At the mouth of the valley, Lin Feng and Chen lingsu disappeared. The monsters nearby were confused by the suddenly disappeared breath, roared and sent a message out.

A fool who once coveted it has gone now.

The monsters seem to be in high spirits. The treasure in the valley involves the heart of every monster. If there is less competitor, you can fight less once!

At this time, Lin Feng, who reassured all the monsters, appeared in the valley with Chen lingsu in his arms and watched around.

On the stone wall of the valley, countless white feather doors are crawling on it. These white feather eagles have paved the whole wall into a piece of white flowers. At first glance, it is as beautiful as the clouds in the sky.

"Are these white feather Eagles a little similar to the name of our white feather gate? I think these things are good. Why don't we take them back!" Lin Feng looked at these white feather eagles. These guys are so beautiful. Isn't it just to let him abduct them and work for him?

"Let's finish the business first. Anyway, these white feather eagles are here. If you want, just come and take them away." Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chen lingsu said with a smile.

"That's right. Let's settle the matter here first." Lin Feng stood still, felt it and went to the south.

In the dense forest in the south, the number of white feather eagles is even more. The whole body of these white feather doors is full of evil spirit, crawling on the trees, on the ground and in the sky, as if guarding something.

"It should be here. It seems that this time, there are great treasures. These white feather eagles are really well protected." Chen lingsu breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

"That's natural. You don't look at it. Now your husband is looking for such a baby himself. It won't be bad at all!"

Hearing Lin Feng's proud words, Chen lingsu pursed her mouth, smiled and nodded.

"Good!" Lin Feng touched Chen lingsu's head.

Chen lingsu raised her eyebrows and looked ahead with Lin Feng's eyes.

In front of it is a big tree, which bears golden fruits. The fruit is spreading around with aura.

"Good guy!" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. "The spirit fruit tree is so big, and the grade of the spirit fruit is also good. Lingsu, this time we made a fortune. Take the spirit fruit tree back to our Dasheng village and let this guy have more results. We will live a life of eating spirit fruit every day in the future!"

Lin Feng wiped the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.

Chen lingsu looked ahead. Many White Eagles around lingguoshu were circling, which they couldn't go up at all, let alone take this guy for themselves as Lin Feng said.

"But we can't transport such a big tree back!" Chen lingsu said cautiously.

"Who said, since we can see this guy, we can naturally transport this guy, so don't worry, look at me." Lin Feng smiled, shook his hand and walked directly over there.

Because of his invisibility, the white feather Eagle didn't find Lin Feng at all.

Lin Feng took out some ground from the Dinghai god pearl and drilled it out.

These ground drills are intelligent with cameras. Lin Feng put the cameras in them and then put the ground drill on the ground.

Upon receiving Lin Feng's message, the ground drill went directly underground.

In front of Lin Feng, the holographic image blooms in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng controls the ground drill to cut some of the soil and roots around the tree, and the whole tree is isolated by Lin Feng.

Chen lingsu followed Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's practice, he looked incredible. This guy, he really wants to take the whole tree back. This... This is incredible!

"Take it!" Suddenly, Lin Feng put his hand on the spirit fruit tree and whispered. The whole spirit fruit tree was put into the Dinghai god pearl by Lin Feng.

"Let's run!" As soon as the lingguoshu was collected, Lin Feng took Chen lingsu and flew directly into the sky. Fengtong sword carried two people and flew thousands of kilometers away at once.

"We've got all the trees. Why are we still running like this!" Chen lingsu said somewhat depressed.

"Come forward and the demons and beasts fly at the same time. Even if we have reached Yuanying now, we can't bear it!" Lin Feng said with a wry smile from the sweat on his forehead.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chen lingsu looked down. Sure enough, he saw countless white feather eagles flying together, circling the whole valley and making a sad cry!

Chen lingsu's body trembled.

"It's all right. These guys can only shout now." Lin Feng said with a smile, sitting there with a calm face.

Chen lingsu turned her head and saw Lin Feng. Now she only felt that Lin Feng looked like a bad uncle. She seemed to be greeting something.

Seeing Chen lingsu's appearance, Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "don't look at me like that. Let's watch the play here. These white feather eagles will certainly not give up. Next, the demons outside will suffer!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chen lingsu nodded and looked down with Lin Feng.

These white feather eagles are about the cultivation of Yuanying period. Although their cultivation is not high, they are gregarious creatures. This group of demons and beasts in Yuanying period fly up, which is still very terrible.

These White Eagles circled in the sky for a week and directly attacked the surrounding monsters. The outside of the valley became lively in an instant.

"What a... Disaster!" Chen lingsu sighed and said.

"It's all right. Let's go to the white feather eagle's treasure house while these white feather eagles are not in the valley. Maybe there's some great treasure!" Lin Feng's body trembled and said with a smile.

"There are so many white feather eagles, and their accomplishments are just like this. There should be no treasure preserved!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chen lingsu frowned and said.

"The more gregarious creatures are, the more united they are. They need to reasonably allocate cultivation resources. Although these guys are gregarious, I have explored them before. They have a lot of treasures. Moreover, these treasures are the one with a little black white feather eagle. I think the white feather eagle is probably the leader of this one."

Lin Feng said with a smile. He took Chen lingsu through the battle scene between monsters and white feather eagles and appeared over the valley. With a wave of his hand, a fixed sea god bead returned to Lin Feng's hand.

"When did this guy do such a thing?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Chen lingsu's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. It's strange that this guy is really familiar with here. It turned out that he buried his baby here!

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