"Dean, aren't you kidding? How can you agree to let such a boy become a teacher in our school? Our school is also a grade school. Such a boy is humiliating me Qingshan college! "

"Yes, Dean, there is no shortage of teachers in Qingshan college. Several elders of Yuanzong have the intention to come to Qingshan college to teach students to understand. There is no need for us to invite such students to be teachers."

"Dean, the boy can't even take off the universal device now. Is it too hasty?"

The people stood there and looked at Hongshan. They totally disagreed with Lin Feng's coming to be a teacher.

Castle Peak college has been established for tens of thousands of years. There has never been a time for a boy who can't be an immortal to be a teacher!

"This is the elixir refined by that boy, Yun Lingdan." Hong Shan took a look at the crowd and directly threw out a pill. "He destroyed one of the ten pills himself. All the rest are here. They are all good. Do you think this boy is worth it?"

Hong Shan said softly.

"Impossible, Yun Lingdan has long been lost!" A tutor stood up and shouted.

"Look at the pill first." Another relatively serious tutor said softly. He picked up the pill and took a look. The pill was put in his hand. The circle of pill patterns lingered in the pill itself. It was very beautiful.

The green pill sent out a faint fragrance. The pill was placed there, and everyone was silent.

This is... A finished pill, and it is also a lost Yun Lingdan!

"This boy..." the tutors turned and looked at Hongshan.

"A furnace of pills is perfect, and the impurity removal is almost perfect. This boy's Alchemy talent is perfect. Who can teach such students in our college?" Hong Shan raised his spirits and asked, looking at a group of tutors standing there meditating and speechless.

All the people were silent. Even the best tutor of Castle Peak academy could not have done so, but what else could they say if this guy did it? All the people smiled bitterly. Although they thought it was inappropriate to let a boy in Mahayana come to Qingshan College as a teacher, they couldn't say anything in the face of Lin Feng's achievements.

The lost pill prescription and excellent alchemy talent. Even if such a boy is placed in Qingshan academy, there is really no teacher to teach him!

"Well... Let's not recruit this boy?" The silent female tutor who had been sitting in the corner raised her head and said.

"It's rare to meet such a good seedling. Why let it go!" Hong Shan sat there and turned his eyes. "If you pay a little resources, you can hand over countless more excellent students. Besides, the five-year competition of the five colleges will begin soon. Disciples are required to participate in both alchemy and talisman making. This boy will be a mentor here first. He will be a contestant at that time. He won't make a lot of money for us?"

Hong Shan said with a smile, "our castle peak academy hasn't won the championship for many years!"

All those who didn't agree with me raised their heads and their eyes were full of surprises. If they didn't agree with other things, they absolutely agreed with this!

If there is such an excellent disciple of Castle Peak Academy who can participate in the competition, then they are likely to win the championship

Although it's only a one-sided champion, it's much better than the bottom of Castle Peak college in recent years!

"Originally, I wanted to let Xiaobai go to the competition, but as you can see, the boy is very weak. Going to the competition may not have the ambition to win the championship, but this boy is different. This boy has courage and ambition and is the best candidate for the competition!"

Hong Shan said with a smile, with a calculating light in his eyes.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was strolling around Qingshan Academy with Xiaobai, yawned.

"NIMA, who's talking about the young master in the back!" Lin Feng sucked his nose, said, raised his head and saw Xiaobai standing there.

"What's the matter? What is this? " Lin Feng looked ahead.

In front of Xiaobai is a woman with red hair.

The woman was wearing tight clothes similar to cheongsam and stood there. The double peaks in front almost fell out. The delicate facial features and red hair looked particularly heroic and pressing.

"Boss, this is the head of our alchemy department. Isn't it beautiful?" Xiaobai turns to look at Lin Feng and stares at yunluoying with almost all her eyes.

"It's OK, but you'll know when you see your sister-in-law. Your sister-in-law is more beautiful." Lin Feng said with a smile that although yunluoying is very beautiful, it is a little worse than the women around him.

"Hey, hey, I just like this woman. She's beautiful." Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai smiled and said, "if only I could marry this woman home in my life, then I would be perfect in my life!"

With that, Xiaobai looked up with joy in her eyes.

"There's a chance!" Lin Feng patted Xiaobai on the shoulder and said with a smile, "come on, woman, as long as you persevere, one day she will get used to you."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai nodded, turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "brother, do you chase your sister-in-law home like this? Perseverance? "

"What do you know? Do you still need to take the initiative to pursue such an excellent task as yours? Your sisters in law are willing to be with me. " Lin Feng smiled, took Xiaobai from yunluoying, and said proudly.

Yun Luoying snorted coldly and disdained Lin Feng's boasting. He was just a boy in the period of Mahayana. He even talked nonsense here. It was

"Brother Bai!" At this time, a charming voice sounded behind. Xiaobai trembled and stood in front of Lin Feng, saying:

"Big brother, it's Zhao Qingluo. Big brother, help me block it."

Lin Feng turned and Zhao Qingluo stood in front of Lin Feng. He was not very beautiful. He was dressed in a green shirt and had two dimples when he laughed. Seeing Zhao Qingluo's appearance, Lin Feng was stunned. A faint feeling of familiarity lingered in Lin Feng's mind.

How can this girl have such a familiar taste?

"Hello, I'm looking for Bai Xiangfan." Zhao Qingluo was generous and said to Lin Feng.

"Looking for you!" Lin Feng walked away. Xiaobai pulled a corner of his mouth. For a moment, he was speechless for Lin Feng's sudden change. Looking at Zhao Qingluo, he raised a far fetched smile and said:

"It's for me. What's up?"

"Brother Bai, we found a valley. There is the quiet grass you asked for last time. Brother Bai, didn't you say you wanted to refine Youlan pill?" Zhao Qingluo looked at Xiaobai and said with a smile, "let's go together!"

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