"Xiao Feng, if the monster in the lake is too powerful, isn't it bad for them? I think we'd better change places instead of settling down here. " Lin Mu's eyebrows? Worry, said to Lin Feng.

"Mom, don't worry. Since it's the place I chose, I've surveyed it. Although there are some dangers here, it won't cause them any trouble. They just need to solve the monster."

Lin Feng had a gentle smile on his mouth. He had already felt it. Although the monster in the lake had a little cultivation, his cultivation was not high at all.

Although such accomplishments are just good for dealing with them, the four boys obviously have to suffer a little injustice.

The law, power and Reiki concentration of this world are not comparable to the lower bound.

"Settle down, here!" Xiao nishang was in a good mood. She pointed to a place and said loudly.

"I'll come, I'll come!" Luo Qingqing was also in a good mood. With a little finger, the ground began to change slightly.

"Let's arrange some level 9 arrays here, although these arrays may not be of great use here." Xu Minjing shook her body and began to filter the array she had studied in her mind.

Lin Feng's mind moved.

Dinghai Shenzhu spilled a little light water trace. Many arrays were written into the jade plate by Lin Feng. Lin Feng gave the jade plate to Xu Minjing and said, "Minjing, look at these arrays. These are from my memory. If you want to be on the earth, they are above level 10, but in the fairy world, these are only level 3 small arrays."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xu Minjing's eyes lit up immediately.

"Let me see!" With that, Xu Minjing directly took the array in Lin Feng's hand and studied it.

"Let's decorate our home first, and then start over." Li Yutong stood with Zhou Yun, Luo Zijin, Chen lingsu and Qian Qian. They all had special physique, but they seemed useless at this time.

It's better to raise the cultivation as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, the women stood up and began to clean the house.

Xu Minjing's cultivation is to arrange the array, and the other women began to change.

"I want a separate studio!" Qin Yanran stood up and said with a smile that her cultivation method is different from others.

"My voice is so strong that the traditional cultivation methods will certainly not work." Su Zixuan said with a smile, "I want a small studio. Please help me get more sound insulation arrays."

Xu Minjing nods.

"Everyone has a request to put it forward as soon as possible. In this way, I can easily arrange all the arrays. Otherwise, when the spirit gathering array is opened, the aura around it will be rich. At that time, it is inevitable that monsters will come. We should be prepared in advance."

Lin Feng said with a smile. Looking at the women, seeing that the women were full of fighting spirit, Lin Feng's spirit was also raised.

They will struggle in this fairyland in the future!

Everyone here is preparing, but Lin Sifeng and Lin Chang are very distressed. In front of them, there is a golden carp. To be exact, it should be a refined carp.

Cloud carp is one of the low-level monsters in the fairy world. Its cultivation is not very high, but its taste is excellent. It is a delicacy in many fairy restaurants.

"Shit, I'm so embarrassed by a little carp. If I say it, I'll lose face in the future!" Lin Sifeng wiped the water off his face, stared at the cloud carp in front of him and said, "I say you three, come on, everyone solve the trouble early and liberate early!"

"We are also working hard, but this trouble is really too troublesome. It's too difficult to solve it. I'm in a mess now." Lin sighed and said, "Dad, they are really comfortable. That is to move out the Zhang Weina D printing house we made when we were on earth, and then arrange the array to move in."

Lin changed his head and said with envy.

"Your mother is an array master on our earth. If you move the array, let's arrange an array here. Can't you solve these guys in minutes?"

Lin Anqi rolled her eyes and said.

"I don't have that day. I'm suitable for fighting and killing." Lin Bian waved his hand and smiled. Holding a weapon, he rushed directly at the big guy and said, "let's not waste time. We'll solve the problem earlier. If we solve the problem, we'll be comfortable."

With that, Lin Bian accelerated his speed.

"Well, solve it early!" The other three nodded, and the four stood in four different directions and directly attacked the cloud carp.

The cloud carp was annoyed by the attack of the four small mole ants and shouted a low voice, which was a warning.

"Little thing, don't warn us. Our dinner tonight is you!" Lin Anqi shook her hand, and the purple whip burst into thunder, directly hitting the cloud carp.

Stupid human!

Cloud carp was beaten by angel's whip, a black mark appeared, and several scales fell on the lake.

The whole body of the cloud carp flew up and its tail shook. The aura around him changed with his actions and greeted Lin Anqi directly.

Lin Anqi's eyes flashed a bad touch. Her whole body fell on the ground, rolled over and quickly stood up.


"The Reiki concentration here is much higher than that of the earth and even the yanxuan continent. It is obviously not so easy for us to solve this thing now, but don't lose heart. You see, this thing looks just like this."

Lin Sifeng made a sneak attack behind the cloud carp and shouted.

"Yes, let's kill them. Only our grandparents and mothers have dinner tonight. We can't be hungry anywhere!"

Lin Bian licked his lips and rushed up.

Lin Feng stood not far away, relieved to see the four guys working hard.

"Sifeng is really becoming more and more capable of leadership." Seeing this, Luo Qingqing sighed with relief and said.

"He is the eldest brother. Naturally, he has a heavier burden than his brothers and sisters." Lin Feng hugged Luo Qingqing and said softly, "sister Qingqing, let's go and have a look first."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Luo Qingqing nodded, and the two turned and walked towards the inside. The cloud carp was almost not the opponent of the four children.

"Do we have any plans next?" Luo Qingqing turned to look at Lin Feng and asked softly, "if not, practice first. You are our pillar. Your accomplishments have gone up. Even if our accomplishments are a little weaker, we can do it."

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