Lin Feng's mind moved and looked down at this guy. It seems that this guy is good. He can show up here in 20 days.

"Well... Brother Lin, why don't I send you here? I'll be here again. There are many connected galaxies here in Yecheng. I can make some money here. This is the map to Qingshan Academy. According to the map, brother Lin, you can arrive directly."

Xiaobai handed Lin Feng a map and whispered.

"Now that we've all come together, let's go together. If I'm alone, it's a little shabby." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile, "you see, the time is just right."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng.

"These are the introduction fees you introduced to me along the way. Don't worry. I won't shorten your introduction fee." Lin Feng said to Xiaobai with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai, who was still a little careless, immediately stared at Lin Feng. Lin Feng smiled, shook his bag and said, "let's go now."

As a result, the storage bag in Lin Feng's hand is not small.

"Yes!" Xiaobai immediately followed Lin Feng with a smile and swayed around Lin Feng.

This boy!

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head. It's really

"I said your boy is also an alchemist at any rate. If you sell a few stoves of alchemy casually, won't you make money?" Lin Feng turned to look at Xiaobai and said with a smile, "why do you have to come out to find such a sin!"

"Brother Lin doesn't know. This alchemy also needs materials. I need immortal stone to buy materials." Xiaobai whispered, with a weak voice and a little sad.

"It's campus bullying!" Lin Feng smiled and said, "I see you are the bully. Why, the refined pill was robbed by other disciples of the college?"

"Xiaobai is just an ordinary disciple. In school, he has no family background. Moreover, alchemists have always been a vulnerable group." Xiaobai scratched the back of his head and put his position very accurately.

What a submissive child!

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head. This guy can lick his face and become a street corner gangster to sell materials. It seems that he is a transparent person.

"You are a smart man!" Then Lin Feng handed in the immortal stone of two people and walked inside, "let's go. Where's the next stop?"

"The next stop is qingmaozhou, which is just a small city. We have a transmission array over qingmaozhou, which can directly reach another big city, and we can save three to five days."

Xiaobai raised his spirits and said to Lin Feng with a smile, "moreover, in qingmaozhou, we can feel the vastness and immensity of the main star. The array of qingmaozhou is set according to the site of the main star qingmaozhou."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng was moved, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little more excited.

"How familiar are you with the main star?" Lin Feng suddenly turned to look at Xiaobai and asked.

It seems that I found a baby unconsciously.

"Before I entered the castle peak academy, I wandered around at least half the main star." Xiaobai smiled awkwardly, scratched the back of his head and looked up at Lin Feng. "I have been to these places and are very familiar with them. Qingmaozhou is very big. Although it is not as famous as Yecheng and Donghua city in Yecheng in the past, qingmaozhou has beautiful mountains and rivers. The whole qingmaozhou is as beautiful as a painting."

Xiaobai said to Lin Feng with a smile.

So beautiful?

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

"And there are no big forces and big sects in qingmaozhou. There are only a few small sects. Therefore, there are a lot of scattered cultivation and many scattered immortals in qingmaozhou!"

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng pondered in his mind. It seems that qingmaozhou is a city that has not been reclaimed. If it is a city that has not been reclaimed, is it convenient to get a transmission array in qingmaozhou.

Lin Feng took out the map.

Qingmaozhou is far away from Yecheng, but somehow there is a transmission array between the two cities. Of course, it is a little far away from where Lin Feng is going. Qingmaozhou is on the edge of the city. Generally, normal people will choose to go from another city.

First, it's busy there. Second, from the map, it's really closer there.

Such a place is obviously a better place for Lin Feng who wants to initially create power.

"This is the place!" Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

"This road is very hidden. If you didn't draw it, others probably wouldn't doubt that there will be a transmission array in qingmaozhou that can directly jump over the three cities here. However, this is only useful for people who want to rush to Qingshan Academy."

Lin Feng said with a smile and put away the map.

There are not many monks who go to qingmaozhou in twos and threes, and their accomplishments are relatively low. Lin Feng and Xiaobai stand behind. Both of them converge their breath and seem to be a little low-key.

"Brother Lin, can you refine the best pill?" Xiaobai suddenly asked, with a bright light in her eyes.

"I can refine Yunshen pill." Lin Feng smiled, "but you know, this thing needs divine knowledge too much. Some accomplishments can't keep up. It's hard to refine!"

"It's awesome, brother Lin. Yunshen pill is the first-class elixir of xianpin. I can't refine Yunshen pill now. The main reason is that Yunshen grass is too difficult to find!" Xiaobai gave Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"It's time for you two to stop talking!" An impatient voice sounded. The fairy Army stood at the mouth of the transmission array and shouted, "don't delay the people behind!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xiaobai immediately nodded and bowed. As Lin Feng stood on the transmission array, the two people transmitted one before and one after the other.

"A first-class alchemist of immortal product is also humming here." A disciple said with some disdain.

"What is the first-class alchemist of immortal product?" Another fairy army came over and asked.

"Just now there were two little fart children, but a first-class alchemist of xianpin. He is still praising there. We don't look at it. Our adults are third-class alchemists of xianpin!"

"What accomplishments?" A middle-aged man came over and asked in a deep voice.

"It looks like the fourth and fifth floor in the middle of Mahayana. It's not very high." The fairy Army thought for a moment and said.

A slap directly hit the immortal army on the head. The middle-aged man looked angry and said, "you fool, you can refine the first-class elixir during the Mahayana. This is a cross-border refining elixir. Ordinary friars can't go at all!"

The fairy army heard the boss's words and was a little confused. Looking at the transmission array, was it difficult to transmit two geniuses by themselves?

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