"What else do you say? Let's go now." Lin Feng waved his hand and let Qianlong lead the way.

There is such a good baby!

After everyone came here, the magic weapons forged on the earth seem to be of little use. There are countless records in the dinghaishenzhu real dragon dagger that can be used, but it can't cover this place. There are no materials now.

Collecting materials is the top priority now!

Driven by Qianlong, Lin Feng killed duanyun beast directly.

This cloud beast has a nice name, but it is a guy who looks slippery in the middle of winter with black cloth all over his body. A pair of small eyes grow on his belly. When he sees Lin Feng coming, he looks on Lin Feng with a wary face.

"I said whether the monster ate too much." Seeing the appearance of duanyun beast, Lin Feng was still in a trance.

He originally thought that this cloud beast should be majestic with claws and feet. As a result, isn't it a loach?

"Master, don't underestimate this guy. Although this guy is full of meat, his whole body can withstand beating. Be careful of his teeth and poison gas. This is not the lower world. Even if such a monster is put into the lower world, it will harm the owner of one side!"

Qianlong's words are serious, he said to Lin Feng.

"I see!" Lin Feng nodded, holding Feng Tong's sword in his hand, smiled and said, "today I'll take you as a little guy to commemorate my first war in the fairy world!"

With that, the field of sword spread out at Lin Feng's feet and attacked duanyun beast directly.

"Stupid human!" Feeling Lin Feng's attack, duanyun beast showed his white teeth, a pair of small eyes with anger, and his fat body suddenly began to twist.

Black water stains directly attacked Lin Feng with the twist of duanyun beast.

These black water stains are small, but they are dense like raindrops. From the front, almost every corner of Lin Feng's body is included.


Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately when he felt the attack of duanyun beast. This little thing doesn't look very good, but the cultivation is obviously not low.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. It seems that it is not easy to deal with this guy.

The potential energy position was unfolded at Lin Feng's feet. The gravity field directly wrapped the duanyun beast. Because the cultivation was reduced a lot, Lin Feng's potential energy position and the field of sword were also reduced a lot. The cultivation and strength were not in the same position at all.

"Damn it!" Feeling these black water stains rushing towards him again, Lin Feng's body kept retreating.

At this time, duanyun beast accelerated and rushed towards Lin Feng. When he came to Lin Feng, he opened his mouth directly.

"Go!" Lin Feng whispered. Feng Tong's sword directly crossed the corner of duanyun beast's mouth. Bai Yu's sword passed under duanyun beast and succeeded in the sneak attack. Lin Feng's body quickly retreated and sneered.

Although the cultivation of this thing is good, it's a pity.

Lin Feng hid the venom created by the cloud beast, stood not far away, looked at the cloud beast and said, "little guy, don't avoid it. Give me your collection and your life. To tell the truth, it's your luck to be the dish of the future king. You know, not all people have such treatment."

Lin Feng said to the cloud beast with a smile.

"Stupid human!" The body of duanyun beast was still shaking. A pair of small eyes locked Lin Feng, and the anger in his eyes was replaced by resentment.

Although it's just a little monster, Lin Feng can see that the monster's IQ is not low at all!

The fairyland is the fairyland. The intelligence of a small monster is so high. No wonder those xingqingban tigers completely surrender after feeling their baby. It turns out that these guys are soft persimmons and can be pinched at will!

Lin Feng's body shook a little, and he was in a very good mood.

Qianlong was hidden not far away. When he saw the excitement on his face, his body shook. The master was the master. Others couldn't notice the master's mind at all.

The cultivation of this cloud beast has already reached the golden elixir level in the fairy world, but it seems that there is nothing difficult in front of the master.

It seems that the monster he prepared for his master is still a little too bad.

Thinking of this, Qianlong's mind began to turn. The mountain said that it was big and small. When he went to the place where the monster was small outside, there would be an annoying village. However, when he went to the place where the people were more sparsely, the place where the aura was more rich would naturally have to strengthen the monster.

Then ask the master to go there.

Qianlong is making his own small calculation in his heart.

Originally, Qianlong naturally did not make any small calculations, but with the passage of time, Qianlong found that the master's cultivation could not be described as a general cultivation.

"No wonder the Dragon Emperor will choose his successor. This boy is a natural fighter and changes his state!" Qianlong looked at Lin Feng's direction and said gnashing his teeth.

The higher the boy's cultivation, the better his road will be for Qianlong.

Thinking of this, Qianlong trembled again and began to think about the monster for Lin Feng.

In the comparison of cultivation, skill, fighting consciousness and so on, Qianlong marked some monsters suitable for Lin Feng while visiting the surrounding mountains.

When Qianlong returns to Lin Feng, Lin Feng is skillfully peeling and cramping duanyun beast. There is no shortage of materials. The meat is also carried back directly. These meat are everyone's lunch prepared by Lin Feng!

"Let's have lunch meat at noon and use the rest of the meat to make kebabs in the evening!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Qianlong swallowed his mouth. There was no mountain h Helen in the center of the earth. What Lin Feng said was good, but as a soul, he couldn't eat at all!

"Master, don't talk to Qianlong about such a thing." Qianlong said pitifully to Lin Feng, "I'm not the girl of Qingling. The girl swallowed the space management. Now I can have my own body. I'm just a poor soul dragon!"

Speaking of the back, Qianlong's words were a bit of a cry. He looked very pitiful.

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Don't worry. When I have a chance, I'll get you a body to play with." Lin Feng said to Qianlong with a smile. Qianlong followed Lin Feng. Obviously, he really thought of his sad things. He didn't even pay attention to Lin Feng's words.

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