Where do these human beings come from, then why are there so many beauties here?

Mr. Qiu's eyes swept over the women behind Lin Feng. These women looked different, but they were as beautiful as flowers. Even in the fairy world, he had never seen such a beautiful woman!

Feeling Mr. Qiu's eyes, Lin Feng frowned and stood in front of Mr. Qiu, blocking Mr. Qiu's eyes.

Mr. Qiu was not used to Lin Feng's sudden action. He looked down at Lin Feng and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. This boy, he deliberately didn't let him see these beauties!

"Boy, who are you and why do you appear in this deep mountain?" Mr. Qiu looked down at Lin Feng, snorted coldly and asked.

"This is Dasheng village. We are all villagers of Dasheng village." Lin Feng said with a smile, "on the contrary, it's you. What's the matter with visiting our Dasheng village?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mr. Qiu narrowed his eyes and said, "these 100000 mountains are the territory of my Qingfeng view. Why don't I know when there will be a Dasheng village in these 100000 mountains?"

Mr. Qiu sneered, looked down at Lin Feng and said, "or did you name the Dasheng village and it exists illegally?"

"I said, you old man, why do you talk so much? Since our Dasheng village exists here, it must be because we can exist. Our existence is reasonable. You ask a lot of questions like this. Are you jealous because you don't have a Dasheng village?"

Xiao nishang stood up, raised her eyebrows, looked at Mr. Qiu and said, "we respect you. You are a guest. If you want to be wordy again, please leave!"

"Crazy girl, I'll come!" Seeing Xiao nishang's appearance, Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "anyway, we are all hosts now. Speak gently so as not to let others see jokes."

Xiao nishang stood behind Lin Feng, raised his chin and looked at Mr. Qiu. His hands shook. The aura around him shook with Xiao nishang's actions.

Mr. Qiu's body trembled.

The accomplishments of these guys are so unified.

"You... You..." Mr. Qiu stepped back and took the initiative to surrender. These guys have such high accomplishments. His accomplishments are far from in front of these people.

"Mr. Qiu, as long as you give an order, we will listen to you." A man stood in front of Mr. Qiu, looked down at Mr. Qiu and said seriously.

The men behind all raised their spirits and looked at Mr. Qiu, waiting for Mr. Qiu to give a perfect answer.

"Do what!" Mr. Qiu slapped him, rolled his eyes, turned his mouth and stood in front of Lin Feng with a gentle smile. He smiled and said, "Hello, everyone. I don't know whether you are here for experience or not?"

Mr. Qiu's eyes swept around Lin Feng and a group of people and asked with a smile.

"Fool, don't you see that we are a family?" Lin Sifeng turned his eyes and waved his hand. The surrounding environment immediately changed. Mr. Qiu only felt that everything around him suddenly trembled. He trembled for a moment, and then a big net covered them.

"Dad, just wipe these guys off the card!" Lin Bian said impatiently. These guys don't look like good people at first sight. They deal with them directly and save them from wasting language here.

"Come on, what's the purpose of coming here?" Looking at a group of people struggling in the big net, Lin Feng sat in front and said faintly, "don't struggle. This net is specially made. There is no special means. This net can't break free."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mr. Qiu took the lead in stopping the struggle. He just struggled for a long time and didn't break free. This is a disguised belief in Lin Feng's words.

"We are just residents outside the mountain. Because there is something different in the mountain, everyone asked me to come into the mountain and have a look. We didn't mean anything else." Mr. Qiu looked up and said, "although we don't know where you are from, since you are here, it means that you are the people around 100000 mountains. We are all friends. Please forgive me."

Mr. Qiu adjusted his state, looked up at Lin Feng and said seriously.

"Do you need Haihan at this time?" Lin Sifeng sneered, took a spiritual fruit from one side and chewed it,

There are many spiritual fruits on the nearby spiritual fruit tree. Mr. Qiu's body trembled. This is a spiritual fruit. This is a superior spiritual fruit. These people just chew it directly. This... This is a violent Tianzhen!

You know, practitioners outside 100000 mountains can fight for a spiritual fruit!

Mr. Qiu's eyes widened.

"Are you the leader of Qingfeng temple?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Mr. Qiu and said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm the leader of Qingfeng temple. Qingfeng temple has always been my housekeeper. Is there anything you want to know?" Mr. Qiu nodded and suddenly changed a lot in the face of the attitude of Lin Feng and his party.

This group of guys, whose origin is unknown, should be careful!

"Since you are the leader of Qingfeng temple, you must know the outside world very well. Well, tell me what the outside world looks like." Lin Feng sat there and said with a smile.

He can't always hide in the deep mountains. Since he chose to come to this world, he is destined to go out to experience. Moreover, only two copies of the dragon's blood have been found, and the remaining ten need to be found back. Lin Feng doesn't dare to relax at all.

Thinking so, Lin Feng's whole mind was raised.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mr. Qiu was stunned and looked down at Lin Feng. After seeing the curiosity in Lin Feng's eyes, Mr. Qiu was stunned. This boy, don't you know the world? Isn't that a joke?

Every cultivator, even if he doesn't know whether his accomplishments can run up, at least he knows their great achievements in the vast fairy world!

Thinking of this, Mr. Qiu's eyes changed. Looking at Lin Feng and his party is like looking at a group of aborigines?

Are these guys flying up?

No, no, friars who fly up will have a special flight platform to accept them into those big sects. They won't stay in this place at all. Therefore, they can't fly over!

Thinking of this, Mr. Qiu's eyes are even more strange.

The local friars don't know the vast fairyland, which is like

"I said what are you doing with your face? If we ask you, just say ah, we are very embarrassed when you look like this!" Lin Bian stood up again, holding a long sword in his hand. With a hum, a sword spirit revolved and entangled around Lin Bian. Around Lin Bian, Mr. Qiu immediately turned pale.

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