Lin Feng has been wondering about chaotic seeds!

However, chaos has not taken shape in the middle stage, which has also become a barrier for Lin Feng. In recent years, Lin Feng has been studying chaos seeds. After communicating with Li Yutong, Lin Feng adopted Li Yutong's approach.

What Lin Feng didn't expect was that the chaotic seed that had never moved took shape at this time.

This is definitely something worth celebrating for Lin Feng.

At this time, in Lin Feng's body, the two breath are constantly correcting and entangled. The two complement and repel each other, and are constantly restless in Lin Feng's body.

The two kept shuttling in Lin Feng's body and felt the incompatibility between the two. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile. Good guy, you've been looking for trouble all the time.

What Lin Feng didn't expect is that these two forces are dormant in his body. After Lin Feng, Li Yutong and Zixia are happy, these forces are hidden around Lin Feng, and they hardly communicate with each other.

This time, after capturing them, Lin Feng forcibly pulled them out. When they got together, they immediately began to react!

"Go!" Lin Feng roared and locked their breath directly within their own scope. They were serious and serious in their eyes and controlled their past, but they were not so kind to cooperate with Lin Feng. When they came to the side of chaotic seeds, they began to escape.

Hey, guys!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately when he felt the two. Obviously, these two things were thinking about how to get rid of Lin Feng and were unwilling to accept Lin Feng's control in the field of sword.

"I'm sorry, little thing. Since I entered my body, I didn't give you a chance to lurk!" Lin Feng sneered at the corners of his mouth. Who wants snacks? His strength rushed directly into his body.

The two forces are very powerful. Under the deliberate control of Lin Feng, the two forces have to rush in the direction designated by Lin Feng.

"I just know it is!" Lin Feng's mouth aroused a gentle smile, and his mind kept beating.

With the rotation of Lin Feng's mind, their power rushed into the seeds of chaos!


Lin Feng only felt a slight roar in his body. The originally dim chaotic seeds became bright in the next moment. The gray light kept shuttling through Lin Feng's body. The forces of the two gathered together, and Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.


Although the power of the two has not been completely integrated, Lin Feng can feel that this familiar power is what he needs!

This is the strength he needs!

Feeling this, Lin Feng's whole mind became more and more serious, controlling the chaotic seeds shuttling in his body.

Finally succeeded.

Although the time was a little long, he felt the real power in his body, which made Lin Feng's whole mind happy.

Yes, finally!

Lin Feng did not hurry to open his eyes to celebrate, but introduced the chaotic seed into the dinghaishen pearl. He was curious about what would happen after the chaotic seed entered the dinghaishen Pearl!

The chaotic seed was forcibly pulled out of the Dantian by Lin Feng and put into the Dinghai god pearl.

The whole dinghaishen bead was full of light in an instant. Then, the chaotic seed began to rotate slowly in the dinghaishen bead, and the chaotic Qi was slowly released.

Qi of chaos!

This has almost become a masterpiece in the end of the law!

Feeling the power constantly filling in his body, Lin Feng's mood trembled again. It was always what he needed, but after grasping it and having it for a time, his heart still couldn't help jumping.

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

"How's it going?" Li Yutong looked at Lin Feng with a worried face and asked.

"Succeeded!" Lin Feng opened his mouth and said with a smile, "I want to succeed!" Lin Feng hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, saying:

"Go, go out and walk with me for a round!"

"Good!" Li Yutong smiled and nodded. She was also very curious. After Lin Feng had the seeds of chaos, what degree of power can he have!

The two women flew directly to the outside and stood together. Their long swords were put together. The two forces, yin and Yang, directly rushed towards Lin Feng. The two forces were very powerful. Lin Feng's mouth raised a gentle smile and said:

"Hey, hey, feel your husband's power!"

Lin Feng's mind moved, and a chaotic gas appeared at Lin Feng's fingertips and rushed towards the second daughter. The second daughter's sword gas and chaotic gas were right together.

"Bang!" Suddenly, an explosion sounded. Then, the power that was still shuttling became stronger at this time, tangled with Lin Feng's breath, and rushed directly to the second daughter.

The second daughter's body kept retreating and staring round her eyes. This power is too powerful!

As soon as Lin Feng's hand was closed, the Qi of chaos dissipated between heaven and earth.

Feeling this, the two women breathed with relief.

"That's great!"

"God, this chaotic seed is really powerful!"

The second daughter couldn't help sighing, and her heart throbbed a little more.

"Well, but the seed is still growing. What it will look like in the future depends on its own creation." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the second daughter nodded. Indeed, the chaotic seed has just taken shape. When it really wants to be boring, it's far from enough!

"Let's go back. This good news should also be shared with our sisters." Li Yutong said to Lin Feng with a smile, "I think now the sisters must be wondering about the power of this chaotic seed!"

"Yes. Let's go back now. " Lin Feng smiled and nodded, took the second daughter's hand and walked towards home. He was in a particularly good mood. The chaotic seeds grew out, which made Lin Feng feel comfortable.

However, I don't know if there is a place in the fairyland where chaotic gas can be collected. If chaotic gas can be collected, the growth of chaotic seeds will be more rapid.

Lin Feng's heart trembled.

Back to the villa, everyone is still looking forward to the results. Understand, the three returned with a smile. Everyone knows that Lin Feng has succeeded.

"Let's celebrate all night tonight!" Xiao nishang took the lead in opening his mouth, smiled and said, "how about our sisters celebrate with Lin Feng?"

"I agree!" Luo Qingqing smiled and nodded. The children's eyes lit up immediately.

Over the years, they have been practicing in this place where there are no people before and no ghosts after. They practice every day except monsters. Such boring days are day after day. Now they can celebrate, and everyone's mood flies with them.

"Oh, oh, it's not fair. Brother has a wife and children, but we have nothing!" Lin changed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, I also have a girlfriend. Brother, you're wrong!" Yang Yang immediately objected and said, "when my Dandan comes back, I can confess with Dandan!"

"Fuck you, boy!" Lin Bian kicked Yang Yang. Yang Yang laughed and turned away. Lin Bian turned his mouth and looked disgusted.

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