"Oh, isn't this Xiaobai from class two?" A disciple of Qingshan academy walked up to Xiaobai, looked up and down, and said, "you are brave. You haven't handed in the offerings for several months. Have you forgotten our boss's means?"

Li Lin looked down at Xiaobai, sneered and said.

"Still..." the man looked at Lin Feng and said, "I'm not going to hand it in because I have a new backer. But I don't think this boy is very good. You see, even the disciples of Castle Peak college are not. Why, do you really think it's OK to find a cat and dog?"

Li Lin looked up and down at Lin Feng, sneered and said.

"Brother Lin will be soon!" Xiaobai whispered, standing there with his head down, obviously afraid of the guys in front of him.

The peak of Mahayana is really high!

"Guys, since I know Xiaobai is under my cover now, are the people who bully me here a little too much?" Lin Feng looked at several people with a smile and said, "or do you think I'm not your opponent?"

Lin Feng stood in front of Xiaobai and looked at Li Lin, "it's really good to reach the peak during the Mahayana. However, in Qingshan academy, you're only a first-year student, aren't you?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Lin's face, which was originally calm and calm, became gloomy for a moment. What he hated most was that others said this thing!

He's Li Lin, but he's a little late. What's the matter? So many people said later that even a boy who didn't even enter the castle peak academy has come to make a visit!

"Boy, die!" Li Lin's face was very ferocious. He looked at Lin Feng and shook his hand. A strong wind greeted Lin Feng directly.

good heavens!

Seeing the boy's appearance, Lin Feng smiled. Feng Tong's sword stood in front of him. The field of sword spread under his feet and wrapped Li Lin in it.

"How about it? Do you like the taste?" Lin Feng looked down at Li Lin with a smile and asked.

"You... How could you?" Li Lin looked at Lin Feng and looked incredible. Seeing Li Lin's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "fool, you should believe that there are many incredible things in the world, such as the person in front of you."

Lin Feng said to Li Lin with a smile. He shook his hand and directly attacked Li Lin.

Li Lin quickly stepped back, stared at Lin Feng and said, "boy, wait for me. We can't just finish this thing!"

"Ah, wait for you!" Lin Feng nodded and said faintly, "come on, or I'll see you at Castle Peak Academy. How about it?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Lin turned and ran away quickly!

"The next time you deal with such a guy who likes to fake tiger's power, show your power and he will be scared away immediately!" Lin Feng looked at Xiaobai with a smile and said.

"Brother Lin, you are so good. How do you train? Take me next time!" Xiaobai's eyes lit up immediately, gathered in front of Lin Feng and said with a smile, "I want to!"

"You deserve to offend the senior students before you enter the door!" At this time, Ji Zhao passed through Lin Feng chilly.

Nima, this boy is a ghost!

Hearing Ji Zhao's words, Lin Feng turned his head. Ji Zhao had gone chilly. It was obvious that he didn't pay attention to Lin Feng's affairs anymore.

What a haunting guy!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng tut tut sighed.

"It's all out, brother Lin. you're going to take the second exam. The second exam is a simulation exam. The competition is about alchemy techniques and reaction ability, mainly alchemy techniques and handling of sudden situations."

Xiaobai whispered to Lin Feng, "this is very difficult. I can't always deal with sudden situations." Xiaobai scratched the back of his head and said.

"I see. You'd better wait for me outside." Lin Feng said with a smile and turned around to enter the second examination room together.

In the second examination room, there was a crystal like thing on each examination room. There were arrays on the crystal. Lin Feng took it up and looked at it. He basically knew what it was. It was a way of alchemy. He wanted to crack this way. As long as he cracked it, he passed.

Time, a incense stick.

Lin Feng's hand shook, and the incense in front of him began to burn. Lin Feng closed his eyes and his mind went straight into the crystal.

Complex silk threads appeared in Lin Feng's mind. These lines were sketched together to form a piece of spiritual strength. Lin Feng's fingers a little and his hands slowly flew up.

With Lin Feng's action, this piece of spiritual strength training began to dissolve and disappear, and the complex silk thread in the crystal began to take shape, which became more and more difficult later.

Lin Feng's hand didn't stop, and the speed was faster and faster.

It was quiet around. Only the former tutor did it in front with his eyes closed. Incense was burning in front of no one. Some had begun and some were still brewing.

Ji Zhao turned to look at Lin Feng.

Most of the work was finished immediately. Around Lin Feng, countless silk threads were being twisted.

This boy!

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Ji Zhao was more flustered, but it was only a short time.

Ji Zhao looks at Zhao Shuping, who was killed earlier and shared equally with him in the mountain city. Zhao Shuping has also started.

"Hum, I'd better be cautious!" Ji Zhao bowed his head and continued to study.

At the time of a cup of tea, Ji Zhao began. Lin Feng opened his eyes and waved his hand. The crystal should fall on the table, perfect.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. This thing is much more tired than alchemy. The most important thing is that Lin Feng should complete this task in the shortest time.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take a break first. Take a break. The third game will begin soon." The teacher in front opened his eyes, nodded to Lin Feng with satisfaction and said.

"Thank you." Lin Feng nodded and sat there narrowing his eyes to recover. Although it was only decomposition, it still consumed his mind.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and knew the sea. At this time, all the Lingli silk threads previously cracked by Lin Feng were concentrated in Lin Feng's mind, flashing a slightly bright light. These silk threads formed a set of unique techniques.

What is this?

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

good heavens!

This is a good thing!

No wonder so many people want to enter the castle peak academy. This is a genuine alchemy technique. That is to say, if you have a face in the future, you can use it in the past. Don't spend too much time to outline the spiritual silk thread!

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