"Really?" Lin Feng waved his hand, and the tutor card flickered in Lin Feng's hand. "According to the rules of Castle Peak academy, the tutor card of each tutor is fixed, and only the tutor can have it. Since you become a tutor, students should respect the tutor. If you don't respect the teacher for no reason, you can enter the black house and be detained for half a month,. Isn't it? "

Lin Feng turned to look at Xiaobai and asked again.

"Lin Dasheng, don't go too far. We all know what happened that day. You robbed my daughter's quiet grass!"

"So, is it too much for Yun Luoying to frame me, hide the real information and let me take a risk alone against the great King Kong ape of xianpin?" Zhao Qingluo stood up and waved his hand. A ball appeared in Zhao Qingluo's hand. Zhao Qingluo opened the ball.

"Inside, it was the dialogue between Yun Luoying and those disciples in the valley. Both the dialogue and the figure were very clear."

Zhao Qingluo stood in front, looked at Yun Luoying and said, "in Qingshan academy, according to the rules of Qingshan academy, if you frame your classmates, you will be expelled from the school." Zhao Qingluo's voice was cold. Looking at Yun Luoying, he sneered and said.

"So what? My mother is the vice president of Danyuan. What do you want?"

Yun Luoying sneered and said.

"Come back, light fall." Lin Feng has the final say of Zhao. "This is the hospital, which is the mother of cloud family." in this case, this supervisor is not interested. This is my mentor card. I would like to ask the vice president of cloud to take it well. I can get out of Castle Peak academy, but I can say it well, it is easy to send God to God. After all, I am the director of Hongshan Castle college. If vice president Yun wants to invite me back, please come to me! "

With that, Lin Feng waved his hand, turned and walked directly towards the outside.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the whole mind immediately panicked.

Hongshan is an expert of the Immortal Emperor level of Qingshan academy!

As long as Hong Shan says a word, she can decide whether to stay or not. If she leaves Qingshan academy, where will she go!

"Lin Dasheng, stop!" Yunyun shouted.

Lin Feng turned and looked at Yun Yun, sneered and said, "why, vice president Yun is going to apologize and invite me back?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Vice President Yun still thinks I'm going too natural and unrestrained. Alas, speaking of this, I've had a class and I haven't got the contribution promised by the president. It's cheap, vice president Yun! Take it as a gift for vice president Yun! "

"Lin Dasheng, don't go too far!" Yun Yun looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy and terrible face. "It was you who robbed my daughter's Jingcao. As an elder, it was too much to do such a thing. Why do you want to force me to resign?"

As soon as yunyun's head turned and looked at Lin Feng, she immediately wanted to open, sneered and said.

"Yes, I'm Lin Feng. What do you want?" Lin Feng nodded and admitted very frankly, "kill me or eat me, I'm right here, come on!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, yunyun's face became gloomy for a moment, and her whole body was shaking.

"It hurts to talk to a silly woman like you!" Lin Fengxiang smiled and said, "by the way, I've got out of the castle peak academy. Remember what I said and apologize!"

Yunyun stood there and watched Lin Feng leave.

"Brother Lin, wait for me!" Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo immediately followed Lin Feng, and the three walked outside the canteen together.

After seeing this scene, the students who were originally ready to see a good play dispersed one after another, and one by one didn't want to get involved in the storm.

"Mom, this guy is too much. I've been watching Jingcao for more than half a month. As a result, this guy took my things by opportunism. It's too much!"

Yunluoying stood there, looked at yunyun and said, "you must help me deal with that guy!"

"Don't worry!" Yun Yunwei raised his head. "You should go back first. This guy should be responsible for his recklessness." With that, yunyun walked directly out.

"Brother Lin, yunyun has caught up with us!" Zhao Qingluo follows Lin Feng and works deeply.

"It's all right. Let's keep going. Don't worry about that woman. Don't worry. That woman can't turn the sky." Lin Feng waved his hand, sneered and said, "you go back first. I'll go out for a walk. I just need some materials. I'll walk around the mountain city!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Qingluo and Xiaobai shook their heads and said, "no, brother Lin, we're with you!"

"Don't worry, if you go with me, it's easy for this woman to see me. If I go alone, don't worry, this woman will never have a way with me!" Lin Feng waved his hand and whispered, "no matter how bad it is, I still have a flying shuttle. My flying shuttle is an immortal treasure. It can't be used for everyone, but it can be used for Tao escape!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two nodded.

"Go back at ease first. If there's anything, I'll contact you." Lin Feng waved his hand and walked out of Qingshan academy directly.

Zhao Qingluo and Xiaobai looked at each other. Zhao Qingluo stamped his feet and said, "Xiaobai, you pay attention to brother Lin, I'll find my grandfather!"

"Who's your grandfather?" Xiaobai couldn't help muttering and asked.

"Hongshan!" Zhao Qingluo casually replied, and his figure disappeared in front of Xiaobai.

Xiaobai's body trembled. Trembled for a while. That... That was last night

Thinking of what happened last night, Xiaobai's face suddenly drooped. Didn't he sleep with the president's granddaughter last night... That

Xiao Bai farted. Gu fell and sat on the ground. Brother Lin, you killed me!

How could Xiaobai think that the little girl who always follows him will be Hongshan's granddaughter?

Xiaobai here is annoyed. Yunyun directly follows Lin Feng out of Qingshan Academy.

Castle Peak academy is in the mountain city. As soon as we get out of Castle Peak academy, we will arrive at the most lively mountain city center. Lin Feng walked slowly in the street and felt the cloud rhyme coming. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

This woman is really unscrupulous!

No wonder you can teach women like yunluoying!

"Lin Xiangyang, get out quickly. If you don't come out again, your father will become a specimen!" Lin Feng took out the jade plate, hummed and said, "don't hide. I know you're in the mountain city!"

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