As soon as Lin Feng entered, Lin Xiangyang said to Lin Feng with a smile.

Hundreds of corpses of monsters are piled up in the open space. Now we are dissecting these monsters. Put aside the meat and materials.

"What did you do?" Seeing this, Lin Feng's body shook, sighed and asked.

"There is not a big battle between white feather eagles and monsters in the valley. We went down and cleaned up the bodies. It's ok if we don't clean up. Hey, hey, guys, these white feather Eagles don't know how to go crazy. We picked up the bodies of more than four white feather Eagles!"

Lin Xiangyang said to Lin Feng with a smile. The stars twinkled on his face and the meat of his body kept shaking. "With the meat and materials of these monsters, we can make great progress in our cultivation this time!"

"Your accomplishments have been very good!" Hearing Lin Xiangyang's words, Lin Feng pulled at the corners of his mouth and said.

The recovery ability of these children's cultivation is faster than that of Lin Feng. Now they have reached the stage of transforming God one by one, and Lin Feng himself is still around the stage of Yuanying. Unfortunately, most of these guys focus on how to create things mixed with cultivation and scientific and technological civilization.

If these guys practice well, their accomplishments will be higher!

"Lin Feng, you don't understand. What we pursue is the high integration of science and technology and civilization. To change the world, start with us!" Lin Xiangyang said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"Fuck you!" Lin Feng kicked directly in the past, and Lin Xiangyang ran away with a smile.

"Oh, come and eat the barbecue. The meat of the white feather Eagle tastes really good!" Qin Yanran and Li Yutong were preparing to barbecue. They raised their heads and shouted.

"Coming!" Everyone smiled and gathered together. You and I ate together very happily.

Chen lingsu helped while lowering her head and talking to Li Yutong. Qin Yanran followed. The three women had smiles on their faces and looked at Lin Feng from time to time. Lin Feng was not sure what these people saw. How do these guys feel strange?

Lin Feng touched his nose and took the initiative to help cut the meat. Maybe it was because he didn't work.

Lin Feng took a knife and cut the meat piece by piece. Qin Yanran sent the bamboo stick to Lin Feng and said, "this is the spirit bamboo we found from the back mountain. The smell of bamboo is very strong. Look, it's good!"

Qin Yan smiled at Lin Feng and said.

"Good looking!" Lin Feng smiled and nodded. A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. What the girl found was really beautiful!

"Hey, I knew you'd like it too. Hurry up. We eat too many people. There's not enough here!" Qin Yan smiled and urged Lin Feng. Lin Feng accelerated the speed in his hand. The knives started and fell, and the monster meat had been placed on the table one by one.

Too fast is not necessarily a good thing, but it is definitely not an easy job for Lin Feng. When Lin Feng stopped, most of the monsters on the site were solved, and everyone was laughing to clean up the mess.

I have nothing to eat!

Seeing this, Lin Feng sighed.

"Here you are!" Xiao nishang handed the plate to Lin Feng and said with a smile, "Xuanxuan just ate and went to rest. I brought you the rest. Lin Feng, how long have we been in the fairy world!"

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng paused.

Over the years, they have built Dasheng village little by little and sent information to the earth, but they haven't waited until the earth's information comes back, but everyone's cultivation is constantly recovering.

"Yes, time is unforgiving." Lin Feng hugged Xiao nishang's shoulder and sighed.

"By the way, you went to the nest of white feather Eagle today. Did you have any big harvest?" Qin Yanran came over and asked, "Zijin's cultivation has broken through again. In two days, he is ready to challenge the white feather Eagle!"

"Yes!" Lin Feng smiled. His mind moved. The ground drill dug a pit directly on the ground. Lin Feng's mind moved. The spirit fruit tree fell directly into the pit, clapped his hands, and a dead water poured on the tree.

"This thing is a good thing. I didn't expect that such a good spirit fruit tree could grow here in such desolation." Lin Feng raised his head, looked at the maturing lingguo and said with a smile.

"Concentrate the power of heaven and earth. The spirit fruit tree was always guarded by white feather eagles. So many white feather Eagles brought resources to the spirit fruit tree. It can grow normally here, too!"

Qin Yan Ran raised her head, looked at the lingguoshu in front of her and said with a smile.

"No, this guy eats better than me every day!" Lin Feng nodded with a smile and said with a sigh.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone laughed. Lin Feng sat there and looked at lingguoshu in a daze. This guy is getting better and better.

"Oh, and this!" Lin Feng suddenly thought of the little white feather Eagle who was about to break out of his shell and took the little guy out of the Dinghai God bead. The little guy still didn't come out, but the rupture of his shell was a little bigger.

"What is this?"

Lin Ling and angel came together first and saw the bird eggs in Lin Feng's hands. The two women's eyes were shining with stars.

"Dad, leave it to us!" Angel smiled and hugged the bird's eggs. "We have a incubator with enough temperature here, which will make the little guy grow successfully!" Then the two girls went away holding the bird's eggs.

"What a harvest this time." Seeing what Lin Feng took out, Qin Yan smiled and said, "with these, let's not worry about our little guy growing up now!"

"Hey, hey, that's not. Our little days will be better and better in the future!"

Li Yutong said with a smile, sitting beside Lin Feng, looking around, everyone has handled the monsters and beasts, sitting around one by one, with soft eyes.

"Lin Feng, wait, can you go to Zixia with me? Some of our weapons need to be recast. " Li Yutong looked down at Lin Feng and said softly.

"OK, let's go together." Lin Feng smiled and nodded. Zixia found a small valley with rich aura. There is also a magma that can help forge. Zixia is usually there.

"It's dawn. Let's go now. It's easier and easier to go now than before. In the past, we still need to worry about time. It takes a little time to pass. Now we just need to wave our hands and time will pass."

Li Yutong took Lin Feng's hand. The two people walked slowly in the connected channel. The channel moved forward. The two people talked all the way. They were in a very good mood.

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