangyang's words, Lin Feng pulled at the corners of his mouth.

"In that case, open the channel and let's come now." Lin Feng pondered for a moment and said.

"OK, Dad, wait for me. I'll get it." With that, the image of Lin Xiangyang disappeared. Lin Feng stood there and waved to yuan Daozi.

"Lin Feng Dao you!" Yuan Daozi immediately gathered in front of Lin Feng with a smile and flattery on his face.

"I'll take you in, but you swear, you won't tell anyone about everything here." Lin Feng looked down at yuan Daozi and said with a serious face.

"OK, I swear, I will never tell anyone what I saw Lin Feng Daoyou set up a transmission array outside to wear Lin Feng Daoyou and his friends." Yuan Daozi immediately swore, with a serious face.

"Thank you!" Lin Feng patted yuan Daozi on the shoulder, looked at the front and said, "wait until the next small array channel will open. You fly up directly, and the array channel will send you away."

Lin Feng looked at yuan Daozi seriously and said.

Yuan Daozi looks good, but his reason returns. He is sneaking into the world now. He doesn't know anything about this level. He has a few women with him. Therefore, he must not take it lightly.

Only when everyone's safety is determined is the real good thing.

"Thank you for your success. Don't worry, Lin Feng. I won't say it. Let's meet again tomorrow. If Lin Feng needs my help, just ask, I won't refuse."

Yuan Daozi smiled at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng waved his hand with a bit of impatience on his face.

"The channel is open." Lin Sifeng nodded to Lin Feng.

"Goodbye, Lin Daoyou." Yuan Daozi waved and rushed in directly. Lin Feng stood there and watched yuan Daozi disappear into the channel. He said:

"Let's wait a minute. I asked the boy to change the transmission position of the array. Let's send him away first. There are reasons and results. I've paid off his evil debt."

Hearing the words, all the women laughed.

Soon, news came from there. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He put his parents, wife and children into the dinghaishen pearl and flew into the channel.

Lin Feng felt as if he was being scanned by something. Soon, a sense of falling made Lin Feng's whole body urgent. Lin Feng's body trembled and trembled. Reiki shuttled outside the body, slowing down the speed of decline.

"Bang!" Despite this, Lin Feng fell to the ground, but the ground was soft and good.

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